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  下面是2013年12月21日雅思阅读机经的内容。关于blue-footed boobies的生活习性和育儿习惯,古埃及运河,能量和时间管理这三个部分。下面我们就一起来看看这次考试的雅思阅读考题会给大家带来哪些启发和借鉴呢?



Reading Passage 1


关于blue-footed �boobies的生活习性和育儿习惯

Question �types:

Heading (6)


Summary Completion (4)


x, i, vii, viii, v, xi / FALSE / TRUE / NOT �GIVEN / twigs/ ?/ feet/ vessels






标题配对题(List �of headings是雅思阅读中的一种重要题型,要求给段落找小标题。它一般位于文章之前,由两部分组成:一部分是选项,另一部分是段落编号,要求给各个段落找到与它对应的选项,即表达了该段中心思想的选项,有时还会举一个例子。当然,例子中的选项是不会作为答案的。


1. 将例子所对应的选项及段落标号划去

2. 划出选项中的关键词及概念性名词

3. 浏览文章,抓住各段的主题句和核心词(尤其是反复出现的核心词),重点关注段落首句、第二句与末句

4. 与段落主题句同义或包含段落核心词的选项为正确答案

Summary也是雅思阅读考试的常客,做summary时首先要明确是全文型的还是段落型的。若是全文型的summary要把握文章结构,注意段首句的阅读,有效将summary中各个句子分配到文章段落中,注意前后的逻辑联系。若是段落型的summary, 首先要确定考察的是文章的哪个段落,可以通过以下几种方式进行定位:1) 题目直接给出;2)summary的小标题;3) summary中的特殊印刷体;4) 大题顺序原则。定位好段落以后再使用完成句子题的方法进行一一解答,先定位,再判断所填词的词性或词类,然后进行同义转换的预测,最后回原文寻找答案。

Reading Passage 2



Question �types:

Which paragraph contains the following �information (5)

Matching (4)

Summary (4)



The canal allows passage of ships up to 20 �m (66 ft) draft or 240,000 deadweight tons and up �to a maximum height of 68 m (223 ft) above water level and a maximum beam of �77.5 m (254 ft) under certain conditions. The Suez Canal can handle more ship �traffic and larger ships than the Panama Canal. Some �supertankers are too large to traverse the canal. Others can offload part of �their cargo onto a canal-owned boat to reduce their draft, transit, and �reload at the other end of the canal.


The canal has no locks because of the �flat terrain, and the minor sea level difference between each end is �inconsequential for shipping. As the canal has no sea surge gates, both of �the entrance/exit ports are subject to the sudden impact of tsunamis from the �Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea, according to a 2012 article in the Journal of �Coastal Research.

There is one shipping lane with passing �areas in Ballah-Bypass near El Qantara and in the Great Bitter Lake. On a typical day, three convoys transit the �canal, two southbound and one northbound. The passage takes between 11 and 16 �hours at a speed of around 8 knots (15 km/h; 9 mph). The low speed helps �prevent erosion of the canal banks by ships' wakes.

By 1955 approximately two-thirds of �Europe's oil passed through the canal. About 7.5% of world sea trade is �carried via the canal today. In 2008, a total of 21,415 vessels passed �through the canal and the receipts from the canal totaled $5.381 billion, �with the average cost per-ship at roughly $251,000.

New Rules of Navigation that constitute an �improvement over the older ones, which came into force as of 1 January 2008, �were passed by the board of directors of the Suez Canal Authority (SCA) to �organise vessels' and tankers' transit.

The most important amendments to the Rules �include allowing vessels with 62-foot (19 m) draught to pass, and increasing �the allowed breadth from 32 metres (105 ft) up to 40 metres (130 ft) �following improvement operations, as well as imposing a fine on vessels using �divers from outside the SCA inside the canal boundaries without permission.

The amendments also allow vessels loaded �with dangerous cargo (such as radioactive or flammable materials) to pass, if �they conform with the latest amendments provided by international �conventions.

The SCA also has the right to determine the �number of tugs required to assist warships traversing the canal, to achieve �the highest degree of safety during transit.


The canal is too small for free two lane �traffic. Therore the ships pass in convoys, and they use bypasses. The �by-passes are over a total of 78 km (48 mi) out of 193 km (120 mi) (40%). From �North to South, they are: Port Said by-pass (entrances) 36.5 km (23 mi), �Ballah by-pass & anchorage, 9 km (6 mi), Timsah by-pass 5 km (3 mi), and �the Deversoir by-pass (Northern end of the Great Bitter Lake) 27.5 km (17 � mi). The by-passes were completed in 1980.

Typically, it takes a ship from 12 to 16 �hours to transit the canal. In 24 hours the canal can pass about 76 standard �ships.

Convoy sailing

Since the canal does not allow free two-way �traffic, all ships transit in convoy formations on regular times. They are �scheduled on a 24-hour scheme. Each day a single Northbound convoy starts at �06.00 h from Suez. This convoy gets an unhindered passage. At by-passes, it �uses the Eastern route.[62] Interwoven in this convoy's Northbound traveling, are two Southbound convoys. �The first starts at 0.00 h from Port Said, and anchors in the Great Bitter �Lake to let the Northbound pass. The second Southbound convoy starts at 07.00 �h from Port Said and anchors in the western Ballah by-pass to let the �Northbound convoy pass. Due to the Ballah canal dimensions, this convoy only �has smaller and often unloaded ships.




Matching(人名&观 点)在近期的雅思阅读考试中出现的次数比较多。做这一题型,首先要明确它的题干是有序还是无序的(人名出现在题干中一般为有序)。其次要注意解题的顺序, 若是有序型的,则可按人名在文中出现的顺序解题,若是无序型的,按人名出现次数从少到多解题。在解题时,当定位到某一人名后,要特别留意此人所说的话(即 引号中的内容),而这一人名后附加的一长串头衔,则可省略不读。

A. 人名观点配对一般考察的是某个人的言论(statement)、观点(opinion)、评论(comment)、发现(findings or discoveries)。这样,一般这个题的答案在文中就只有两个答案区:

1. 人名边上的引号里面的内容;

2. 人名+ �think /say /claim /argue /believe /report /find /discover /insist /admit �/report... + that从句。

B. 人名在文中一般以以下方式出现:

1. 全称(full �name), 如:Brian �Waldron

2. 名(first �name), 不常见

3. 姓(surname), 如:Professor Smith

4. He/she(在同一段话中,该人再次出现时,用指示代词替代)


C. 该题的答案遍布于全文。因此应该从文章的开头往后依次寻找人名。

D. 该题貌似是全篇文章的考察,其实考察的就是这些人所说的几句话。故应先从文中找人名,再去找答案。


剑5 �Disappearing Delta

Reading Passage 3



Question �types:

Yes/No/Not Given (3)

Multiple Choice (5)

Matching (6)







注意:可以定位的词:特殊定位词(数字,大写,特殊符号)和名词。一定要带2-3 个定位词一起定位,确保快速准确。

考点:1. 数字是否精确和准确,注意数字前的nearly, �almost, in excess of, exceed, more than, over

2. 比较级,最高级,注意形容词的比较级和最高级,(not) �as...as, the most

3. 绝对限定词:all, only, fully, must, every, each, �any, widely, largely等

4. 因果关系词,as �a result of, due to, lead to, contribute to, as, since, 注意原因和结果,不要弄反了。


剑8 �Test 3 Passage 3 How does the biological clock tick?


2013年的收官之作,四大题型携手谢幕,给2013年的最后一批考生带来了不小的难度。对于2014年 的雅思阅读应对策略:考生要特别注意每一种题型的复习,切不可因侥幸心理忽视了对某种题型技巧的复习,因为很有可能忽略的题型成为考试中的主导题型。更重 要的是每位考生在上考场之前一定要把自己的英语基本功打牢,达到雅思所要求的词汇量和语法要求。毕竟雅思考试考查的是真实的语言能力。基础薄弱的同学一定 要开始认真打基础,稳扎稳打,反复操练,逐渐积累,切不可迷所谓“技巧”,因为任何应试技巧都是建立在英语基础之上的,没有扎实的英语功底,任何技巧都是空谈。基础较好而考分要求较高的同学也不可骄傲自大,应耐心地将自己做错的题目仔细和原文进行比对、分析,时间允许的话应当将文章进行仔细的阅读。


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