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  第一题:it is easier to be a success in the past than it is today.( People now are easier to become educated than in the past.这俩题目一个思路,现在更容易接受教育,科技发达了,网络课程/福利待遇提高,义务教育,贷款上学/观念转变,以前女孩不让上学,现在都可以,甚至有的女纸当总统。。。。老酒新瓶,思路完全一致,思路如下,大家想想吧)


  1. 现在更容易成功。科技的发展提供便捷,全球资源共享,最新时讯信息掌握,然后踩过去的不利,说过去信息滞后,错失良机,不易成功。

  2. 福利待遇提高让现在更易成功,以前无钱有想法也无法实现,现在福利待遇,政府政策支持,贷款,更易有机会成功。

  3. 观念转变,多元化,现在实现成功的渴望更强,不断自我提升学习,更易有能力实现梦想成功,而以前相对人更安稳生活。

  第二题:In the past young people depended on their parents for making decisions. Today, young people are better able to make decisions on their own.


  1.同意。科技发展让现在人更易自我决定,以前孩子不懂全靠问父母信息来源,现在求助网络google, 一搜知天下,信息来源独立,更多自主决定。

  2. 观念转变。社会价值观,强调individual,孩纸希望有自己空间,和父母不是上下关系,是朋友关系,自己更多权限决定很多,如择校,自己爱好等等。

  3.经济发展,家庭更富于,送孩子去boarding school 或国外,孩子从下自我要面临好多问题,父母不在身边,好多问题自己决定,从小锻炼了独立,精神上和生活上的。

  第三题:The most important problems affecting our society today could be solved within our lifetime.(或Although science and technology will continue to improve, the most significant improvement for the quality of people's lives have already taken place.这俩题思路差不多,这个题也是说尽管发展了,还有些有待以后发展解决,如环境问题,能源问题都考科技进步发展,思路一样,大家想想)




  3.人口爆炸问题能解决,人多争夺资源空间,不堪重负,政府和人民共同努力,family planning 等,几代努力后定能解决。

  第四题: It is important to have rules about types of clothing that people are allowed to wear to work and school.



  第五题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Universities should spend more money on improving facilities than on hiring famous professors.


  第六题:In 20 years from now , students will not use printed books any more

  思路讲解:不会用了,1.小学生不会用,打印书籍无聊,单调,不能激起小学生学习兴趣2.中学生不会用了,科目多,打印书籍笨重,不变携带,有更方便的电子书取代3.大学生不会用 了,搜集资料多,打印不便查找,电子类,关键词,轻易搜资料,取代打印书籍。

  第七题:Students should spend at least one year working or travelling bore they go to university

  第八题:Employees who always follow their supervisor’s instructions are more valuable to their companies than employees who try to find new or better ways

  第九题:Most people can solve important problems in their lives by themselves or with the help of their families; help from the government is often unnecessary


  1. 不同意。拆分。好多问题必须靠政府,环保问题,取缔啊等等呢个,不用多说,环保是老话题。

  2. 就业问题,靠政府投资,创造就业岗位等等。

  3. 医疗方面的问题,考政府投入,研究,保障。

  第十题: Teachers had a greater influence on young people in the past than they do today.

  思路讲解:同意:1.让步:教师传统意义还在2.反驳,科技发展丰富教育手段,网络课程等弱化教师功能 3.观念转化,以前人们更保守,现在多元化Teaching is harder than it was in the past 这个题目和前一个反着写就可以了!思路一致。

  第十一题:Teachers are supposed to assign homework to students everyday///// Young people nowadays are more likely to make time and forts to improve the world than young people in the past

  第十二题:The ability to read and write is more important now than in the past 14. Should company use public recognition to reward hard working, not to use money(((类似思路或考:An fective leader will make others like they are a part of decision making process))))



  2.public recognition更好,Maslow theory of needs马斯洛需求理论,满足了物质基础后需要self-valued,public recognition成就感更强,金钱换不来。

  3.public recognition给你带来的是你工作领域口碑提高,无形价值,以 后换工作或跳巢,砝码,换取更多经济回报。

  第十三题:People who have learned many different skills are more likely to succeed than those who focus on learning only one skill

  第十四题:People should buy things made in their own country , even if they are more expensive than those made in other countries

  第十五题:Two individuals can still be good friends if one of them has more money than the other one does

  第十六题:Teachers should be paid according to how well their students perform


  第十七题:In order to succeed in doing a new job, the ability to adapt oneself to the environment is more important than the excellent knowledge of this job.

  第十八题:.It is more important for government to spend money on new buildings than preserve historic or traditional buildings and homes

  第十九题 :universities should give students job preparation for workplace .




  阅读材料观点:采取措施使 tortoises 数量增长

  1. 种植一种 pine trees 保护这种龟的栖息地。

  2. 将研究中心繁育的龟 release to wild environment。

  3. 将这种龟 reintroduce to 一些原本没有这种龟的地方去。


  1. 种植 pine trees 会使得龟赖以生存的草得不到足够的阳光而长不好,因而会影响龟的数量。

  2. 研究中心繁育的龟不能适应野外的环境。在实验室中病了有人治,但野外没人给它们治。还有就是这种龟可能会传播疾病给野生龟。

  3. 这种龟有一种习惯,总是要返回原来的栖息地,所以即使把它们带到新环境,它们也会想办法回原来的栖息地,这会使它们在回家的途中面临更多的 risks,比如说在 busy road 被汽车撞死。



  提到 3 个减小 coal burning 的污染:提高反应效率,加压或者升温。所以在 long run上来看可以减少污染。


  1. 反驳说人口增长都有 30%,你提高碳的燃烧率才 10%。

  2. 用水冲洗煤炭,除掉硫化物就不用有二氧化硫污染环境. 但听力反驳说这只是把硫化物转移到水系统,会污染河流和湖泊。

  3. 收集燃烧时排出的二氧化碳。教授反对说现在收集二氧化碳的技术还未成熟,而且一旦泄露会污染环境。



  提到3个减小coal burning的污染:提高反应效率,加压或者升温。所以在long run上来看可以减少污染。


  1. 反驳说人口增长都有30%,你提高碳的燃烧率才10%。

  2. 用水冲洗煤炭,除掉硫化物就不用有二氧化硫污染环境. 但听力反驳说这只是把硫化物转移到水系统,会污染河流和湖泊。

  3. 收集燃烧时排出的二氧化碳。教授反对说现在收集二氧化碳的技术还未成熟,而且一旦泄露会污染环境。


  Great Zimbabwe 的作用,文章提供三个传统解释,教授一一驳斥

  1,谷仓 因为养 cattle 需要 garbage

  2,gold minging place 周边发现很多 golden mining sites

  3, astronomical observatory 提到 伦敦的巨石阵 Stonehenge,说是跟巨石阵一样的功能。

  lecture 反驳根据一些 modern discoveries

  1,外表看起来像 garbage,inside 只有 2 small room, morever, no grain found there

  2, radiation carbon finds that towers and wall were built bore the golden minings,也就是说 build towers and wall 时候人们不知道有gold。

  3,angles and distance between the towers not designed to comit particular observatory tasks of the stars and so on



  Chocoas(ancient people stem from US)had no system to write, so there is no records about how the roads were built.There are three possible reasons for that.

  1.move people and commercials

  2.for regional faction like ceremony, because a North Road 有一段很长的南北方向的路可能因为人们认为他们的神会通过路找到他们3.escaping way for their troops when the enemies came。


  the professor challenged the ideas from the reading

  1.there were no vehicle and animals to move commercials, so the only way is on foot. But 10 meters wide road is too wide for that.

  2.虽然有这样的路,但是没法确认 their beli was the same with local people(没听清是现在当地人,还是当时什么地方的人)。

  3.They had enough garding for the road,没必要逃跑.besides the road was used not only by the Chocoas people but also by the enemies.有没有证据没听到。

  上述就是2014年12月6日托福写作小范围预测的话题。澳际教育提醒大家不要过分重视托福写作预测的话题,把希望全部寄托在考试预测上面,踏实备考才是托福写作高分的关键。上述的一些话题没复习到的同学可以重点练习一下写作思路、怎么展开,复习到的同学可 以稍微复习即可。澳际教育祝大家托福考试取的好成绩!

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