


2017/08/06 19:30:09 编辑: 浏览次数:241 移动端


  Task 1 line graph


  The first graph gives the number of passengers travelling by train in �Sydney. The second graph provides information on about the percentage of trains �running on time.

  The first line graph shows the number of people who went out by railway in �Sydney from1995 to 2004. The second line graph compares the on-time performance �of Sydney trains network over the same period.

  It is clear that there was a gradual increase in the number of passengers �over the nine-year period. Overall, the service of rail transport was not �satisfying.

  About 250million passengers prerred to travel by train, and this figure �rose steadily and reached a peak of 300 million in the year 2001. After �experiencing a slight drop to 280 million, Sydney’s railway system served nearly �the same loads of travellers in the following years.

  Sydney train’s on-time target was 94%. As shown in the second graph, except �the years1999 and 2002, most train failed to arrive on time in the majority of �years. Itis interesting to note that the year 2004 witnessed the worst �performance in terms of punctuality(around 72%)

  Task 2 议论文

  题目:Many people do not feel safe either at home or �they are out. What are the causes, and what can be done to make people fee �safer?










  Sample Answer:

  Security is always a frequently talked topic in the modern society. Looking �into the factors leading to dangers helps people to protect themselves from �insecurity. This essay will mainly analyse the reasons for this problem and �provide some solutions.

  There are two main factors contributing to the phenomenon that more people �feel insecure. In general, the detailed description of violence on them ass �media should be responsible for this problem. When criminal cases such as �shooting, tht and driving after drinking are often reported on the TV, the �viewers’ safety and security will probably be threatened and they will be in the �beli that they are likely to be subject to offences at anytime. This problem �can also be attributed to the widespread use of mobile devices. With more �applications installed in people’s smart phones, they save too many secrets on �this device--the online bank passwords and the information of their social �network which may include significant business opportunities. It is not �exaggerated that their lives and property will be threatened if they lose their �precious mobile devices.

  To solve this problem, governments, police stations and citizens themselves �should cooperate with each other. First of all, the government should impose a �restriction on the representation of crimes, reducing the plots focusing on the �detailed description. The governments and police stations need to set up a �security system, through which citizens’ personal information can be prevented �from being stolen. It is also of great essence that citizens should raise the �awareness of security.

  As mentioned above, the occurrence of crime on the mass media and the �storage of personal information on mobile devices are the main reasons for �insecurity. Governments, police stations and citizens should make a concerted �fort to address this issue.


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