


2017/08/06 19:45:54 编辑: 浏览次数:60 移动端


Part 2&3考题总结



Describe a famous person from your �country.

Who this person is

How you know about this person

What type of work he/she does

And explain how he/ she made an �impression on your society.

Part 3

What types of people become famous in �your country?

What qualities do most famous people have �in common?

Do you think famous people have much �influence on young people?

Do you think any famous historical �figures can serve as models for young people today?

Describe an interesting person you �recently met.

You should say:

Who this person is

What he or she looks like

Where you met this person

Who you mentioned this person to

Why you think he or she is interesting

Part 3

What do you think are the most important �characters of a friend?

Do you think there is a real friendship �between a man and a woman?

What are the popular ways of making �friends?

Do you think the first impression is very �important?

Describe a good parent you know

You should say

Who the parent is

How you know the parent

What the parent looks like

Why you think the parent is good

Part 3

How do parents take care of their kids in �China?

Are kids free in China?

Do you think who is good at taking care �of kids, father or mother?

What is the most valuable thing that �parents give to their kids?

How do you think about the relationship �between the parents and children?

Should parents be strict with the kids?

What can parents teach their kids?

Describe a person who taught you a usul �skill. (for example, cooking, riding a bike)

You should say

Who this person is

What you learnt from the person

How the person taught you this

How this skill is usul to you

Part 3

In general, how do children learn things?

What are the various influences on �children that affect the learning they experience?

Do children learn the same things in the �home as they do at school?

What do you think parents should teach �their children?

What skills do you think children should �be taught?

Do you think children can learn any thing �from other children?

Which do you think is better for a child, �to learn from television or learn from a teacher or a person?

Describe an interesting old person you �respect

You should say

Who this person is

How old he or she is

How you know this person

What kind of person he or she is

Part 3

Do you think it’s good for old people to �retire after 65?

What do you think old people can learn �from the young?

What are the other places in the society �where old people could be take care of?

How do you think the government should �deal with the aging problems in China?

Describe a famous person

You should say:

Who? What does s/he do?

How you get to know about him/her?

And explain what you think of him/her


--is there too much violence in movies/ �TV programs?

--will these famous people still be �famous in the future?

--why do people like famous people?

--what qualities do famous people have to �attract people?

--how can someone become famous

Describe a person who visited your home

Describe a historical person

Describe a person who you want to spend �most of your time with

Describe a most important person affects �you in your family

Part 3

How parents take care of children in �family?

Costs about caring them

Do young people value their parents?

Describe a friend you know at younger age

Who the person is

How you became close

How you think of this person

Describe a person who has an important �job

What are the differences between the jobs �chosen by men and women

Describe a teacher you want to see again.

Describe a person who is a good student �you can study with.

Describe a child.

Describe a person whom you live / have �lived with for a long time. You should say:

Who the person is?

How long you have been living together?

What are the usual things that you do �together?

Describe a friend

Have you ever lived with strangers?

Are there any difference between the friendship �among boys and girls?

Describe a person who is good at cooking

Describe a person who helped you on an �important occasion

Who the person is.

What was the situation.

How he/she helped you.

What are the advantages and disadvantages �of a strong family relationship?


Describe a piece of clothes that you wore �at a special occasion

What it looked like

What occasion you wore it at

Why you would wore it

Explain how you felt about it.

Describe a rule in school you agree or �disagree

You should say

What the rule is

Why the rule is needed

How the rule is enforced

Why you agree or disagree the rule

Part 3

Do you think the rule is important? Why?

Is the rule suitable for all students?

What rules are there in your school?

How do people obey the rules?

Should pupils be involved in making �rules?

What rules are there people should obey �in the society?

Are rules different between in primary �school and secondary school?

Describe a subject you didn’t enjoy in �high school

What subject it was

Who taught you this subject

How long you had learnt this subject

Explain why you didn’t enjoy it


What do you think teachers could do to �help students who are having difficulty with a subject?

Which subjects do you think should be, or �should not be taught in high school?

How has education in your country changed �in the past few years?

Describe an advertisement that made you �buy something.

What kind of advertisement it was

When and where you saw this advertisement

What product it advertised

What the advertisement said

Why you decided to buy that product

Part 3

What are the different ways that products �and services are advertised?

Is there more advertising on newspapers �than on TV?

What’s the most frequently used method of �advertising? Why?

Which do you think is the most fective �of them?

What products do you think are most �suitable to be advertised?

Do you think the number of advisements �will increase in the future?

D you think there should be some controls �placed on the advertising industry?

What kinds of advertisements do you think �are the most fective?

What impact on people does music in �advertisements have?

Doo you think children are influenced �very much by advertisements?

What fects do advertisements have on �young children?

What visual fects do you think make advertisements �most fective?

Describe a job you would do in the future

What job it would be

What you would do in that job

How you can get the job

Why you would like to do that job


What careers are popular with young �people in your country?

Do you think there’s any difference �between males and females when it comes to choosing a future career?

What factors do males men consider and �what factors do females consider when they are making this choice?

Do you think money is the most important �factor to consider?

Do you think parents should let their �children make their own choices about a future career or should the parents �make this choice?

Are there any other ways in which young �people can get some guidance on what career to choose?


Describe a special thing you want to buy �in the future

Will the special thing help you in your �study?

Do you like to go shopping?

What are the fective ways of �advertising?

Why do you like shopping?

Where do you usually go shopping?

How often do you go shopping?

What are the advantages and disadvantages �of modern ways of shopping?

Are there any differences between the old �and modern ways of shopping?

Describe something( a TV program or a �film ) that made you laugh a lot

What it was

When it happened

Who was with you

Why you laughed

Part 3

What makes people laugh in your country?

Is comedy very popular in your country?

Are comedy TV shows very popular in your �country?

What do you think are the differences �between seeing comedy on TV and reading funny materials in a book?

Would you like to appear in a TV comedy �program?

Is comedy used much in advertisements in �your county?

Do you think funny advertisements on RV �are fective?

What do you think are the benits of �laughter?

Do you think there are differences �between what males and females think is humorous?

Why do you think some people find �something funny that others think isn’t funny?

Describe a TV program you like to watch

What type of program it is

When you watch it

Why you watch it

What you learn from this program

Part 3

Do you watch a lot of TV?

Why do people watch TV?

What are the fects of watching too much �TV?

What types of television programs are �popular in your country?

What do you think are the good points and �the bad points about TV?

What has satellite TV brought to our �lives?

What are the fects of televisions on �family life?

What are the fects of televisions on �people at different ages?

Are there any differences between �interviewing online and meeting people face to face?

Do you talk about the TV programme with �other people?

Do you think the programme will be �changed in the future?

How does the programme influence people?

Is it educational?

Is it fair for those TV stars to be paid �huge salaries?

What kind of program do you like?

Are there many political programmes in �China?

How do they influence people?

Describe a usul electronic equipment �you bought for your home (not a computer or TV)

Part 3:

1. Which equipment do you think is the �most popular in china?

2. What do you think of the �advantages/harms of those advanced equipments?

Describe a photo you like

Describe a type of clothes you usually �like to wear

Describe a book recommended by your �friends

Describe a childhood story you heard

Part 3: Do parents read stories to their �children in China?

In China, what kind of stories do �children read or do their parents tell them? (Love stories?)

Compare the difference of children's �stories today and children's stories in the past. In China, what kinds of TV �programs do children like? Do you think that children can distinguish between �good and bad TV programs?

Describe something usul /a usul skill �you learned from your others

Describe a radio program

Describe something you can't live without �it

You should say: what it is, how long you �had it, what it is used for and explain why you can't live without it

Describe a statue or artwork you have �ever seen bore

Describe a subject you don't like in your �secondary or high school

Describe a book

Describe a book you read in your �childhood.

Describe a equipment(except computer)

When did you buy it?

What do you use it for?

How do you feel about it?

Describe a movie

How many types of films are there in �China?

What are the mainstream films?

Are there any differences between �watching films in a cinema and at home?

Do you prer original films with �subtitles or dubbed films?

What kind of films are worth watching in �the cinema.

Describe an article you read in a �magazine/newspaper.


Describe a time when you moved into a new �house or new school

When you moved into it

Why you moved

What it looked like

Explain how you felt about this new place

Part 3

Why do people move to a new house?

How do people get along with their �neighbors?

What are the advantages and disadvantages �of moving to a new place?

What are the reasons why students move to �a new school and what is the possible influence?

Describe a street where you like to go �shopping

Where it is

What you buy there

How often you go there

Why you like go to the street for �shopping

Part 3

Do you like going shopping?

Why do some people like shopping and �others not like it?

Have you ever bought anything online?

What are the advantages and disadvantages �of shopping online?

What do you think about online shopping?

Do people in China like to buy things on �the internet?

Do you think online shopping will become �more popular in the future?

Do you think online shopping will replace �the current ways we buy things?

What are the difference shopping center �and shopping street?

Compare big shops such as supermarkets �&department stores with small shops

How do you think about 24-hour shop?

Describe a café you often you go to

Differences between cafes and restaurants

Where do people usually go to when they �have a get-together? Why

Do students often go to cafes?

Describe a library

Where is the library?

Is it a campus or public one?

Which parts of the library do you like �and dislike?

Should children go to public libraries? �How about the elderly?

Does the government have the �responsibility to construct public libraries?

Is it important to learn how to use a �library?

Describe a crowded place

Do people like crowed place? Why?

How event will be successful?

What kind of crowded place do Chinese �like going?

Why do people like going to some crowded �places like concerts?

Describe a place where you have worked or �studied.

Where this place was

What this place looked like

What you did there

Why you chose to study or work at this �place

What city do you work/study in?

Why did you choose to work/study in this �city?

Do you think people are working longer hours �today than they did in the past?

Describe a place where it is noisy.

Where is this place?

Why it is so noisy?

How do you feel about this place?

Historical place

Why do people go to historical places?

Which is your country’s most famous �historical place?

Should people pay entrance fees to �historical places?

Could you tell me about a famous �historical place that you have visited?

What place it was?

Where it is located?

What about that place interests you the �most?

Do you agree that people must pay to visit �these historical places and museums?

Do you think TV is a good medium to learn �about the history of any place?

Do you think parents should teach their �children about history?

Do you think history should be taught at �school?

Do you think people are keen on visiting �historical places?

Describe a seaside place you want to �visit

How to save water?

Does the urban area consume more water �than the rural area?

Does china face the problem of water �scarcity?

Describe your ideal house

When was it built?

Should the government invest in �maintaining the historical places?

Should government invest in creating more �employment?

What kind of housing do most Chinese �people live in?

Where is the housing?

What are the differences between the �architectural styles in the different areas in China?

Should a company design its own �buildings?

Describe a room occupied by your friend

Describe a polluted place.

Describe a peacul place. (How often do �you go there? What do you do there? Explain why you like it.

Describe a historical building.

Describe a modern building.

Would you compare modern buildings and �old buildings?

Do you like high buildings?


Describe a successful family business you �know.

What business it is

How you know it

What kinds of customers it targets on

Explain why you think it is successful

Part 3

Do you think it is easy to start a �company by oneself?

Which do you think a successful company �relies on more, the team or individual?

What types of people do you think are �more suitable for big companies?

Will you go to work in a family business?

Describe an interesting conversation you �had with a stranger.

Who the stranger was

When you talked to him/her

What you talked about

Explain why you think the conversation �was interesting

Describe an important decision you took a �long time to make

What decision it was

What difficulties you faced in making �this decision

How you made the decision

Explain why it took you so long to make �this decision

Describe a recent event that made you �feel happy

What the event was

When and where it happened

Who participated in this event

What you saw or did

Why this event was so enjoyable

Part 3

What are some things that make you happy?

Do you think artistic activities can make �people happy?

Do you think people who have more talent �are happier than others?

Do you think money makes people happy?

Are the things that make people happy �today the same as several decades ago?

Why do people feel happy when they are �with members of their family?

Describe a trip you took by public �transport

When and where you went

Why you took the trip

What you did and saw on the trip

How you felt about the trip

Part 3

Why do some people prer driving their �cars to taking public transport?

Is it true that driving cars means a �higher status?

Should government take measures to limit �cars?

Do Chinese people like to travel �overseas?

How does international travel influence �the economy of countries?

After someone returns from traveling �overseas, what fects can they have on their home country?

Describe a way to keep healthy

You should say: What it is; how you know �it; why you think it is a good way to stay healthy.

Part 3: questions about healthy �lifestyles and diet.

What physical exercises do Chinese people �do?

How should people to deal with work �pressure?

Describe a party you want to hold for �your friends recently

Describe a special meal/a food

You should say: who you would invite/ �where you would eat this meal

what you would eat and explain why you �would choose to eat this food.

Part 3

Diet1. Do you like cooking? (Why?/Why �not?)

2. What kinds of food do Chinese people �like to eat?

3. Would you say that eating a healthy �diet is important? (Why?)

4. Describe what you think is a healthy �diet.

5. Are there many vegetarians in China?

6. Why do you think some people choose to �be vegetarians?

Describe a future plan

Describe An Important Message you �received by phone, email or text

Describe a letter you have received

Part 3 questions about volunteers

Describe an outdoor picnic/activity you �enjoyed

Describe an occasion when someone visited �your home

Describe a job you want to do in the �future

Part 3 what kind of guidance for career �should parents provide to their kids?

What kind of skills should the school �provide to students?

What kind of jobs are popular in china?

Describe a time when someone taught you �something

Part 3 do you think young people should �focus on doing one thing or many other things?

Who is more influential to children, mother �or father/

Who can teach you more things, teachers �or families?

What can you learn from school?

Describe your favourite weather/

a season/ time you enjoy

You should say:

what sort of bad weather it was/ when it �happened /where you were when it happened and explain how it affected you.

Describe a decision you made

Describe a sport event you have watched �on TV or enjoy doing.

You should say: what it is /what happens �at this event and explain why you would like this sports event.

Describe a competition you took part in/ �you want to take part in

Describe a family business

Part 3

1. What are the advantages and �disadvantages of having family members as workers in the company?

2. What are the reasons for the failures �in small business at the first year?

Describe a group activity

Describe a club or organization you took �part in

Stages in life

Describe a story that someone told you �when you were a child

Who told you the story

When and where someone told you the story

What the story was

Why you still remember the story

What are the difference between the �adults and children’s understanding of a story?

What are the fects of stories to �children?

Describe an important conversation you �had in the past.

What was the situation?

Who did you talk to?

Why is it important to you?

Describe a stage of life you enjoyed

When was it?

Who did you live with?

What did you do?

Why do you think the stage is important �or enjoyable?

When does a child become an adult?

What cannot you do when you become an �adult?

Do you think the law is reasonable?

If you want to make changes, when is the �timing?

Describe a happy event in your childhood

Describe a family event.

Would it be a shame to forget tradition?

Is it good for companies to hire elderly �people?

What role do elderly people play at home?

Do young people change their attitude �towards the elderly now?


Describe a science class

When did you attend it?

What was it about?

What do you think of distance learning?

What do you think of home studying?

What should the parents do to help their �children if they choose home teaching?

Do your parents help you when you study �at home?

Do you think studying at home is a good �way to acquire knowledge for adults?

Do you think studying at home is becoming �more popular? Why?

What is your favorite subject?

Should youngsters learn science? Why?

Do you think boys can learn science �better?

When should students learn science?

Should students learn history?

How do we acquire the knowledge of �history nowadays?

What’s the point of acquiring the �knowledge of history?

Films with historical themes are very �popular now. What do you think about them?

Should history films retell authentic �stories or should the stories be dramatized?

How do the dramatized stories affect �children?

Language learning

Describe something usul for your �English learning.

How do you learn a new language?

Who do you learn with?

Is learning a second language important?

Will the learning of a new language �change your understanding of local culture?

In your opinion, which languages will �become more popular in the future?

What are the benits of learning a �foreign language?

Are there any differences between the way �the young and the elderly learn a language?

Educational trip

Can students benit from educational �visits?

Should schools organize the visits?

What’s your suggestion?

What roles do parents play in a family?


Do people live healthy life styles in �China?

Are people healthier now than bore?

Are PE lessons necessary for students?


Describe a piece of advice

What kind of advice do you usually �follow?

Who usually give advice?

Where does the advice lead you?

How to make young people follow wise �advice?

Nowadays, do the elderly give advice to �children or vice versa?

Is it important to give young people �advice?

Who often give advice in your community?

Is old people’s advice more important �than young people’s?


How do you and children learn history?

Describe a local history.

A conversation

What did you talk about?

Whom did you talk with?

Describe the different way of talking �between man and woman.

Describe the quality of speaker.

Describe the relevant of two speakers.

A success

How do you make a success?

How should we dine success?

Is result more important than process �when you pursue success?

Does success lead to stress?

A speech

Why do people feel nervous when �delivering a speech?

Who should give speeches to children?

Describe an important conversation you �had.

Are there any communication differences �between males and females?

Do you think communication skills are �important?


Tell me about an experience of helping �someone

Do you often help people?

Do you think people are less willing to �help others? Is it good?

How should parents encourage their kids �to help others?

Do people usually do volunteer work in �China?

What do you think of the volunteer work �in China?

Describe a sound in nature.


Describe what you wore on a special �occasion

What it was

Where you bought it

Whether people thought it was good or not

Do you still keep it now?

On what occasions do people wear informal �or formal clothes?

Do you think you can judge people’s �character by what they wear? How?

Describe something special you would like �to buy in the future.

Describe an electric appliance.

Describe a photo.

Describe something you made by yourself.

Describe an important (post)cards or letter you received.

Describe a school you went at childhood.

Do you like wearing watches?

What do you feel when you are late?


Sports event

How do sports benit children?

How do competitive sports benit �children?

What sports can be done inside a �classroom?

Describe a kind of extreme sports.

Describe an exciting sport.

Describe a dangerous sport.

Season & Weather

What’s your favorite season?

Why do you like this season?

What do you usually do in this season?

What jobs are seasonal?

Who takes seasonal jobs?

How does bad weather affect people’s �work?

What should companies provide for its �employees who work in bad weather?

How does climatic season affect the local �community?

How does climatic season affect the local �economy?

What are the occupations where people �have to work in bad weather?

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