

陈益民 2017年5月28日雅思写作题目及范文.

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  Some people think that teachers should be responsible for teaching students to judge what is right and wrong so that they can behave well. Others say that teachers should only teach students academic subjects. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


  A person in shanghai, with a doctor’s degree, supposed to contribute greatly to the development of the society, turned out to inflict a huge loss valued 3 billion RMB to the country. Thus, whether teachers should guide students’ behavior or just teach academic knowledge is under a heated debate. To arrive at a standpoint, I believe it sagacious to have a carful discussion first.

  Some people assert that teachers should assume responsibilities to teach children moral values of the society. They state that only when students are educated to behave well, can the sound progress of the society be maintained, and positive social order be established. Otherwise, the damages from the well-educated but ill-willed ones may be disasters to others and the nation. Besides, mastering more skills in teaching and deeper understanding of what is right and wrong, teachers can perform the task more ficiently, cultivating more qualified citizens for the society. Without the guidance, students may be at a loss on their social positions no matter how well they have learned those academic subjects. In addition, students spend most of their prime time of growth in personality at school with teachers. The lack of teachers as role models may mean a shortage of guidance in students’ growth

  However, others who believe teachers’ duty is only to teach academic subjects also seem well grounded. Firstly, being trained in skills and enriched in knowledge about teaching specific subjects, rather than the morality, teachers are more qualified in fulfilling the former task than the latter one. Moreover, staying with the parents since being born, students have formed their habits and ways to behave. Specifically, they expect to study academic knowledge from teachers, instead of learning how to behave. Additionally, for a long time in history, no evidence shows that moral behaviors should be learned from teachers, otherwise, those who receive little education can all be considered as ill-behaved ones, which is actually ridiculous.

  To sum up, both sides seem to be rational to some extent. Personally, I believe a combination of teaching morality and academic knowledge will bring more benits to the growth of the students, which is actually what most teachers around the world are doing now.


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