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  2014年5月17日雅思口语机经。下面是澳际雅思小编第一时间为大家整理收集的2014年5月17日雅思口语机经(网友版) ,下面,和澳际小编一起来看看吧:



  1. When was the first time you did cooking? and what you cooked?

  2. Who does cooking at your home? Why?

  3. Do you think it is important to cook at home? Why?

  4. What is the feature of the home-made food?


  Describe an event that resulted in a positive change in your life.

  You should say:

  when it happened

  where it happened

  what the change was

  and explain how you have benited from this change




  When was the first time you did cooking? and what you cooked?

  The first I did cooking was on a summer day at my twenty. That day I made two dished with the help of my grandma. The first dish I made was “ the tomato fries the egg", my favourite food. Though I was a bit nervous, I did it right, however it's not as delicious as that cook e d by grandma. Then I tried the 'pork braised in soy sauce'. It's not bad as my first try.


  the tomato fries the egg = 西红柿炒蛋

  pork braised in soy sauce = 红烧肉

  Who does cooking at your home? Why?

  My grandma does cooking at my home. I was lt to be under care of my grandma since my parents went to city to make a living while I was live years old. My grandma cooks all year around except on holidays when my mother is at home in charge of housework.


  under care of = 在xxx的照顾下

  be in charge of = 负责

  Do you think it is important to cook at home? Why?

  Sure. There're at least three advantages for cooking at home. First, you can eat many delicious foods at a reasonable price. Second, food cooked at home is much safer than that in restaurants. Finally, it is very good to enjoy dishes together with family members.


  reasonable price = 合理的价格

  What is the feature of the home-made food?

  The most important feature of home - made food is that food cooked at home is much safer than that in restaurants. And home - made food contains our love for family members, and this is hard to compare with foods made in restaurants by chs.


  ch = 主厨


  Sample Answer

  I’d like to talk about the change in my life that happened last year. I used to stay up late and get up late in the morning. I thought that was the best way for me to use my time more fectively because I loved studying and doing things at night. One day, I watched a TV program about health living. In the program, the expert said that if we didn’t go to bed bore 11 o’clock, our body wouldn’t get a good rest even if we got up late. Then, I began to rlect on my own life style and began to feel that I was living a very unhealthy life. I decided to have a change. I began to go to bed bore 11. At first, it was very difficult for me because I felt hard to fall asleep. Then, I tried to listen to some soft music and drink a cup of milk bore going to bed. After a while, I began to get used to my new schedule. However, even without staying up late, I still got up very late in the first two weeks. I began to set my alarm clock and I also asked me mom to keep an eye on me and wake me up in the morning. Of course, my mom was very happy to contribute in such things. Now, I feel I can be more productive than bore and I can use my morning time well to study.

  I think it’s a very positive change in my life and I’m sure I’ll keep doing it. Sometimes, making changes isn’t easy, but if we try our best, we’ll be able to succeed.


  rlect = 反应;反射

  keep an eye on = 照看;留意;密切关注

  be able to = can


  1.What forms of exercise are most popular in your country?

  A lot of them are popular. I know many of my friends love football, basketball and badminton. They would always get together with their friends to play some group sports. Biking is also getting popular nowadays. I think they’re all good ways to work out and make us feel rreshed.


  work out = 锻炼;解决

  2.Is there much difference between the exercise that young people do and the exercise that old(er) people do?

  Young people usually like more competitive sports, something like football, basketball, and mountain biking. However, a lot of older people enjoy doing some mild exercise at parks, such as Taiji, and dancing.


  competitive sports = 竞技运动

  3.What do you think are the health benits of exercise?

  Exercise is good for our mental and physical health. After sitting in front of the computer for a whole day, some good sports can dinitely help us stretch our and tired muscles. We can also feel relaxed and release the stress and tension from work and studies.


  mental and physical health = 身心健康

  stretch = 伸展;拉展

  4.Which do you think is better, to do things indoors or outdoors?

  I think a combination will be good. We need to go outside to breathe fresh air,

  exercise our body, and spend some time with our friends. However, it’s also

  necessary for a person to have some quiet time at home, such as reading, surfing

  the internet, and listening to music. They’re just different.


  combination = 结合;组合

  5.How much do you think diet is an important part of having a healthy lifestyle?

  I think it’s very important. If we don’t eat healthily, we might be over-weighted, which can cause many serious body conditions. Nowadays, a lot of studies have showed us how important it is to have a healthy diet.


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