

雅思大作文写作结构分析之private secondary schools.

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  下面是一篇关于private secondary schools 的雅思大作文写作结构。这篇雅思大作文写作的主要内容是有人认为学生去上私立中学是一件好事。但是另外一些人则认为私立中学对真个社会来讲会产生一种负面的影响。讨论这双方的观点并给出你的观点。

  Some people think that students benit from going to private secondary schools. Others, however, feel that private secondary schools can have a negative fect on society as a whole. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

  Intro: private secondary schools have both merits and drawbacks.

  Body1: benits: 1. Best teachers and foreign teachers can learn secondary language much better than the public schools. 2. Sufficient equipment and resource for study. 3. Small group, more fective. 4. Special circumstance as parents’ requirement such as manner, tea ceremony, financial management.

  Body2: negative fect: 1.most students come from wealthy family, students compare with each other, bad for children’s metal health. 2. Private schools may have competition with public schools, push public schools update their software and hardware, rebuild the campus, this may cost more money on government budget.

  Conclusion: students can gain far more benit from private secondary schools than public schools. (Better environment and better education). May lead some negative fects but not fatal



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