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Part 2&3考题总结 | |
考题总结: | 人物类 Describe a famous �person from your country. Who this person is How you know about this person What type of work he/she does And explain how he/ she made an impression on your society. Part 3 What types of people become famous in your country? What qualities do most famous people have in common? Do you think famous people have much influence on young �people? Do you think any famous historical figures can serve as �models for young people today? � Describe an interesting �person you recently met. You should say: Who this person is What he or she looks like Where you met this person Who you mentioned this person to Why you think he or she is interesting Part 3 What do you think are the most important characters of a �friend? Do you think there is a real friendship between a man and �a woman? What are the popular ways of making friends? Do you think the first impression is very important? � Describe a good �parent you know You should say Who the parent is How you know the parent What the parent looks like Why you think the parent is good Part 3 How do parents take care of their kids in China? Are kids free in China? Do you think who is good at taking care of kids, father �or mother? What is the most valuable thing that parents give to their �kids? How do you think about the relationship between the parents �and children? Should parents be strict with the kids? What can parents teach their kids? � Describe a person �who taught you a usul skill. (for example, cooking, riding a bike) You should say Who this person is What you learnt from the person How the person taught you this How this skill is usul to you Part 3 In general, how do children learn things? What are the various influences on children that affect �the learning they experience? Do children learn the same things in the home as they do �at school? What do you think parents should teach their children? What skills do you think children should be taught? Do you think children can learn anything from other children? Which do you think is better for a child, to learn from �television or learn from a teacher or a person? � Describe an interesting �old person you respect You should say Who this person is How old he or she is How you know this person What kind of person he or she is Part 3 Do you think it’s good for old people to retire after 65? What do you think old people can learn from the young? What are the other places in the society where old people �could be take care of? How do you think the government should deal with the aging �problems in China? � � 物品类 Describe a work �of art you have seen (e.g., a painting or statue/sculpture). You should say: When you first saw this work of art Where you saw it What it looked like And explain your feelings about this work of art when you �saw it � Part 3 What are some examples of (the various forms of) art? What forms of visual art (e.g., paintings, sculpture) are �popular in your country? Do you think art adds anything to the lives of people? How important is art in the culture of a country? Are there any differences between the art in your country �and the art in western countries? Are there many art exhibitions in your country? Do you think people should be able to see these exhibitions �for free? Do you think art should be included in school curriculums? � Describe something �(except phone and computer) that you can’t live without. You should say: �� What the thing �is �� Where and when �you bought it �� How often you use �it Explain why you can’t live without it Part 3 What can’t children live without? Why do children always carry about toys? Why is it difficult for people to give up their own things? Why do people buy something that they don’t need? � Describe a book �you have read that was recommended by someone. You should say: �� Who recommended �it �� What book it was �� What the book was �about Explain what you learned from it Part 3 What are some of the different types of materials that people �in your country read? What benits do people get from reading? Do you think reading can be fun? What benits do people get from reading for pleasure (or, �leisure)? Do men and women (or. Males and females) tend to read the �same types of books? Has the internet changed people’s reading habits? What types of books do children like most? How can a parent encourage their child to develop the habit �of reading? Do you think it’s a good idea to read to pre-school children? Which is more difficult for a child to do, watch TV or read �a book? � Describe a piece �of clothes that you wore at a special occasion What it looked like What occasion you wore it at Why you would wore it Explain how you felt about it. � Describe a rule �in school you agree or disagree You should say What the rule is Why the rule is needed How the rule is enforced Why you agree or disagree the rule Part 3 Do you think the rule is important? Why? Is the rule suitable for all students? What rules are there in your school? How do people obey the rules? Should pupils be involved in making rules? What rules are there people should obey in the society? Are rules different between in primary school and secondary �school? � Describe a subject �you didn’t enjoy in high school What subject it was Who taught you this subject How long you had learnt this subject Explain why you didn’t enjoy it Part3 What do you think teachers could do to help students who �are having difficulty with a subject? Which subjects do you think should be, or should not be �taught in high school? How has education in your country changed in the past few �years? � Describe an advertisement �that made you buy something. What kind of advertisement it was When and where you saw this advertisement What product it advertised What the advertisement said Why you decided to buy that product Part 3 What are the different ways that products and services are �advertised? Is there more advertising on newspapers than on TV? What’s the most frequently used method of advertising? Why? Which do you think is the most fective of them? What products do you think are most suitable to be advertised? Do you think the number of advisements will increase in �the future? D you think there should be some controls placed on the �advertising industry? What kinds of advertisements do you think are the most fective? What impact on people does music in advertisements have? Doo you think children are influenced very much by advertisements? What fects do advertisements have on young children? What visual fects do you think make advertisements most �fective? � Describe a job you �would do in the future What job it would be What you would do in that job How you can get the job Why you would like to do that job Part3 What careers are popular with young people in your country? Do you think there’s any difference between males and females �when it comes to choosing a future career? What factors do males men consider and what factors do females �consider when they are making this choice? Do you think money is the most important factor to consider? Do you think parents should let their children make their �own choices about a future career or should the parents make this choice? Are there any other ways in which young people can get some �guidance on what career to choose? � Describe something( �a TV program or a film ) that made you laugh a lot What it was When it happened Who was with you Why you laughed Part 3 What makes people laugh in your country? Is comedy very popular in your country? Are comedy TV shows very popular in your country? What do you think are the differences between seeing comedy �on TV and reading funny materials in a book? Would you like to appear in a TV comedy program? Is comedy used much in advertisements in your county? Do you think funny advertisements on RV are fective? What do you think are the benits of laughter? Do you think there are differences between what males and �females think is humorous? Why do you think some people find something funny that others �think isn’t funny? � Describe a TV program �you like to watch What type of program it is When you watch it Why you watch it What you learn from this program Part 3 Do you watch a lot of TV? Why do people watch TV? What are the fects of watching too much TV? What types of television programs are popular in your country? What do you think are the good points and the bad points �about TV? What has satellite TV brought to our lives? What are the fects of televisions on family life? What are the fects of televisions on people at different �ages? Are there any differences between interviewing online and �meeting people face to face? Do you talk about the TV programme with other people? Do you think the programme will be changed in the future? How does the programme influence people? Is it educational? Is it fair for those TV stars to be paid huge salaries? What kind of program do you like? Are there many political programmes in China? How do they influence people? � Describe a usul electronic equipment you bought for your home (not a �computer or TV) Part 3: 1. Which equipment do you think �is the most popular in china? 2. What do you think of the �advantages/harms of those advanced equipments? � Describe a childhood story you heard Part 3: Do �parents read stories to their children in China? In China, what �kind of stories do children read or do their parents tell them? (Love stories?) Compare the �difference of children's stories today and children's stories in the past. ---In �China, what kinds of TV programs do children like? Do you think that children �can distinguish between good and bad TV programs? � Describe something usul /a usul skill �you learned from your others � Describe a radio �program � 地点类 Describe a time �when you moved into a new house or new school When you moved into it Why you moved What it looked like Explain how you felt about this new place Part 3 Why do people move to a new house? How do people get along with their neighbors? What are the advantages and disadvantages of moving to a �new place? What are the reasons why students move to a new school and �what is the possible influence? � Describe a street �where you like to go shopping Where it is What you buy there How often you go there Why you like go to the street for shopping Part 3 Do you like going shopping? Why do some people like shopping and others not like it? Have you ever bought anything online? What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online? What do you think about online shopping? Do people in China like to buy things on the internet? Do you think online shopping will become more popular in �the future? Do you think online shopping will replace the current ways �we buy things? What are the difference shopping center and shopping street? Compare big shops such as supermarkets &department stores �with small shops How do you think about 24-hour shop? � Describe a café �you often you go to Differences between cafes and restaurants Where do people usually go to when they have a get-together? �Why Do students often go to cafes? � Describe a library Where is the library? Is it a campus or public one? Which parts of the library do you like and dislike? Should children go to public libraries? How about the elderly? Does the government have the responsibility to construct �public libraries? Is it important to learn how to use a library? � Describe a crowded �place Do people like crowed place? Why? How event will be successful? What kind of crowded place do Chinese like going? Why do people like going to some crowded places like concerts? � Describe a place �where you have worked or studied. Where this place was What this place looked like What you did there Why you chose to study or work at this place What city do you work/study in? Why did you choose to work/study in this city? Do you think people are working longer hours today than �they did in the past? � Describe a place �where it is noisy. Where is this place? Why it is so noisy? How do you feel about this place? � � Historical place Why do people go to historical places? Which is your country’s most famous historical place? Should people pay entrance fees to historical places? Could you tell me about a famous historical place that you �have visited? What place it was? Where it is located? What about that place interests you the most? Do you agree that people must pay to visit these historical �places and museums? Do you think TV is a good medium to learn about the history �of any place? Do you think parents should teach their children about history? Do you think history should be taught at school? Do you think people are keen on visiting historical places? � Describe a seaside �place you want to visit How to save water? Does the urban area consume more water than the rural area? Does china face the problem of water scarcity? � Describe your ideal �house When was it built? Should the government invest in maintaining the historical �places? Should government invest in creating more employment? What kind of housing do most Chinese people live in? Where is the housing? What are the differences between the architectural styles �in the different areas in China? Should a company design its own buildings? � Describe a room �occupied by your friend Describe a polluted place. Describe a peacul place. (How often do you go there? What �do you do there? Explain why you like it. � Describe a historical �building. Describe a modern building. Would you compare modern buildings and old buildings? Do you like high buildings? � Describe a place(not �in your country) that you would like to visit You should say: �� How and when you �would go there �� How you know about �this place �� What the scenery �is like in this place �� Who you would go �with And explain why you want to visit it Part 3 When people go travelling (as tourists), what do they spend �money on? When people move to another country, what changes do you �think take place in their lives, compared to their lives bore they lt home? What do you think about children growing up abroad? Do you �think children are affected by growing up abroad? How? What are benits of travelling to new places? What are some of the best (or, most popular) travel destinations �in china? Which places (countries) are Chinese people most interested �in visiting? � � 事件类 Describe a subject �you didn’t enjoy (like) in high or secondary school. You should say: �� What the subject �was �� How the teacher �taught this subject �� How long you studied �this subject And explain why you didn’t like it. Part 3 Which subject should not be taught in class? Which subject should be taught in class? How do teachers help students who have difficulties in studies? What subjects are most popular in high school in your country? �(why?) How has education in your country changed in the past few �years? What are some differences between university education and �high school education? What factors do people consider when they are choosing which �university they attend? � Describe a successful �family business you know. What business it is How you know it What kinds of customers it targets on Explain why you think it is successful Part 3 Do you think it is easy to start a company by oneself? Which do you think a successful company relies on more, �the team or individual? What types of people do you think are more suitable for �big companies? Will you go to work in a family business? � Describe an interesting �conversation you had with a stranger. Who the stranger was When you talked to him/her What you talked about Explain why you think the conversation was interesting � Describe an important �decision you took a long time to make What decision it was What difficulties you faced in making this decision How you made the decision Explain why it took you so long to make this decision � Describe a recent �event that made you feel happy What the event was When and where it happened Who participated in this event What you saw or did Why this event was so enjoyable Part 3 What are some things that make you happy? Do you think artistic activities can make people happy? Do you think people who have more talent are happier than �others? Do you think money makes people happy? Are the things that make people happy today the same as �several decades ago? Why do people feel happy when they are with members of their �family? � Describe a trip �you took by public transport When and where you went Why you took the trip What you did and saw on the trip How you felt about the trip Part 3 Why do some people prer driving their cars to taking public �transport? Is it true that driving cars means a higher status? Should government take measures to limit cars? Do Chinese people like to travel overseas? How does international travel influence the economy of countries? After someone returns from traveling overseas, what fects �can they have on their home country? � Describe a �way to keep healthy You should �say: What it is; how you know it; why you think it is a good way to stay healthy. Part 3: questions about healthy lifestyles and �diet. what physical exercises do Chinese people do? how should people to deal with work pressure? � Describe a �party you want to hold for your friends recently � Describe a special meal/a food You should say: who you �would invite/ where you would eat this meal what you would eat and �explain why you would choose to eat this food. Part 3 1. Do you like cooking? �(Why?/Why not?) 2. What kinds of food do �Chinese people like to eat? 3. Would you say that eating �a healthy diet is important? (Why?) 4. Describe what you think �is a healthy diet. 5. Are there many vegetarians �in China? 6. Why do you think some �people choose to be vegetarians? � Describe an �outdoor picnic/activity you enjoyed � Describe an occasion when someone visited your home � Describe a sport event you have watched on TV or �enjoy doing. You �should say: what it is /what happens at this event and explain why you would like �this sports event.
Describe something �usul for your English learning. How do you learn a new language? Who do you learn with? Is learning a second language important? Will the learning of a new language change your understanding �of local culture? In your opinion, which languages will become more popular �in the future? What are the benits of learning a foreign language? Are there any differences between the way the young and �the elderly learn a language? � Educational trip Can students benit from educational visits? Should schools organize the visits? What’s your suggestion? What roles do parents play in a family? |
本次考试考题精选范例解析: | 1. Are you living in a flat or house? What is your place like? Sample answer: Well, I’m living in a flat which is located �in the city centre. It’s a duplex flat with two floors. There is a living room �and a kitchen on the first floor where we usually do some family activities. Bedrooms � are all on the second floor, including my parents and mine as well as a guest �room. It’s quite spacious and cozy. 解析:要知道上面两道题其实为同一道题。考生在听到第一个问题时要自觉回答第二个问题,不要等考官再提问。 � 2. Which room do you like most? 解析:此问题要求考生回答一个选项,重点在于解释原因 Sample answer: Well my bedroom is my favorite since it’s my �private place in my house. It’s on the south side, so I can get the sun easily. �Besides, there is a balcony attached to my room, which enables me to do some leisure � activities in my spare time, like keeping some houseplants. � 3. Where do young people usually live? 解析:此问题着重考察考生的逻辑,如果单纯的回答一个地方,那么答案会无法展开而略显简单。所以考生可以使用it �depends的格式回答,可适当扩充答案。 Sample answer: Well I guess it depends. For those who have �a job, it’s more likely for them to live in a flat in the downtown, usually with �their friends or colleagues. While for some students, it seems most of them live �on campus in dormitories with their classmates. That’s because it’s more convenient �for them to have go to the classroom or have some group activities. � 4. What are the differences between house and �flat? 解析:此问题除了要答出house和 $('.wzy_bot .cs2').show(); $(".wzy_bot .cst .cst_num").click(function () { $(this).siblings().toggle() $(this).toggleClass("dangq_num") $(this).parent().siblings().children(".cs1").hide() $(this).parent().siblings().children(".cst_num").removeClass("dangq_num") }) $('.wzy_bot .da_btn').click(function(){ $(this).parent('p').next('div').slideToggle(500); }) Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲 版权及免责声明
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