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Part �2&3考题总结


Describe a place you have been to for study �or work /where you would like to study or work

Describe a place where you have worked or studied.

Where this place was

What this place looked like

What you did there

Why you chose to study or work at this place

What city do you work/study in?

Why did you choose to work/study in this city?

Do you think people are working longer hours �today than they did in the past?

Describe a person who you want to spend most �of your time with

Describe a famous person from your country.

Who this person is

How you know about this person

What type of work he/she does

And explain how he/ she made an impression on �your society.

Part 3

What types of people become famous in your country?

What qualities do most famous people have in �common?

Do you think famous people have much influence �on young people?

Do you think any famous historical figures can �serve as models for young people today?

Describe a music group/band/singer in your country.

You should say:

Which person or band

Who often likes listening to their/his/her songs

What kind of music they/he/she sings��

and explain why you admire them/him/her.


What's the difference between listening to CD �and going to concerts?

What's the future development of CD players?

Do you like classical music?

Do young people like classical music?

What's the difference between the music young �people and old people like?

Are you going to like different music when you �grow old?

Describe a decision you regret /a time when �you made a wrong decision.

You should say:

what the decision was

what the situation was

what fect it had

and explain why you think it was the wrong decision.


Do you think decision-making today is different �to decision-making in the past?

Which do you think is better, to make decisions �quickly or to make decisions slowly?

Do you think it’s a good idea to make decisions �when one is feeling strong emotions or is it better to make decisions when one’s �emotions are not strong?

What are some typical decisions that families �make?

Do you think parents should make decisions for �their children?

In your country, do women today have more power �to make decisions in the family than bore?

Describe a job you would do in the future

What job it would be

What you would do in that job

How you can get the job

Why you would like to do that job


What careers are popular with young people in �your country?

Do you think there’s any difference between �males and females when it comes to choosing a future career?

What factors do males men consider and what �factors do females consider when they are making this choice?

Do you think money is the most important factor �to consider?

Do you think parents should let their children �make their own choices about a future career or should the parents make this choice?

Are there any other ways in which young people �can get some guidance on what career to choose?

Describe a sport event you have watched on TV �or enjoy doing .

You should say: what it is /what happens at �this event and explain why you would like this sports event.

Describe a subject you didn’t enjoy in high �school

What subject it was

Who taught you this subject

How long you had learnt this subject

Explain why you didn’t enjoy it


What do you think teachers could do to help �students who are having difficulty with a subject?

Which subjects do you think should be, or should �not be taught in high school?

How has education in your country changed in �the past few years?

Describe a childhood story you heard

Part 3: Do parents read stories to their children �in China?

In China, what kind of stories do children read �or do their parents tell them? (Love stories?)

Compare the difference of children's stories �today and children's stories in the past. In China, what kinds of TV programs �do children like? Do you think that children can distinguish between good and �bad TV programs?

Describe a shopping street

An item of �clothing or jewelry

Describe and �item of clothing or jewelry that you wear on special occasions

You should �say:

what this clothing �or jewelry looks like

where you bought �it

on what special �occasions you wear it

and explain �why you wear it on special occasions


Do Chinese �people spend much money on clothes?

Do you think �different lifestyles are rlected in the different types of clothes people wear?

Compare formal �clothes and casual or informal clothes.

In China, what �are some occasions when people wear formal clothes?

Do you think �people today wear formal clothes more often than they used to?

What changes �do you think will take place in the clothes manufacturing industry over the next �few decades?

Describe a person who taught you a usul skill

You should say:

Who this person is

What skill he/she taught you

Why he/she taught you

And explain how you felt about learning from �him/her.

Describe an interesting old person you respect

You should say

Who this person is

How old he or she is

How you know this person

What kind of person he or she is

Part 3

Do you think it’s good for old people to retire �after 65?

What do you think old people can learn from �the young?

What are the other places in the society where �old people could be take care of?

How do you think the government should deal �with the aging problems in China?

Describe an interesting person you recently �met.

You should say:

Who this person is

What he or she looks like

Where you met this person

Who you mentioned this person to

Why you think he or she is interesting

Part 3

What do you think are the most important characters �of a friend?

Do you think there is a real friendship between �a man and a woman?

What are the popular ways of making friends?

Do you think the first impression is very important?

Describe a trip by public transport


Talk about your local public transport.

How to encourage public transport?

What is the advantage of public �transport?

why people tend to drive private �cars to somewhere in a short distance?

TV program

Describe a �TV program you enjoy.

You should �say:

what the TV �program is

where you watch �it

when you watch �it

who you usually �watch it with

and explain �why you think it is interesting.


What sorts �of TV programs are most popular in your country?

Do you think �foreign television programs can ever harm the local culture of a country?

Do you think �the government should restrict the number of foreign TV program that are shown �in your country?

How do you �think television will change in the future?

Do you think �television will be more popular in the future than it is now, or less popular?

Do you think �television could be used for education?

Why do you �think so many children like watching TV?

Describe a famous person from your country.

Who this person is

How you know about this person

What type of work he/she does

And explain how he/ she made an impression on �your society.

Part 3

What types of people become famous in your country?

What qualities do most famous people have in �common?

Do you think famous people have much influence �on young people?

Do you think any famous historical figures can �serve as models for young people today?

Describe a person who you want to spend most �of your time with

Describe your experience of moving or transferring �school.

Describe �a usul website that you like to visit.

You should �say:

what the �website helps you to do

what the �contents of the website are (or, were)

how often �you go to this website

and explain �how(or, why) this website helps you.

Part 3

Compared �to several decades ago, do you think the internet has changed people’s lives?

What impact �has the internet had on modern people’s lives?

What are �the pros and cons of children using the internet?

How do you �think children could be encouraged to (or, taught to) use the internet in positive �ways?

Do you think �online education is good?

Do you think �the internet (or, computers) will ever replace teachers?

In what ways �is the internet used for entertainment?

Do different �age groups use it for entertainment in different ways?

Describe al history event.

Describe an exercise that makes you happy.

Describe a way to keep healthy

You should say: What it is; how you know it; �why you think it is a good way to stay healthy.

Part 3: questions about healthy lifestyles and �diet.

What physical exercises do Chinese people do?

How should people to deal with work pressure?

Describe a seaside place you want to visit

How to save water?

Does the urban area consume more water than �the rural area?

Does china face the problem of water scarcity?

Language learning

Describe something usul for your English learning.

How do you learn a new language?

Who do you learn with?

Is learning a second language important?

Will the learning of a new language change your �understanding of local culture?

In your opinion, which languages will become �more popular in the future?

What are the benits of learning a foreign �language?

Are there any differences between the way the �young and the elderly learn a language?

Describe an interesting conversation you made �with someone.

Describe a tourist attraction that you enjoyed �visiting.

Describe a recent event that made you feel happy

What the event was

When and where it happened

Who participated in this event

What you saw or did

Why this event was so enjoyable

Part 3

What are some things that make you happy?

Do you think artistic activities can make people �happy?

Do you think people who have more talent are �happier than others?

Do you think money makes people happy?

Are the things that make people happy today �the same as several decades ago?

Why do people feel happy when they are with �members of their family?

our favorite book

Describe your favorite book which you want to �recommend to your friends.

You should say:

when you read it

what it is about

who recommend you this book

and explain why you want to recommend it to �your friends.


Do people in your country like to read books?

What kinds of books are most popular in your �country?

Do you think reading is important?

Do you think paper books will eventually be �replaced by electronic books?

Some people like to collect books. Why do you �think they do that?

Do you think compulsory reading in school is �a good idea?

Describe a �interesting country (not your own) you like

Describe a special meal/a food

You should say: who you would invite/ where �you would eat this meal

what you would eat and explain why you would �choose to eat this food.

Part 3

Diet1. Do you like cooking? (Why?/Why not?)

2. What kinds of food do Chinese people like �to eat?

3. Would you say that eating a healthy diet �is important? (Why?)

4. Describe what you think is a healthy diet.

5. Are there many vegetarians in China?

6. Why do you think some people choose to be �vegetarians?

Describe a successful family business you know.

What business it is

How you know it

What kinds of customers it targets on

Explain why you think it is successful

Part 3

Do you think it is easy to start a company by �oneself?

Which do you think a successful company relies �on more, the team or individual?

What types of people do you think are more suitable �for big companies?

Will you go to work in a family business?

Describe a letter you have received

Part 3 questions about volunteers

Describe a competition you took part in/ you �want to take part in

Describe a science class

When did you attend it?

What was it about?

What do you think of distance learning?

What do you think of home studying?

What should the parents do to help their children �if they choose home teaching?

Do your parents help you when you study at home?

Do you think studying at home is a good way �to acquire knowledge for adults?

Do you think studying at home is becoming more �popular? Why?

What is your favorite subject?

Should youngsters learn science? Why?

Do you think boys can learn science better?

When should students learn science?

Should students learn history?

How do we acquire the knowledge of history nowadays?

What’s the point of acquiring the knowledge �of history?

Films with historical themes are very popular �now. What do you think about them?

Should history films retell authentic stories �or should the stories be dramatized?

How do the dramatized stories affect children?

Describe a future plan

Describe a rule in your school


Are there any different rules in school and workplace?

What will happen if students should �make for their own rules about dressing?

Describe an important decision you took a long �time to make

What decision it was

What difficulties you faced in making this decision

How you made the decision

Explain why it took you so long to make this �decision

Describe an interesting conversation you had �with a stranger.

Who the stranger was

When you talked to him/her

What you talked about

Explain why you think the conversation was interesting

Describe a stranger that helped you recently.


雅思口语喜欢考植物类的话题,考过flower, 现在还出现了tree的题目。和flower的题目相比,tree的难度明显要大一些。因为考生对tree的名字,象征性都会相对不熟悉一点。下文就为大家整理了一些树木的词汇,还有树木的象征意义。

eucalyptus /gum tree桉树;

African baobab非洲猴面包树;






banana tree香蕉树;

pear tree梨树;

apple tree苹果树;

fig tree无花果树;

chestnut tree栗树;

laurel tree月桂树;








综合2013年的雅思口语考试来看,Part 1明显缩减了题目的考察范围,很多考生们耳熟能详的题目的出现频率不断下降,比如说经典的music, �photograph, transportation等等。但实际上,这些经典并未退隐,而是以一种更加具体的姿态,继续在考试中活跃着,比如说“照片”话题,就以“摄影师(photographer)”的形式出现在了Part �1; 而“交通”问题则细化成为“飞行flying”和“驾驶driving”(驾照问题)这两个话题,继续考察考生们的语言和应对能力。面对这样的变化,考生们应当冷静应对,分析后会发现,其实你需要用到的词汇以及这些新题背后的主题,仍是那些经典,不曾改变。


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