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考试日期: | 2013年12月14日 |
Part 1考题总结 | |
考题总结: | Name 1. Does your name �have any special meaning? 2. Do you want to change your name? What would �it be? 3. Are there any common names in china? Why? 4. Do you have any �tradition about naming babies? 5. Are there any ceremonies when people name �their babies? � Your studies 1. Do you work or are you a student? 2. What's your major? Have you ever communicated about your major with your �friends? 3. Will you study with others in the future? Why? 4. What is your plan for your future study? 5. When you study, do you feel happy? 6. What’s your favorite subject? What do like �most about it? 7. Do you enjoy your school life? What are the benits of being a student? 8. What do you usually �do after class? � Job 1. What’s your job? / What do you do? / How �do you make a living? 2. Have you ever changed your job? / Do you �want to change a job? 3. What’s your routine job? / What do you do �in the office every day? What’s your responsibility in your company? 4. Do you satisfy with your job? /What aspects �do you like or dislike about your job? 5. What job do you like to do in the future? � Your hometown 1. Where do you come from? 2. Is there anything special about your hometown? �/ Are there any beautiful places in your hometown? 3. What is the weather like in your hometown? 4. What's the weather �like in your hometown? 5. What are some of the changes that have taken �place in your home town? 6. What's your hometown �famous for? 7. What’s the traffic �situation in your hometown? � Flat and Apartment 1. Do you live in a house or an apartment/ flat? �Who do you live with? What’s your flat/ house like? (location, color, �floors, garden, backyard,) 2. Which part of your �home do you like best?� Which room do you �like best in your place? 3. Is it better to live in a city or a small �town? Is it better to live in a city or �countryside for young people? Do you like countryside? 4. Is �the place where you live suitable for young people or the elderly to live? Why? 5. What kind of house �do you want to live in in the future? Do you want to move to other place to live �in the future? � Outdoor activities 1. What outdoor activities do you like? 2. How long do you normally spend on outdoor �activities? * 3. What outdoor activities do people like in �your country? * 4. Are these outdoor activities popular in your �country? * 5. Do Chinese have enough time to do outdoor �activities? � Leisure Time 1. What do you do in your spare time (= free �time)? 2. (In the evenings), do you prer to relax �at home and watch TV or go out with your friends? 3. What do you usually do with your family? 4. Do you think modern people like to do things �with others, in a group? 5. Are you good at organizing time? How do you �usually organize time? 6. Why do you think some people pay to learn �time management? Do you think children should learn to manage �time? 7. Which part of the day do you like best? 8. Which part of the day is benicial for your �study? 9. How do the �people in your country relax themselves? 10. What do you usually do on weekends? � TV Programs 1. Do you like watching TV in spare time? What �kinds of TV programs do you like? Why? 2. Do you often watch TV with your family? Why?/ �Why not? � News 1. How do you �usually get your news? 2. Do you prer �to read newspapers or watch TV to get your news? 3. What news �topics are you most interested in watching/reading about? 4. How important �do you think the news is? 5. Compare the domestic �and international news � Music 1. What kind of music do you like? What kind �of music did you hear when you were a child/in primary school? 2. Where and when do you usually listen to music? 3. Where would you �prer to listen to music, at home or in the concert hall? 4. Do you play any musical instrument? 5. Do you think children �should learn to play some (traditional) musical instruments? 6. What is the role �of traditional music in your country? 7. Why do we play music on festivals? � Food and cooking 1. What foods do you usually eat? 2. Do you often eat in the restaurant? / Do �you like to eat outside? 3. What food did you like to eat when you were �a child? 4. Do you still like that food now? 5. If you had children, What food would you �cook for your child in the future? 6. Do you think it's good to take children to �restaurants? 7. Do you cook?� If not, will you cook in the future? 8. Who cooks in your family? 9. What kind of meat do you like to eat? Do �you like vegetables? 10. Which do you prer, eat more times a day �and have little a time or eat less times a day but have more a time? 11. What do you think �of the whole family eating together? � Toys/ �Games 1. What is your favorite toy? 2. Should adults play with toys? 3. How do adults entertain themselves in China? 4. Which game did you play when you were young? � � Families /relatives 1. How many members are there in your family? �Do you have a large family or a small one? What sorts of things do you like to do together? 2. Which �relative do you pay frequent visit to? 3. Which �relative lives nearest to you? 4. Who is your most important relative? � Friends 1. Are your friends mostly your age or different �ages? 2. Do you prer to have one particular friend �or a group of friends? 3. Do you often meet new people? Do you often �meet people from other countries? 4. Is it important to keep in contact with friends �you knew as a child? 5. What makes a friend into a good friend? 6. Where do young people make friends? 7. How do children make new friends? 8. What’s your relationship �with your friends? � Taking Photographs 1. Do you like taking �photos? 2. Do you prer to �take photos of scenery or of people? 3. Is taking photos popular in your country? 4. Do you like taking photos when you go traveling? 5. Do Chinese people like to visit photograph �exhibitions? What kind of photos do they like to look at? 6. Why do some people (do not) like taking photographs? 7. What factors make a good photograph? 8. Do you think being a photographer would be �a good job? 9. When did �you take family photos last time? � Tree 1. Do you like trees/plants? 2. What kind of trees are famous in your hometown? 3. Do you like climbing trees? 4. What do you think of the trees? 5. Where �are there lots of trees and woods in china? 6. Do �you like living in places with lots of trees? � Patience 1. Are you a patient person? 2. How will you react when you feel impatient? 3. How do you kill time at the time of waiting for buses? 4. Do you think Chinese are patient? � Sunshine 1. Do you like sunny days? 2. What do you usually do in sunny days? 3. Are there many sunny days in your hometown? |
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲