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  2014年5月24日雅思口语机经。下面是澳际雅思小编第一时间为大家整理收集的2014年5月24日雅思口语机经(网友版) ,下面,和澳际小编一起来看看吧:

  Part 1

  1. Noise (本周热门考题), What natural sound do you like the most? (Why?)

  2. Rain (本周热门考题), Does it rain much in your hometown?

  3. Cars(本季度新题),If you wanted to buy a car, what kind of car would you choose?

  4. Maps(本季度新题), Do you prer to use electronic maps or those made of paper?

  5. Leisure Time (本周热门考题), Do you think it's important to spend your leisure time with your family?

  6. Dictionary, Which kind of dictionaries do you prer to use?

  7. Gifts, Do you and your friends or family members give each other gifts?

  8. Toys, Is there any difference between the boys' toys and girls' toys?

  Part 2& 3

  1. A good law in your country (本季度新题),If there were no laws, what do you think society (or life) would be like?

  2. Your first mobile phone (本周热门考题), Are mobile phones very common in your country?

  3. A place where you enjoyed learning about another culture, What do you think is the best way to become familiar with another culture?

  4. A magazine or newspaper that you like to read(本周热门考题),Do young people and old people like to read the same types of things?

  5. A School You Attended (本季度新题), Which do you think is better, students studying in big classes or studying in small classes?

  6. A famous person who is important in your country, What are the advantages/disadvantages of being famous?

  7. A wedding you attended (老题新翻,本周热门),Do people eat, drink and dance at wedding celebrations in China?

  8. A time when you are very busy, Why do you think some people are much busier than others?

  9. A time when you saw a wild animal (老题新翻,本周热门), Do you think it's cruel to keep wild animals in zoos?

  10. An indoor game that you played when you were a child, Do you think outdoor activities are important for children?


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