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下面是2013年12月14日雅思阅读机经的内容。包括Magnet Therapy 磁疗,Star Employee,如何减少室内空气污染这三个部分。下面我们就一起来看看这次考试的雅思阅读考题会给大家带来哪些启发和借鉴呢?
考试日期: | 2013年12月14日 |
Reading Passage 1 | |
Title: | Magnet Therapy 磁疗 |
Question �types: | List of Headings; Multiple Choice; Sentence Completion; |
文章内容回顾 | 磁疗,一种提升人类体力的东西,科学家还在研究它的利弊。第二段讲磁疗的theory/idea, 古代事迹(中国、埃及等),以及目前各国的研究(提到日本美国等具体在哪些医疗领域使用磁疗),人们的argument(pro �+ con),最后结论是仍须观看尚未能推广。 � I. 标题配对:1. commercial �product商业化的产品;2. �an overview of ...如何起作用的;3. 早期的使用,主要是中国的;4. the present use;5. 讨论以及反对的声音;6. 某大学进行的一个实验; II. 多选题:磁疗的功能:一个是保持年轻,另一个是改善近视眼; 多选题:那个实验的缺点:一个是调查结果受到性别影响,另一个是no further research; III. 完成句子: 1. The �principle of the magnet therapy is based on the idea that the balance of the �body magnet should be restored to keep �healthy. 2. International �health organizations mention that a certain level of magnet does not cause a negative fect on the �health. 3. The �writer says that the use of magnet therapy will be accepted until more scientific evidence is given. |
题型难度分析 | 第一篇的题型中有两道多选题,一定程度上增加了难度。另外很多考生对磁疗这个话题也不是很熟悉,因此第一篇文章不管是题型还是文章,还是有些难度的。 |
剑桥雅思推荐原文练习 | 剑4 �Test 2 |
Reading Passage 2 | |
Title: | Star �Employee |
Question �types: | Information Containing; Summary Completion; YES / NO / NOT GIVEN |
文章内容回顾 | 第一段,现在社会对人才的重视,提到麦肯锡的the war of talent。 第二段,开始反击这个观点,提到Malcolm Gladwell发表的言论。 第三段,Harvard Business Review给analysts做的调查,发现雇用star employee有三个不好的结果。 倒数第三段讲business/company是系统,需要各方面协调配合,类比体育,球队什么的。 倒数第二段是systems thinking。 最后一段,建议从内部发展人才,而不是从外面找人。 |
题型难度分析 | 这篇文章题型不难,主要是文章背景知识对某些同学而言可能比较陌生,会造成一定难度。 |
题型技巧分析 | Summary(摘要) 类别:原文中选词填空 ����� 给定词中选词填空 � 原文中选词填空: 1. 注意题目说明中是否给出文章范围 2. 注意字数限制 3. 题目在原文中出现的位置?:顺序原则 4. 原文中单词是否能改动?:不可改动 5. 做题方法:首先:利用标题或者第一句话定位题目在文章中的起始段落 �������� 然后:利用空前后的限定信息在文章中定位并确定答案(限定信息和原文内容必须一一对应才能选出正确答案) 给定词中选单词: 1. 注意题目说明中是否给出文章范围 2. 答案是否能重复使用,注意NB 3. 题目在原文中出现的顺序?基本顺序原则,题量较多时可能有1-3题乱序 4. 给定词基本为原文同义替换 5. 给定词能否改变?不能改变 6. 捷径:利用词性和常识选答案,若选不出则回原文定位。 |
剑桥雅思推荐原文练习 | 剑6 �Test 3 |
Reading Passage 3 | |
Title: | 如何减少室内空气污染 |
Question �types: | Multiple Choice; YES / NO / NOT GIVEN; Matching; |
文章内容回顾 | developing �countries用各种技术 / project / 设备来解决kitchen / indoor smoke pollution的办法。提到液化石油气,沼气。少smoke的stove, chimney, 室内通风门窗设计。 还提到hay boxes, 太阳能煮饭,outdoor cooking。不要用烧湿的柴,减少exposure to smoke的办法。 |
相关英文原文阅读 | Reducing Exposure to Combustion Products in �Homes Install Sanibulb? Air �Sanitizing, Purifying & Deodorizing CFL Bulbs A simple and fective way to destroy harmful �combustion gases is to switch to Sanibulb? from incandescent lights. The nano �photocatalytic coating employed on this product will oxidize and destroy �noxious pollutants released from combustion by simply switching on a light � bulb! And, you will reduce your energy consumption and save money in the �process as well! Please rer to the Air Purifier Comparison Guide which �indicates that Sanibulb? is better at destroying toxic combustion products �then most filters, which merely trap airborne particles and do not remove �noxious gases. Take special precautions when �operating fuel-burning unvented space heaters. Consider potential fects of indoor air �pollution if you use an unvented kerosene or gas space heater. Follow the �manufacturer's directions, especially instructions on the proper fuel and �keeping the heater properly adjusted. A persistent yellow-tipped flame is �generally an indicator of maladjustment and increased pollutant emissions. �While a space heater is in use, open a door from the room where the heater is � located to the rest of the house and open a window slightly. Install and use exhaust fans �over gas cooking stoves and ranges and keep the burners properly adjusted. Using a stove hood with a fan vented to the �outdoors greatly reduces exposure to pollutants during cooking. Improper �adjustment, often indicated by a persistent yellow-tipped flame, causes �increased pollutant emissions. Ask your gas company to adjust the burner so �that the flame tip is blue. If you purchase a new gas stove or range, � consider buying one with pilotless ignition because it does not have a pilot �light that burns continuously. Never use a gas stove to heat your home. �Always make certain the flue in your gas fireplace is open when the fireplace �is in use. Keep woodstove emissions to a �minimum. Choose properly sized new stoves that are certified as meeting EPA �emission standards. Make certain that doors in old woodstoves are �tight-fitting. Use aged or cured (dried) wood only and follow the �manufacturer's directions for starting, stoking, and putting out the fire in �woodstoves. Chemicals are used to pressure-treat wood; such wood should never �be burned indoors. Have central air handling �systems, including furnaces, flues, and chimneys, inspected annually and �promptly repair cracks or damaged parts. Blocked, leaking, or damaged chimneys or flues �release harmful combustion gases and particles and even fatal concentrations �of carbon monoxide. Strictly follow all service and maintenance procedures �recommended by the manufacturer, including those that tell you how frequently �to change the filter. If manufacturer's instructions are not readily � available, change filters once every month or two during periods of use. �Proper maintenance is important even for new furnaces because they can also �corrode and leak combustion gases, including carbon monoxide. Household Products Organic chemicals are widely used as �ingredients in household products. Paints, varnishes, and wax all contain �organic solvents, as do many cleaning, disinfecting, cosmetic, degreasing, �and hobby products. Fuels are made up of organic chemicals. All of these �products can release organic compounds while you are using them, and, to some �degree, when they are stored. EPA's Total Exposure Assessment Methodology �(TEAM) studies found levels of about a dozen common organic pollutants to be �2 to 5 times higher inside homes than outside, regardless of whether the �homes were located in rural or highly industrial areas. Additional TEAM �studies indicate that while people are using products containing organic �chemicals, they can expose themselves and others to very high pollutant �levels, and elevated concentrations can persist in the air long after the �activity is completed. Health Effects of Household Chemicals The ability of organic chemicals to cause �health fects varies greatly, from those that are highly toxic, to those �with no known health fect. As with other pollutants, the extent and nature �of the health fect will depend on many factors including level of exposure �and length of time exposed. Eye and respiratory tract irritation, headaches, � dizziness, visual disorders, and memory impairment are among the immediate �symptoms that some people have experienced soon after exposure to some �organics. At present, not much is known about what health fects occur from �the levels of organics usually found in homes. Many organic compounds are �known to cause cancer in animals; some are suspected of causing, or are known �to cause, cancer in humans. � |
题型难度分析 | 这篇文章不管是题目还是文章都很简单,话题也是考生们极为熟悉的。 |
题型技巧分析 | 单选题 1. 题目在原文中出现的位置?:顺序原则 2. 做题方法: 1). 当题目中给出具体定位信息时: 根据题干定位题目在文章中的位置,然后把选项和原文内容做比较,排除法选答案。 2). 当题目中没有提供具体定位信息时: 在选项中划定位词在文章中定位挨个排除。 � � TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN OR YES/NO/NOT GIVEN 1. 答案写法 若要求写TRUE, 却写成:T (×)������ �true (×) True (×) YES (×) 2. 题目在原文出现的位置:顺序原则 3. 考点:即题目中可能说错的部分 4. 定位词(排除考点): � 专有名词、术语、物质名词 � 时间、数字 � 归纳句子是关于哪方面信息的(即为定位词或短语) 5. 判断T/Y的情况:1)同义、近义替换 ������������������ 2)归纳总结 6. 判断F/N的情况:100%否认原文 7. 判断NG的情况:根据原文无法100%判断题目T/F(不可利用常识) |
剑桥雅思推荐原文练习 | 剑5 �Test 3 |
考试趋势分析和备考指导: � 考生要特别注意对细节配对、填空题和是非无判断题的复习。同时要加强对替换词的熟悉和相关背景知识的了解,增加自己的知识面,并且提高阅读速度。 � |
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲