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Part 1考题总结


Self-introduction and personal �information

What’s your name? What does it mean to �you?

What names are popular in your culture?

Are there many people who have the same �name as yours?

What name would you like to give to your �own child in future?

Are you a student or worker? Do you like �your student life?

What’s your major? Is it hard to learn? �Why did you choose this major? What can you learn from it? What is the most �important in your study? What kind of job would you like to do in future? �Will you work hard for your job in �future?(student)

What’s your job? Do you like your job? Is �it stressful? What are you responsible for? What can you get from your �current job? What do you often do after work? Do you want to recommend your �job to other people? (worker)Are you for or against extra work on weekends? �Should workers who work on weekends get extra salaries?

What is your prospect for the future?

Studies/ Sleeping Time/Routine

Do you like writing? How often do you �write?

Do you want to write a book?

What are generally required to write in �middle school?

Do you prer handwriting or typing on �the computer?

How long do you study normally everyday?

How many hours do you spend on your �homework?

When is the best time for you to study?

When are you busiest in a typical day?

Do you sometimes feel tired of studying?

When do you usually get up in the �morning?

When do you often go to bed?

How many hours do you sleep one day?

Do you think the older people should sleep �for longer hours one day?

How long should we sleep?

Do you think people have less time to �relax nowadays?

What are the differences on plans between �elders and youngsters?

Are you planning to change your schedule?

How do you arrange your time?

What time do you like best in a day?

Relatives and friends

Who did you use to spend more time with �among your relatives?

Who do you wanna stay with more in �future?

DO you think the time that you can spend �with your relatives will get less or more in future?

Do you like to make friends with people?


Do you like history classes?

Tell me something about the historical �characters that you are interested in.

Why do you like them?

Do you prer to learn history from TV �programs or internet?


How do you concentrate on one thing?

What helps you concentrate?

When do we need to concentrate more?

When does it make us hard to concentrate �during a day?

How to improve our concentration on what �we do?

What jobs needs more concentration?

Patience & Politeness

Are you a patient person?

What do you often do while you are �waiting for the bus?

Have you lost your patience because of a �long wait for the bus?

Are Chinese people patient in your �perspective?

What’s the importance of politeness?

How do people in your country show their �courtesy?

Who taught you to be polite?


Where are you from?

Which part of China are you from?

Do you like your hometown?

What is the weather like in your �hometown?

What do you like best about your �hometown?

Do you think your hometown is a good �place for children to grow up?

Can you tell me a good thing in the place �that you grew up?

Are there many places of interest in your �hometown?

What are the changes of your hometown? �What makes them happen?

What was it like when you were younger?

What kind of city would you like to live �in?

Would you like to live in your hometown �in future?

How many countries have you ever been to?

What are their features like?

Would you like to return back to your own �country? Why/ why not?

Do people like traditional buildings or �modern ones?

Do you like designing buildings?

What architectural style attracts Chinese �people?

Tell me something about one of buildings �that you have visited.

Entertainment (Relax):

What entertainment venues do you often go �to?

What kinds of entertainment do you enjoy?

Where did you often entertain yourself �when you were a little kid?

Do you like watching TV?

Do parents allow children to watch TV?

Do Chinese people like taking pictures?

What do you like taking pictures of?

How do you reserve your photographs?

Is photography popular in China?

What kinds of activities do you often do �in your spare time?

How do you often relax yourself on �weekends?

How do your surrounding friends relax?

What is your favorite way to relax �yourself?

Do you like going for a walk?

Is it benicial to us?

Will you go for a walk in future?

What do we need to pay attention to when �we walk in the city?

Do you like sports? What is your favorite �sport?

What kind of sport is popular in China?

What kind of sports do elderly people �like doing in China?

Is it important for kids to do sports?

Are there any differences between girls �and boys?

Do you prer outdoor sports or indoor �activities?

What is your favorite outdoor sport?

What are changes on the outdoor sports �for children?


Where do you live, a house/ an apartment?

Are there any entertaining facilities �nearby?

What pleasant thing you will do with your �family in your house/ flat?

Which part of your home do you like best?

If you have a chance to redesign your �house, what will you do?

What is your ideal future house like?

What’s on the wall of your house/ flat?

Do you prer to invite your friends to �your home or be invited to your friend’s home?

What makes your house/flat look pleasant?

Do you want to move in future?

Clothes and fashion

Who picked clothes for you in your �childhood?

Have you ever picked clothes for anybody?

What type of clothes do you like? Do you �like casual clothes?

Have you ever shopped online bore?

Do you like shopping online?

What kind of bags do you like?

What kinds of bags do you choose on �different occasions? What are the factors that affect your choices?

Do you like fashion?

What do you think about fashion?


Do you often read news?

What news would you like to read?

How do you get news, by reading �newspapers or surfing on the Internet?

Do you wanna become a broadcaster?

DO you like discussing news with your �friends?

Weather/ Season/Sunshine

What weather do you like?

Do you like hot or cold weather?

Do you like sunshine?

What harm can strong sunlight do to us?

Do all people like sunshine?

Would you like to travel when there is �little sunshine?

What do you often do during summer?

What is the weather like in China?

What are the differences among four �seasons in China?

What is the influence of weather on �people?

Does the weather ever affect what people �do?

Gifts& Toys

Do you use postcards?

Why do people send postcards?

When do you send postcards?

Have you ever received postcards?

Which do you prer, postcards or �e-mails?

On what occasions will you send postcards �instead of e-mails?

What kinds of gifts do you like?

What sorts of gifts are you not into?

When do people send gifts in China?

What types of toys did you use to play �with when you were a kid?

Do you still keep it until now?

Why do people tend to keep toys?


What kind of art forms do you like?

Did you learn any subjects related to art �when you were a little girl/boy?

How do teenagers get the art education?

Do you like drawing? How often do you �draw?

When did you learn it?

What do you think about painting?

What do you think about traditional and �western paintings?

Do you often go to the gallery?

Do you like visiting the museum?

What is its importance to us?

What kinds of museums would you like to �visit in future?

Do you like dancing? Would you like to �learn dancing?

What is the most fashionable dance in �China?

Do young people like traditional dance?

Are you interested in singing?

What type of music do you like?

Do you know how to play any musical �instruments?

What are differences between traditional �music and modern music?

Public park& Forest

Did you use to visit the park?

Do you often visit the park now?

Do you think the park is important? What �are its functions?

Will there be more public parks in �future?

Are there any forests in your hometown?

Do you like trees or forests?

Have you ever climbed trees?

Do you want to live in the place near the �forest?

What benits do people get from trees?

Are there many plants in your hometown?

Do you know how to keep plants?

Will you choose a plant as a gift? why?

Electronic products/Internet

Do you often use the internet/computer?

When do you often use the computer? Do �you often send e-mails?

What are the advantages and disadvantages �of the computer?

How important is the computer/internet to �your family?

What time did you use the internet for �the first time?

Do your family members use it too?

Do you use the mobile phone? When did you �start using it?

How important is it to you? How do you �often use it?

Do you prer to send messages or emails? �Why?

Do you prer to make phone calls or send �messages?

What are the disadvantages of the cell �phone?

Food and health

What kinds of food are healthy?

In comparison with the food in last 20 �years, is the food healthier now or not? Which is healthier?

Do you have a healthy diet?

What kind of food do you like? Do you �like to try new food?

Is breakfast important to us?

Do you prer to have breakfast or �dinner?

Would you like to have a large meal or �small meals one day?

What is health in your perspective?

How does your school educate you to keep �healthy?

What did you learn about health?

How to keep healthy?

Is it easy to keep healthy?

Household Chores

Do you often do household chores?

What household chores did you do in your �childhood?

Is it good for children to do household �chores?

What sorts of household chores do you �dislike?

Do you like cooking?

Do you like it is important to know how �to cook?

What is the importance of cooking to �children?


Do you like advertisements?

What kind of advertisements do you like �best?

Why some people don’t like �advertisements?

What do you think about the ads?

Have you bought anything after watching �an ad?

What impact has the advertisement made on �people’s lfe?


How do you celebrate your birthday?

How was your birthday in your childhood?

What do Chinese people often do on their �birthdays?

Do you think it is important for people �to celebrate birthdays?

Are there any differences between �youngsters and elders on celebrating birthdays?


What is your favorite means of �transportation? Is it expensive?

How is the transport in your country?

How to improve traffic?

Do you like cars?

Do you prer private cars or the public �transport?

Do you know how to drive?

What kind of cars do you like?

Do people in your country like driving?

What patterns of cars are popular in your �country?

Would the car be more used in the future?

Do you possess a bicycle?

Is the bicycle popular in your country?

Do you often travel by train?

Do people like to travel by train?

Does subway serve in any cities in your �country?

Is it good to travel by subway?


Do you like living in the countryside?

What are drawbacks of living in the �countryside?

What do you like least regarding the �place where you live?

Why some people like to travel in the �countryside?

What are the problems of living in the �countryside?

Part 2&3考题总结


A friend you made when you met the first �time

Part3 Is it possible for you to make �friends with people that you meet the first time? How to make friends? How do �you get in touch with your friends? How do you maintain your friendship with �your friends? Who do you spend more time with, your friends or family? Are �there any disadvantages of contacting old friends? Are you willing to upload �your personal information online? Would you like to have several friends or lots of friends? What makes the friendship last a lifetime?

Describe a good parent

Part3 How do young working parents take �care of their kids? What are the differences on taking care of children �between men and women? What do children care most about their parents? Who is �more important to children’s personal development, mother or father?

The most polite person you know

Part3 Are there other polite manners in �your country? Being polite is regarded more important in the countryside than �in the city? Will being polite be important in future? Should the school �teach students to be polite/respect others? People in which country do you �think are most polite? Do you believe that everyone deserves to be respected?

A person who does an important job

Part3 What are the standards for you to �choose jobs? Who do you often consult with? What attitude should people hold �towards the job? If the employees are upset with their work, what is the boss �supposed to do? Why some people change jobs?

A person who you once helped(but you �didn’t know)

Part3 Do you like helping others? Do people �nowadays help each other less than in the past? Do people trust each other?

A good neighbor you once had

Part3 What are the qualities of a good �neighbor? How is the neighborhood in China? What are the influences of �neighborhood on children? What sort of neighborhood is benicial to �children? What sport facilities can improve communication among people?

Describe an interesting old person/an old �person you respect

Part3 What is the importance of elders to �the society? How is the life of elders in your country? How to improve their �life? Who should take the responsibility of supporting elders?

Describe an interesting person you met �recently

Part3 What do you think is the best way �to communicate? What do you think about communicating with people online? �What influence can parents make on children’s personalities in their �childhood? How about in their adulthood? What abilities are important in the �interview?

Describe a famous person important to �your country

Part3: What do you think about being �famous? Do you want to be famous? Why people want to get fame? How important �is money to you? Are there any differences on the way that people get famous �nowadays?

Describe a person you enjoy spending with

Part3 What may go wrong with the relationship �between the manager and employees? How to deal with the problems that lie in �the relationship between them? What sorts of people do we prer to stay �with? Will our attitude towards elders get changed? Towards what groups of �people our attitude has changed? Are there any differences on the attitude �that people have towards youngsters and elders? Why?

Describe an intelligent person you know

Part3 What should a teacher interest �students? What qualities is a teacher supposed to have? What is more �important, parents or teachers? Do you wanna be a wise person?

Describe a seaside place

Part3 What do you spend your holidays? DO �you think holidays is important? What are differences on trips between now �and past? What do you think about rivers and lakes?

Describe a place where you listen to �music

Part3 DO you agree that music could be �downloaded for free? What influence has technology made on music? Has the �high technology made music changed?

Describe an interesting country you want �to go to

Part3 What are advantages and �disadvantages of international tourism? Why do people travel abroad or study �in foreign countries? What impact does travelling make? At what age should a �kid consider to study or travel abroad? Why do some people choose to live in �a foreign country for a few years? What are differences between visiting and �living in another country?

Describe a library you often go to

Part3 What are the benits of the �library? Do you think it is good for children to go to the library? Do you �often go to the library? What elders benit more than children from going to �the library? DO you think the library tends to be more important now? Do �people nowadays prer to go to the library or to surf on the Internet? �Should government provide an access to everyday to use the library? Are there � many students studying in the school library? What skills should the � librarian be equipped by? Is it good to provide coffee or drinks in the library?

Describe a perfect house you have visited

Part3 Do you like designing houses? Do �you think you can do it better than designers? Will you hang your own works �or the works from famous artists on your wall? What kinds of houses do most �of young people like to live in? How about elders? What living environment is �the most attractive to elders? What factors we should consider when we buy a � house? How important is the location of a house to Chinese people/ elders/ �young people? Do you think more traditional houses should be built in China? What �is the influence that houses make on global warming?

Describe a room where you want to spend a �lot of time

Part3 Do you prer larger rooms or �smaller rooms? What are the differences? Are larger rooms the symbol of the �social status? What do you want to fill in a room? What factors do we need to �consider when we decorate the room? How to make a room pleasant? What impact �can the reception area of a company make on its clients? Is the office �arrangement vital?

Are there any differences between �traditional and modern architectures? Which one do you prer? What will the �architectural style be like in future? What makes the differences?

Describe a place where you studied or worked

Part3 What is the influence that the �environment makes on study? Why students like studying in the library? What �could help you to study more fectively?

Describe a tourist attraction you have �visited

Part3 Do you prer natural scenic spot �or human landscape? Which do you like more, solo travel or package tour? Where �would you like to travel to? How about a museum? Do you like to have a guided �tour or walk around the scenic spot alone? What are differences between young �people and elders on traveling? What should be done to protect the tourist � attractions? Do you like to live in another country? Should college students �be encouraged to go on a trip?

Describe an important city in your �country(A city/town you enjoyed visited/would like to visit)

Part3 Do you like living in the �countryside? Do you prer to live in the city or countryside? What are the �differences between the city and village life? What changes have taken place �in the place? What are the problems in the city? Is the crime serious in the �city? How to solve it?

Describe your favorite cafe/restaurant

Part3 What sorts of people like drinking �tea? Why drinking coffee is popular in China now? What are the differences �between the cafe and restaurant? What social activities are viable at home?

Describe a shopping street that you like

Part3 Do you like shopping in the mall? �Why people like shopping in the big mall? Do you often shop online? What do �you think about shopping online? Do you prer to shop in the mall or online?

Describe a park you have visited

Describe a radio program you like

Part3 Which one is more vital, the Tv �program or radio program?

Should the government impose the �construction of the radio station? Is national radio necessary for us? Does �local radio benit local people?

Describe a book that someone recommended �to you

Part3 Do elders like reading? Is reading �a good habit? Are Chinese people used to reading? Do you think there are more �people that prer to read more than watch TV? What are differences between �people who often spend time watching TV and those that often read? What �parents should do to make their children lead a good reading habit? What are �qualities of a successful person? What books are the most popular in China? �Why? Have you ever purchased any second-hand books? Why? Have you read any � ebooks? Do you think ebooks would take place of printed books?

Describe an interesting speech or talk �you enjoyed

Part3 Do you like speeches? Is the talk �about children’s education important? Why is it difficult to communicate with �kids? Are visual aids necessary when we make the presentation? What are �qualities of a lecturer?

Describe a plant you like/ are familiar �with

Part3 Is What fruit trees are available �in China? Is it good for us to plant vegetables? Is being a farmer easy? Are �farmers satisfied with their job? Why is fertilizer used in agriculture? Is �agriculture playing an important role in China? How to stir their interest in �farming? What is people’s attitude towards farmers nowadays? What practical � applications can be observed in the development of agriculture in China?

Describe a toy you used to play with in �your childhood

Part3 What sorts of toys are popular now �in China? What changes have taken place in toys from the past to now? What �are the differences on toys for boys and girls? Why boys like the games that �require teamwork? Will these toys remain popular in future?

Describe a photo you like

Part3 What is the importance of cameras? �What do you think about advertisements that come with pictures? Is it worth �taking pictures of family members by expensive cameras?

Something you lt

Describe a present you gave to your �friend/ you received recently

Part3 What are presents usually given in �China? Which situation is suitable to give a present? What is the present �you’d like to receive? Would you like to be a giver or receiver? Is present �giving important? Is it different to send gifts made by yourself or you buy? What �do we need to pay attention to when we send gifts to children? Should we send �gifts which are educational to children? Who tends to be happier when � receiving a gift, children or adults? What influence does the advertisement �make on choosing gifts? What if the child does not like your gift?

Describe a film/book about future/ �related to a real person

Part3 Who do you want to recommend this �film to? What makes the actors/actresses successful in the performance? What �people or events are usually rerred in this type of film? Why do people �like watching films about the politicians? What’s your impression on the �characters in cartoon films? Will they take place of the real �actors/actresses?

Do you think the documentary tells us the �truth? Can people learn more about the historical event or people through �documentaries? Are plots in the movie real? Does the big name influence the �box office of the movie?

What do you think about the ranking �system in the movie industry? Will children be influenced by the violence in �the movies?

Why do people like writing books about �future? Do you think what the kind of books talk about will come true? What �do you like about robots?

Describe a funny TV program that you �watch regularly

Part3 What kinds of TV programs are �Chinese people keen on? How many hours do Chinese people spend on watching TV �one day an average? Do you prer to watch movies at home or in the cinema? �Why do people like watching movies on TV? Do you think the cinema will �disappear someday? Why elderly people don’t like going to the cinema? Do you �think that people will be isolated from the society if they indulge �themselves into the TV program? Are there too many Sports TV programs on TV? �What are their advantages and disadvantages? What is the importance of � international TV program?

What are the differences between Chinese �and foreign TV programs? Should parents supervise the time that children �spend watching TV?

What are the changes of the TV program in �China in recent years?

Describe an advertisement that made you �want to buy the products

Part3 What are the influences that �advertisements make on people’s life? What do you think about advertisements? �What is the importance of the media?

Describe a game not a sport you used to �play when you were a child

Part3 What sorts of games are children �keen on playing now? Are there any differences on games between now and in �the past?

Is designing games benicial to �children? What are the differences between indoor and outdoor games? What are �the advantages? Which one do you prer? Should students do some exercises �after studying? Do adults like the same games as children? What are the �differences?

Describe a special meal you had

Part3 What is the importance of having a �get-together to Chinese people? How do Chinese people behave in a �get-together party? What do you think about that many people prer sitting in �front of TV rather than going out to have a get-together? What are the �differences on Chinese meals between the past and now? What do you think �about the vegetables that are transported from a long distance away? Can �students learn the right eating habit at school? Is it necessary for �businessmen to have meals together in order to get more business? What makes �eating at home different from eating out?

Describe your favorite food/meal

Part3 Do you think the agriculture �influences our health? Will the agriculture affect people’s diet in future? �Is the children’s diet getting different?

Describe a picnic or a meal you enjoyed

Part3 Do people prer to eat at home or �in the restaurant nowadays? Are there any changes in comparison with long �time ago? What should a healthy diet be like? Is it clean and healthy to eat �out? What should the government do to improve it?

Describe a means of public transport/ a �trip by public transport

Part3 What are pros and cons of public �transport? Advantages and disadvantages of subways and buses. What may people �be able to do in public transport? What is the transport like in your �hometown? Why do more people buy private cars? Is it a good phenomenon? What �actions should the government take in order to encourage more people to take � the public transport? What are the differences between public transport and �private cars?

Describe a piece of (formal)clothes you �wear on special occasions

Part3 Do you like shopping for clothes? �What do Chinese people often wear on official occasions? Are there any �differences on wearing between women and men? What are advantages and �disadvantages of shopping online? What is the influence of changes in fashion �on clothes manufacturing industry?

Describe a popular product made in China( �food and so on)

Describe a product in your region(food, a �handcraft or a car)

Part3 What else food is popular in China? �What kinds of product imported from other countries are popular in China?

Describe a usul equipment but not �computer

Part3 Which one is more significant to �us, the laundry machine or the TV set? What are changes on housework and �cleaning nowadays? Do you think it is essential for us to know cooking? Do �children need to do household chores? Can you give me some comments about the �new trash can?

Describe something that you could not �live without except computers or cell phones

Part3 Why do kids always take toys? What �toys do they often take? Why are young people into high-tech products in �China? What functions in cell phones are not usul to us?

Describe a particularly usul website

Part3 What do you think about the �internet? What do different age groups of people do on the internet? What is �people’s life like with/ without the internet? What are the differences �between young people and elders on surfing on the Internet? How to help �elders surf online? Is it good for college students to surf on the internet? �What do you think about news online? Do you like shopping online?

Describe an important message/letter you �received

Part3 Do you think communication skills �are important? Does the way people from different age groups communicate �vary? In what way people normally communicate with each other? What is the �most popular communication method in modern time? How about in the ancient �time? Do you think letters would be replaced by e-mails in future? On what �occasions formal speak should be proper?

Describe an interesting conversation you �had with someone you didn’t know

Part3 Why do people like chatting with �strangers? Who do you prer to chat with, old people or young people? What �are differences between chat and gossip? Why is it easier to solve problems �by chatting with others than working on individually?

Describe your favorite season

Part3 How do the four seasons get changed �in your country? What is good to live in a cold place? What problems do �people have if they work in extreme hot or cold places? What sorts of jobs �are influenced by weather?

Describe a group project you took part in/ �an activity in a group

Part3 What is the importance of teamwork? �What can you benit from teamwork? Should children take part in some group �activities? Is it good to take part in some group activities? What kinds of �group activities are popular in your country? Do people at the age of your � mother like group activities? Why some people like group activities while �some other people don’t?

Describe an unusual/ideal job you could �do

Describe a future job you want to do

Part3 What are the standards for Chinese �people to choose a job? What kind of jobs is the most attractive in China? �What kinds of jobs are less attractive? What kinds of jobs are enough paid in �China? What kind of jobs do you think should be highly paid? What comes first �at work, being happy or getting more salary? What about the working �environment and interpersonal relationship? Nowadays do women are conducting � different types of jobs?

Why do some people often change their �jobs? What do you think about changing jobs? What are the differences between �men and women on jobs? Why?

Describe a science course(chemistry) you �attended

Part3 What do you think about scientific �research? What is the most important area to do research and why? Who needs �to pay for the research? Should people trust scientists?

Describe a subject in high school you did �not enjoy studying

Part3 Which subject should not be taught �in class? Which one should be taught? How do teachers help students who have �difficulties in study?

Describe an old object in your family

Describe the thing you learned from a �family member

Part3 What important skills can parents �teach their children? What children can learn from staying with their �parents? What do you think about family education in comparison with the one �at school? What role do parents and grandparents play in children’s �development? What are characteristics of a successful person? Are there any �differences on children’s education between strict parents and relaxed ones?

Describe a rule in school you agree or �disagree with

Part3 What are other rules in your �school? Which is suitable to all age groups? Which is suitable to �five-year-old kids? Which appears to be suitable to 17-year-old students? �Why?

Describe a competition you would like to �take

Part3 How could companies motivate staff �to work harder? What sorts of competitions are available in China? Should the �award be in cash? Should be children encouraged to take part in the �competition? What if they fail?

Describe what parents should teach �children bore their kids go to school

Part3 Apart from parents, who else could �teach kids?

Describe a decision that took you a lot �of time to make

Part3 Is it hard to make decisions? Are �there any differences on making decisions between the past and now? Who �normally makes decisions in Chinese families? Should children be given more �opportunities to make their own decisions? What decisions does the family �make? What decisions are important? Are there changes in the way the family �makes decisions? Should teachers educate students on how to make decisions?

Describe a second language not English you �want to learn

Describe something you did for learning �another language

Part3 Is it easy to learn a second �language? To whom is it easier to learn a second language, elders or �children? Why are Chinese people learning English but not using it? Except English �and Chinese, what is the most popular language that children are learning in �your country? How many languages do you think children should learn? Is �living in a country the best way to learn its language? How to study a �language very well? What do you think is a good way to learn a language? Why �do Chinese students learn a second language?

Describe something you did recently that �made you happy

Part3 Are there any differences among �different people on the way to relax? How do other people relax?� What is the importance of relaxation to us? What are the differences between now and in the past in relaxation? Do you �think the leisure time for people will get shorter or longer in the future? �What do you think about the fact that some people ignore to relax due to �their jobs?

What is your happiness? How do you dine �happiness? What is the relationship between money and happiness? What could �make children happy?

A future plan not related to your work or �studies

Part3 What do you think about the �day-to-day plan? �How to plan your day? � What do people often make plans for? On what occasions do we often make plans? Are they important? How do plans benit our future careers? How do �parents teach their children to make plans? �How do people plan their life? What plans �should children make? Why are parents eager to make their children get good �jobs? Is high salary important to a job?

Describe a recent change in your life

Part3 what do you think about changes? �What is the positive influence of changes on people? What are the �disadvantages of changes? What do you think about changing jobs? Why do �people change jobs frequently? Do children like changes? What do parents do �to encourage their children to change?

Describe a family business

Part3 what do you think about family �businesses? Are there advantages and disadvantages? �Do you prer small business or big �companies? What are qualities of business people? Why some people are eager �to start their own business?

A leisure activity near or in the sea

An outdoor activity you did for the first �time

Part3 What types of leisure activities �near or in the sea do children like? How about adults? How to use the �resource of the sea? Who do you think likes the seaside more, young people or �elders? Who needs the sea for a living? Will the cargo be delivered on the �sea in future? Why people like eating sea animals?

Describe one way to keep healthy

Part3 How do children keep a healthy �lifestyle? How about men and women? Why some people that keep fit choose not �to go to the gym? Why do girls stay in shape? What sports do Chinese people �like doing to keep fit? Should the school encourage students to do sports? �How?

Describe what you were late for

Part3 What are the cons of being late? �Would you mind if others were late? What do you think about being punctual? �What is young people’s& elders’ attitude towards being late? Do people �from different countries hold different standards of punctuality? Why? Are �people getting busier nowadays? What may be caused if we don’t spend enough �time with families? Do you think it will get worse or improved in future?

Describe the time when you were busiest

Part3 What do you think about routine? �Some people dislike changes, what do you think? Is it necessary for us to �stay in a quiet place?

Describe your ideal holiday

Part3 Do you like travelling? What types �of travelling are you into? What do we need to prepare bore we go on our �journey? What do you think about public holidays? How do Chinese people spend �their holidays?

Describe a story you read in your �childhood

Part3 Do people from different countries �have different views at both positive and negative characters in the same �story? DO you think children should read fiction books or nonfiction books?

The experience that you helped others

Part3 How to help others in your �community? Are people more helpful than bore?

Describe one situation that you met on �old friend

Part3 What can we benit from contacting �old friends? Why do you like to connect with old friends? What helps �friendship last long? What kills friendship?

Describe experience that you moved to a �new home or new school

Part3 What are advantages and �disadvantages of moving to new places? Do you know how to ride a bicycle? Do �many people ride the bicycle in your country? Will it be still popular in �future?

Describe one time when one guest lived in �your apartment

Part3 What do you like living in other �people’s places? When you travel to a new place, would you like to live in �your friend’s place or in the hotel? Are there any differences?

Describe a sport event you took part in �or watched on TV

Part3 Do Chinese like watching sport �events on TV? Do you know any famous Chinese athletes? Who is your idol? What �factors do you think contribute to the success of an athlete? What do they �often do after they retire? What type of sports is the most popular in China? �Do you often watch domestic sport events or international ones? What can we � benit from holding international sport games? Are there any disadvantages?

What sorts of sport games do Chinese like �watching? Do you think it is good for the family to watch sport games �together? Is it better for the family members to vote for the same team or �different teams?

Describe a show/ performance you enjoyed �watching

Part3 What kinds of performances are �popular in China? Why? Do you think the government should invest money in �traditional performances? Are there any differences on the performing form �between men and women? �What dances do �they like respectively? What do you think about Beijing opera? Should kids �learn dancing? What is the importance of TV programs to the art? Are there �many traditional performances in the TV program? How should the Television �Station select performances?

Describe a party you want to hold for �someone in future

Part3 Is it different to have a party �with parents from celebrating a party with your friends? When do you �celebrate a party? How? What are the changes between now and past? What will �it be like in future?

Describe an interesting historical/traditional �event in your country

Part3 What makes people historical in �your country? Have you ever learned history in your childhood? Do you think �it is important for us to learn history? How can we learn the historical �event? Are you interested in modern history or ancient history? Does history �interest most of students? What’s its importance? Should the museum open to �the public for free or not? What stuff may be displayed in the museum in the � future?

Do you like wearing traditional clothes? Are �traditional clothes or food still attractive to young people in your country? �More and more Chinese people are celebrating western festivals, do you agree �with that? What do you think about it? Do you think we should abandon a part �of the traditional culture?


1. 结合社会时事,以教授的角度去分析学术问题

Sample question:

Do you think the school should teach �students to be polite?

关 于教育的问题不管在写作还是口语中,都有着举足轻重的作用,这样的学术问题听起来就比较宏观和抽象,而考生们当下的反应也大多比较表面和抽象,试图用常识 蒙混过关。但在现实考试中,考官一直在期待一个真正能够说服他的观点,那要如何说服他,尤其是在没有专业词汇量的支持下呢?我们需要通过生活中血淋淋的例 子,社会现状来解释,考官自然就会用他的常识来理解你,你也不会被why一直狂轰滥炸了。

Sample Answer:

Yes, positive. It is quite urgent for �schools to pay more attention to the education of personal characters �nowadays. Politeness tells us to consider people’s feelings and respect �people around us. Students that act impolite tend to be isolated by the �crowd. Sometimes, they may even get into fight with their classmates. Without �politeness, more problems or conflicts could be harbored easily. What’s even �worse, they may commit the crime due to lack of self-control and mutual � understanding. I have read news that a student in one of top universities �just poisoned his roommate because of something pretty small. I believe if �the student could take his roommate’s feeling into account or just say sorry �whenever necessary, the tragedy may not have happened.

2. 正面攻击无力,反面回击要及时

Sample question:

Do you think children should learn �history?

在雅思口语考试中,我们会遇到很多这样的问题。这样的问题典型的特色是英雄主义浓厚,我们不得不跟着大潮流去刚正不阿。就拿这个题来说,90%以上的烤鸭们的回答都应该是Yes, 因为这是不争的事实。但是,我们会遇到另外一个大问题,在解释为什么重要的时候会显得很无力,没有什么强有力的观点可以让我们独树一帜。所以,这里我想提醒广大烤鸭我们完全可以从侧面去攻克,如果不学历史,会有什么后果呢?相信大部分烤鸭又可以侃侃而谈了。

Sample Answer:

Yes, certainly. History records the �tradition, culture and even civilization for a country. It drags us back to �the past and enables us to know what people’s life was like long time ago.

We are responsible to pass our culture tradition �down from generation to generation. If children do not learn history, they �could not fully understand the ritual and essence of their country. And more � tragically, the nation may be forgotten someday.


2014年 的雅思口语考试除了热门话题的重复考核,一些新题也正式加入雅思口语话题题库,带来了新鲜的血液和变化,比如说丢下的东西,最忙的一次经历,一个聪明的 人,遇到老朋友的经历,家乡产品等,整体来说本次雅思口语考试难度系数不高,但是要求众多烤鸭们对于抽象性话题自我引申的能力要强,语言功底要扎实,否则 很容易走进5分的死胡同。

那要如何应对这些问题呢?其实部分问题相对来说还是比较熟悉的,比如家乡产品,看似宽泛的话题,烤鸭们最难的任务就是要充分发挥自己的长处找到自己熟悉的方向或者黄金点子,比如说食物(Hot Pot火锅),手工作品(Crystal/Jade Carvings), 衣服等,因为这些话题都是口语话题题库中的老题目,目前可有的参考书或者网上资料都可以给烤鸭们带来很不错的灵感。至于最忙的一次经历,遇到老朋友的一次 经历等,这些事件话题看起来没有难度,烤鸭们都相对容易能够想出主题和想法,但是最难驾驭的就是逻辑引申和细节。其实,对于事件类话题最难展开的就是事件 中,描述事件的真正进度又耗时又过于具体导致词汇不够用,很多烤鸭们都牺牲在这个步骤。不过,如果我们换个思路去引申,结果完全可以更理想。任何事件在发 生前都有一个源头,就针对丢下的东西这个话题,在丢下东西之前你做了什么,是因为要忙于去见朋友或者开始自己的旅行,是如何的匆忙和不小心(当然这里也是 各有各的故事);丢失后,你当下的感受(非常的disappointed/upset),因为它的重要性(象征着),并且给你造成什么consequence。按照这样的逻辑,我们就可以有效的避开事件中的繁冗细节,并且丰富生动的表达出自己的观点,分数也可以达到6分以上。

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