


2017/08/06 19:48:45 编辑: 浏览次数:132 移动端


Part 2&3考题总结


An interesting old person

Describe an interesting old person who you know������

You should say:

what this person looks like

what sort of person he or she is

when and where or how you met this person

and explain what is interesting about this person.


Do you often meet old people?

At what age are people considered to be ”old” in China?

What is life like for typical old people in China today?

How would you dine an “old” person?

Compare the lives of old people in China today with those who lived 30 or 50 years ago.

Has life improved for old people during these years, and how?

How do you think old people will be living in the future, say, 20 or 30 years from now?

Describe a music group/band/singer in your country.

You should say:

Which person or band

Who often likes listening to their/his/her songs

What kind of music they/he/she sings

and explain why you admire them/him/her.


What&aposs the difference between listening to CD and going to concerts?

What&aposs the future development of CD players?

Do you like classical music?

Do young people like classical music?

What&aposs the difference between the music young people and old people like?

Are you going to like different music when you grow old?

Something you bought that you were dissatisfied

Describe something that you bought that you were dissatisfied with

You should say:

what the item was

when and where you bought it

why you bought it

and explain why you were not happy with this product


What do young people in your country like to buy?

Which do you think is more important, the cost of a product or the quality of the product?

Why are imported products more expensive than locally-made products?

What do you think of those people who only buy expensive thins and who look down on other people who buy cheap products?

Which do you think is better, buy things online or buying thins in real shops?

Why do you think online shopping has become so popular?

How do people pay for things they buy online?

Describe a means of public transport

You should say:

what it is,

how often you use it,

why you use it

and explain how you can benit from using it.


What are pros and cons of public transport?

Advantages and disadvantages of subways and buses.

What may people be able to do in public transport?

Describe an interesting speech or talk you enjoyed

You should say:

who gave the speech,

what it was about,

what special about the speech,

and explain why the speech impressed you.

Part3 Do you like speeches? Is the talk about children’s education important? Why is it difficult to communicate with kids? Are visual aids necessary when we make the presentation? What are qualities of a lecturer?

Good news from your family

Describe a piece of good news from your family

You should say:

when it happened

what happened

who participated in it

and explain how you felt when heard about it.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of living with the old?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of growing up in a big family?

How do you think about the aging society problems?

What help do parents need to bring up children?

What are the differences between the family parties in China and the western ones?

Who are more important, friends or family?

A birthday celebration

Describe a birthday celebration that you enjoyed

You should say:

whose birthday it was

who was there

what you and other people did

and explain why you enjoyed it.


What are some of the main festivals in your country?

How do people celebrate birthdays in your country?

Are there any differences between birthday celebrations for adults with birthday celebrations for children?

What’s the most important birthday for people in your country?

What do old people do for birthday?

What do young people do for birthday?

Describe a meaningful song

You should say:

what it is,

how you know it,

when you listen to it,

and explain why it is meaningful.

Part3 What sort of music is the most popular in your country?

Are there any changes in the music that people like?

When should children start to learn music?

Is it good and necessary?

Do your parents or older generation in your family like the same music as you?

Describe a decision you regret /a time when you made a wrong decision.

You should say:

what the decision was���

what the situation was

what fect it had

and explain why you think it was the wrong decision.


Do you think decision-making today is different to decision-making in the past?

Which do you think is better, to make decisions quickly or to make decisions slowly?

Do you think it’s a good idea to make decisions when one is feeling strong emotions or is it better to make decisions when one’s emotions are not strong?

What are some typical decisions that families make?

Do you think parents should make decisions for their children?

In your country, do women today have more power to make decisions in the family than bore?

Describe A person who taught you a usul skill (For example, cooking, riding a bike.)

You should say:

who this person is/was

what you learned from the person

how the person taught you this

and explain how this skill is usul to you.


In general how do children learn things?

What are the various influences on children that affect the learning they experience?

How much influence do you think parents have on their children&aposs learning?

Do children learn the same kinds of things in the home as they do at school?

What do you think parents should teach their children?

What skills do you think children should be taught?

Do you think children can learn anything from other children?

Which do you think is better for a child, to learn from television or learn from a teacher or a person face to face?

Describe a toy that was important to you in your childhood.�����

You should say:

when you got this toy

how you got this toy

how often you played with it

what you did with this toy

and explain why it was important to you or why you like it.


What toys are popular with kids in China today?

In general, do children today have many toys?

Some people think that children today have too many toys. What do you think?

Do you think playing with electronic toys has a good influence on kids?

Do you think there are some toys that are only suitable for girls and some that are only suitable for boys?

Which do you think is better, for children to play toys alone or with other kids?

Do you think parents should encourage their children to share their toys with other kids?

Describe a show or performance that you enjoyed watching. (For example, a dance or singing performance).

You should say:

what kind of performance it was

when and where you saw it

who you saw it with

who the performers was(were)

and explain why you attended this performance or how you felt about this performance.


Beside what you said in Part2, what other types of shows or performances are there?

What kinds of performances are most popular in China?

Do you think art forms such as ballet and drama are important in life?

Do you think live theatre is important today?

Do you think art forms such as dance and drama have an impact on people’s everyday lives?

Do you think they should receive financial support from the government?

Do you think the popularity of TV is having an fect on traditional performing arts?

Do you think TV increases the opportunities for people to see traditional performances or does it result in a decrease in the amount of traditional performances that people see?

What do you think about the value of children going to see a play or dramatic performance?

What is the value of children learning to perform, such as learning to act, sing or dance in front of an audience?

Do boys and girls have the same feelings or attitudes about performing or watching an artistic performance?

Do you think learning to dance (or to perform dance) has any benits for children?

Describe a room you spend most of the time in.

You should say:

where the room is

what the room looks like

what you usually do in the room

and explain how you feel about the room.


How does the room of workplace affect people?

Is there anything you want to change about your room?

What are some important furniture or appliances in your room?

The first day

Describe your first day of school/course/job

You should say:

when it happened

where it happened

what happened

and explain how you felt during that day.


Is people’s name important in China?

How to find a job?

Are parents in China willing to allow their children to be independent?

Describe a museum or library that you visited.

You should say:

where it was

what it looked like

what facilities it had

and explain what influence it had on you.


Are there many public museums or libraries in China?

Do people in China prer to read in a library or a home?

What can people read in a library that they can’t read in other places?

Even thought it might cost a lot to maintain a library, do you think every university should have its own library?

Do you think every town and city should have a public library?

With the rapid development of technology today, do you think we still need books in the future?

Describe a book or film about the future you read or watched.

You should say:

what it is

when you read or watched it

what it is about

and explain how you felt about it.


1. Why do some people like books or films about the future?

2. What is the most important development about technology in modern society?

3. With the development of technology, how can you image about the future?

4. What will this test rooms be in the future?

5. Will books or films disappear in the future?����

6. How the government restricts the media?

A film about a real person or event

Describe a film about a real person or event that you have watched

You should say:

when and where you saw this film

what person or event the film was about

what happened in the film

and explain how you felt about this film


For a film to be successful, do you think it needs to have good actors?

Why do some film actors become famous?

Do you think they really deserve this fame?

Which do you prer, films based on real people or events or films that depict fictional people or events?

In what ways do you think a film based on history can be benicial and in what ways can such films be harmful?

Describe an important plant in your country (such as vegetables, flowers, fruits, trees, etc).

You should say:

what the plant is

how you know it

why it is important

and explain how do you like the plant.


Do you think farming is a good job?

Do you think more and more people in the future want to plant fruits for themselves?

Are there more and more people regarding farming as their work today, and why?

Do you think that is a positive trend?

A family photo

Describe a family photo

You should say:

when and where it was taken

why it was taken

who were there in the photo

what did you do then

and explain why you think this photo is impressive.


Do people in your country like taking photos?����

Why people like taking photos?

Where do people usually store their photos?

What photos do people often take?

Do you like to take photos about people or the scenery?

What can people now use to take photos?

What are the differences of photos taken by the camera and your mobile phone?

A class or training session

Describe a class or training session that you enjoyed

You should say:

what the teacher and the students did

when and where you had this class

what you learned in this class or training session

and explain why you enjoyed it.


What do you think are the qualities of a good teacher?

Do you think the usage of science and technology has changed teaching very much?

Which do you think is better, distance education or classroom education?

Do you think distance education might one day replace classroom education?

Electronic product

Describe an electronic product you use in your life

You should say:

what it is

how you use it

what special features it would have

and explain why it is important to you.


What high-tech products do Chinese use now?

What is the influence between now and past?

Have electronic products improved the standards of living?

What are the advantages brought by modern technology to our housework?

What technology is most popular among people now?

Something usul you learned

Describe something usul you learned from a member of your family

You should say:

what is was

who you learned it from

how you learned it

and explain why you think it is usul.


In general, what do parents usually teach their children?

Do you think what children learn in the home is important?

Do parents teach the same things to children of different ages?��

Do you think children learn anything when they play games with their parents?

Do children learn the same sorts of things from their parents as they learn from their friends?

Do you think strict parents are good for children?

Your favorite book

Describe your favorite book which you want to recommend to your friends.

You should say:

when you read it

what it is about

who recommend you this book

and explain why you want to recommend it to your friends.


Do people in your country like to read books?

What kinds of books are most popular in your country?

Do you think reading is important?

Do you think paper books will eventually be replaced by electronic books?

Some people like to collect books. Why do you think they do that?

Do you think compulsory reading in school is a good idea?

A plan not related to work or study

Describe a plan you have for the future but not related to work or study

You should say:

what it is

why you have this plan

what the first step in your plan is

what you will need to do in order to make the plan work

and explain how you think you will feel after you achieve this


Do you think it’s important for a person to have a career plan?

How do most people plan their future education and their future career?

Do you think it’s important to include the factor of one’s salary in a career plan?

Do you think planning is important?

What kinds of personal plans should people make for themselves?

In general, how do people make plans?

For a person with children, what influence does this have on their personal plans for the future?

A character

Describe a character in a TV program or in a film you know

You should say:

who the character was

when you know it

what the character looked like

what the character did in the TV program or film

and explain what influence this character had on you.


What influence will characters in a TV program or in a film have on young people?

What kind of program or film is popular in China, and why?

What will be the trend of TV program in future?

What influence will the media violence have on children?

Your ideal house

Describe the ideal flat or house that you would like to live in.

You should say:

where it would be

what type of house it would be

how you would decorate it

who you would like to live with

and explain why you would like to live in this kind of home�����


In your country, what type of home do most people live in?

How are traditional houses different from modern houses?

How are the lifestyles different between the big cities and the countryside?

Do people from the big cities look down upon rural people?

In the future, do you think rural areas will become more attractive as places for people to live in?

What’s the difference between houses now and in the past? What about in the future?

What are the benits and drawbacks to live in flats?

Why are the housing prices so high in China?

Do you think the quality of life in the countryside is higher than in the city?

How to help people live in the suburbs have the same quality life as city people?

An item of clothing or jewelry

Describe and item of clothing or jewelry that you wear on special occasions

You should say:

what this clothing or jewelry looks like

where you bought it

on what special occasions you wear it

and explain why you wear it on special occasions


Do Chinese people spend much money on clothes?

Do you think different lifestyles are rlected in the different types of clothes people wear?

Compare formal clothes and casual or informal clothes.

In China, what are some occasions when people wear formal clothes?

Do you think people today wear formal clothes more often than they used to?

What changes do you think will take place in the clothes manufacturing industry over the next few decades?

A day off

Describe a day off you want to enjoy

You should say:

where you will go

what you will do

who you will spend the day with

and explain how you think you would feel at the end of this day.


Why do people need holidays?

What are the benits for companies to give holidays to their employees?

Do you like long holidays or short holidays?

What are the differences between men and women in what they do on holidays?

Do you feel more relaxed during short holidays or long holidays?

An important city

Describe an important city in your country.

You should say:

where the city is

what people do there

whether you visited bore

and explain why you think the city is important.


Which do you think is the better place to live, a city or a village in the countryside?

What problems are there from living in a city and living in a village in the countryside?

Are the educational facilities in the countryside as good as those in the cities?

Are there any differences between people who live in cities and people who live in rural areas?

Why do so many people want to live in cities?

Is tourism an important industry in China?

How can people benit from visiting new places?

When many people visit a particular place, what fects can that have on this place?

A difficult thing

Describe a difficult thing you did well.

You should say:

when you did it

what you did

what preparations you made for it

and explain what you felt and learned after doing it.


What is the common ambition of Chinese young men?

Is it good for a young man to be ambitious, and why?

Is it good for a young man to be overly ambitious?

Will you choose to be an ambitious man or not?


Describe a gift you gave to someone.

You should say:

what the gift was

who you gave it to

why you gave it

and explain whether this person liked the gift or not.


Why are people giving more and more expensive gifts?

Do you like giving gifts or receiving gifts?

On what occasions do Chinese people give gifts?

How do you choose presents for others if you don’t know what they like? Is it difficult to buy the right present?

Is it good to give money or presents?

How do you think about buying gifts online?

Why should we give different gifts to different people?

What gift do you want to receive?

How do you think about people giving money to charity organization?

Do you think parents are buying too many things for their children?

A past family member

Describe a past family member who led a interesting life

You should say:

who the person was

what kind of person he or she was

what you and this person usually did together

and explain why you think the person led an interesting life.


Is family history important to people?

How do people know the history of their families?

Are people interested in the history of their living places, and why?

An advertisement

Describe an advertisement that made you want to buy the product. ��

You should say:

what is advertised

what is the contents of this advertisement

what is the function of this advertisement

and explain why you think this advertisement works well.


What advertisements do you like the most?

Do advertisements influence you about what brand you buy?

Do you think over-weighted or not good looking people might feel sad when they see only beautiful people are in ads?

What kind of media is more favored by advertising companies?

Will you be bothered by the posters on buildings?

TV program

Describe a TV program you enjoy.

You should say:

what the TV program is

where you watch it

when you watch it

who you usually watch it with

and explain why you think it is interesting.


What sorts of TV programs are most popular in your country?

Do you think foreign television programs can ever harm the local culture of a country?

Do you think the government should restrict the number of foreign TV program that are shown in your country?����

How do you think television will change in the future?

Do you think television will be more popular in the future than it is now, or less popular?

Do you think television could be used for education?

Why do you think so many children like watching TV?

An exciting experience

Describe an exciting experience you had

You should say:

what it was

when and where you had it

who with you was

and explain why this experience was exciting for you.


Do you like extreme activity?

Is life people live now dangerous? What about bore?

Are there more exciting experiences in the city than in the countryside?

Is the opportunity for a child in the countryside to have an exciting experience the same as a child in the city?

Why do some people like bungee jumping?

Something expensive you would buy

Describe something expensive you would buy if you had a lot of money.

You should say:

what it is

what it looks like

how much it costs

what you do with it

and explain why you want to buy this.


What do young people want to buy?

What possessions do young people want to have?

What do young people consider to be stylish or fashionable?

What do you think would be the adverse fects if parents bought a lot of things for their child?

What do you think would be the adverse fects if parents always bought whatever their children wanted?



在雅思口语Part 1和Part 3的考题中有很多客观问题,而这些客观问题的询问对象往往范围都比较宽泛,最常见的就是people in your country, Chinese people, young people in China等。很多同学习惯不假思索的回答yes or no, 但往往这样的答案会被认为是主观片面的,缺乏科学依据。比如Do people in your country like using mobile phones? 大部分同学的答案是Yes, they all like using mobile phones. They usually use mobile phones to make phone calls, text messages, surf on the internet and so on. 这样回答的同学往往忽视了一件事,就是中国这么大,你怎么知道所有人都喜欢用手机呢?如果没有做过调查,你就不能判定说所有的中国人都爱用手机。西方人说话写作都讲求依据,所以毫无依据的臆想是不会得高分的。所以,同学们不妨试试以下一种思路。

Sample answer:

Well, it varies. It depends on the age of people we are talking about here. I guess most young guys in urban area like using mobiles and I have my grounds to say so. People around me all use their mobiles every day for various uses, like work or social, etc. However, the aged people in China, in contrast, look like showing no particular interest in mobiles. I mean, they use mobiles much less than young guys do, and they use mobiles for nothing but making phone calls which can also be done by fixed lines. So, that’s why I would say it varies.



整个7月一直在重复5月份改话题以来的高频话题,一些改后的新题的出现次数也逐渐增多,如a shopping street/mall, a means of public transport, an interesting speech, your ideal working or studying environment, a rule in your school等。这些比较抽象的话题给考生带来了不小的麻烦。但考生只要谨记,所有抽象的题目都可以把它具体化。也就是说,最简单最通俗的办法就是拿生活中的例子来讲,从而使你的talk更 加真实、具体。比如,大众交通工具的题目就结合自身出门常用的工具而非一味的描述交通工具本身;购物街道或商场就结合自己的购物喜好和习惯来带出对街道和 商场的地点描述而不是以第三人的角度来客观介绍这条街道的概况;学校的规则则可以结合自己或同学的亲身经历来描述这项规则是好是坏等等。总之,能结合自身 的谈话都是考官乐于听到的,因为它更加真实更加具体,也更能吸引人。把握住这个原则,无论你在考场中遇到旧题还是新题,都能容易的找到突破口,顺利答题。


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