


2017/08/06 16:36:59 编辑: 浏览次数:473 移动端





  2011年上半年雅思考试已经过去了,2011年1月-6月,亚太地区总共有雅思考试(学术类)24场,下面我们就一起来看看 2011年上半年的雅思小作文写作真题的汇总,看看对下半年的雅思写作考试有哪些内容是值得参考和借鉴的。


  (1) 一般图表题(表格、饼状图、柱状图、线状图和混合图)共出现22次;

  (2) 特殊图表题(地图题和流程图)仅考2次;

  (3) 混合图表题出现2次,分别V11122和V11138,均为饼状图和表格的联姻;

  (4) 上半年出现连体2次,分别是V11117-11119和V11125-11128,前者是饼状图的连体,后者是柱状图的连体;

  (5) 2011年4月-6月,小作文部分未出现连体现象,目前遗漏12期,已达峰值。

version type content
11117 pie chart (2) UK graduates’ employment – first degree, PhD (2003)
11118 pie chart (3) vehicles usage – private cars, public transport, commercial vehicles, recreational vehicles (1965 1985 2005)
11119 pie chart (2) population distribution and spending on education
11120 table population, literacy rate, infant mortality rate in Poland, Brazil, Egypt and Paskistan (2002)
11121 pie chart (4) water consumption in 4 countries – agriculture, industry, domesitc
11122 pie + table tourists from Asia, Europe, US and others to Australian resorts; stay length, accommodation, main activitity
11123 line chart music CD bought – music shop, internet, supermarket (1998-2004)
11124 map (2) Medway development (2000, present)
11125 bar chart (2) driving license (male, female); 17-20 age-range distribution
11126 bar chart (3) employment – agriculture, indistry, service – China, Italy, USA
11127 bar chart (3) waste recycling – plastic, paper, cans, glass (1992, 1997, 2002)
11128 bar chart (3) population distribution in 4 areas – 1950, 2000, 2030
11129 line chart (2) daily visitors – summer, winter (2003)
11130 bar chart (2) bus punctuality; complaints by passengers
11131 line chart tourism enquiries – phone, letter/email, in person
11132 bar chart fair trade – coffee, tea, coco, banana, honey (1998-2002)
11133 line chart Books bought – bookshop, supermarket, internet (2000-2012)
11134 pie chart (3) accommodation – camp, hotel, rent, friends (1988 1998 2008)
11135 bar chart UK university applicants (2004-2008)
11136 table population trends in 4 areas (1950-2000 2000-2050)
11137 process�(14)� how canned fruit is produced and delivered
11138 pie + table Australian citizens&apos nationality and distribution respectively�
11139 line chart cinema attendance in 4 age groups
11140 bar chart (2) major distribution (male, female) (2000, 2008)


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