您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 2017年3月14日雅思听力机经.
Section 1 新题 租房场景
1. Date: May 5th
2. Price monthly rent: 1700
3. You have to pay by: credit card/ check (不确定)
4. kitchen
5. working … without garage
6. whether have a dish washer or not
7. water the garden
8. recycling
9. don't have a central air condition but a window air condition
10. landlord Name: Same Dressler
Section 2 旧题 介绍野生动物志愿者组织的介绍
11. what is the aim of the project
B. how to live in the jungle (introduce animal to the wild world)
C. observation of the ape
12. ***** cover all kind of fees
A. experience B. all insurance C. only accommodation
13. What can students cannot get used to
A. insect B. climate C, food
C medical test
6 个人名观点 volunteer work 能带来什么
A. warning yourself
B. learning a culture
C. preparation for career (prospect)
D. to escape from your daily routine
E. to make friends H .wild animal(顺序不定)
15. make friend
16. wild animal
17. career prospect
18. learning a culture
Section 3 旧题 V09309;一男一女讨论语言学习
21-26) multiple choice
21. the research report was based on recording equipment in each room
22. Ben felt not proper because
A. without the child’s permission
Daughter too young to give permission
23. Ben 为什么有疑惑
A. 孩子太小 不能record
B. 全世界都这样
C. parents’ simplified language is 对孩子成长没有长远影响
24. 女的问什么学习法语的方法
B. 他认为这样可以连语法 grammar
C.日常用到的口语表达 oral expression
25. 男的为什么喜欢 learn by role dialogue 学外语
A.*** C. because Ben is confident,不怕跟外国人交流
27-28)M(女)问这两个人用什么方法调查 project, survey; video interview; experiment; dairy; observation
29-30)男生在数据分析 data collect 的时候的困难, 五选二
A. missed appointment B. broken facilities C. technical errors D. the data cannot used E. interruption
Section 4 新题;讲座场景(澳大利亚文学)
31. song
32. Industry publishing
33. What does the author experienced poverty
34. character
36. frustration
37. friendship
38. danger
40.mainly inspired by coast
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲