

雅思写作话题范文之traditional values.

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雅思写作真题7分范文之new media

雅思7分作文范文之solutions of family relationship


  You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

  People nowadays work hard to buy more things. This has made our lives generally more comfortable but many traditional values and customs have been lost and this is a pity. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  You should write at least 250 words. You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

  With the development of the global economy, it enables a vast majority of people to afford to purchase more commodities, which assures people of a more comfortable life but many traditional cultures are being replaced with materialism. Being rich and living the “good life” with all modern conveniences is becoming more important to many people than maintaining traditional values and customs. In my view, it is a pity if we can’t retain valuable traditional values; on the other hand, it’s natural for some outdated ones to fade or disappear.

  When people work harder and have sufficient money for their life, they tend to be more self-conscious and abandon some traditional political values, such as: respect for the rulers and superiors, obedience to their orders, uncritical acceptance of certain sacrifices and discriminations. It’s natural to cast off the above traditions and accept a more equal and democratic value system.

  Many traditions are valuable and have been lost through ages. As people are enjoying more comfortable material life, they gradually develop their own set of values in order to enjoy their own style of life. They adopt some practical and adulterated content, even of low standard. They show disrespect for tradition, and looking down on public opinion and law. Along with that, many social evils and crimes which had disappeared for many years or been greatly reduced now rise again. In contrast to the past, economic, material values now carry more weight than spiritual ones; personal benit is a stronger motivation than collective benit. People rate highly a comfortable material life, looking down upon altruism and not paying attention to other people.

  The typical of the national culture, such as the virtues encouraging peace and harmony, should be maintained and promoted. It’s not bad that people work hard to ensure a basis of solid material resources. However, from traditional values one must retain the positive ones for the begin development of people themselves and the society. Otherwise, human beings will be corrupted by the immoral behaviors and values. (336 words)


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