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  1. Describe a time you learned a new subject.

  When I was in junior high, I had to learn English for the first time, and it was really hard for me to pick up at first. The words, grammar and sentence patterns are just so different from Chinese. But with the help of my English teacher, I gradually learnt some basic words and usul phrases, and I started practicing English with foreigner whenever I got a chance, the more I acquire, the more I am willing to learn and I put more fort and I am determined to be really good in English. Now, after so many years, I am still a big fan of the English language, and I cannot live a single day without it.

  2. Among the following professions, which do you think is the most important to a city? Police officer, building designer or transport worker.

  I would say police is the most important job to a city, though they do not really get paid that much, what they do is very essential to the community. They prevent lawbreaking behaviors, like robbery, burglary, and even speeding, they hunt down criminals and preserve the safety of the community. Plus, you can call police officers for help, like when you neighbor is very noisy and you feel like you are disturbed, they also help to address common complaints like that. That is basically why I think police is the most important out these three professions.

  3. What do you think the government should do to decrease the usage of cars or other vehicles and solve the traffic problems?

  There are lots of ways for the city to decrease the usage of cars and other vehicles, and deal with the traffic jams. Firstly, the decision makers should invest more money to improve public transportation, like adding more bus routes; develop express local trains and renovating bumpy roads. Secondly, they in order to limit the number of private cars on roads, more tax should be imposed on gasoline price, and they probably should reduce the price of public transportation, and make it more accessible to citizens, so when they commute, they will only consider using public transportation.

  4. University students often feel home sick when they are away from home. What do you often do to deal with home sickness?

  There are lots of activities you can do to help you deal with homesickness. Personally, I think making new friend whenever I am away from home is a very fective way to ease my homesickness. By interacting with new friends, I feel like it is a very easy for me to fit in the local culture, also, I can enrich my own experience and broaden my horizon by exchanging different ideas with new friends. On top of that, I would say chatting with my family online is also very helpful, not only can you hear their voice, you can also see their face. Basically, it's like you are talking to them face to face. You can update them what's going on with your own life, like the people you meet, the places you have been, so on and so forth.

  5. Which of the following would you rather be? Lawyer, veterinarian or restaurant owner. Explain your answer in details.

  I would say I like to be a restaurant owner, doing business is like my childhood dream, it is a great profession and it bring me great personal satisfaction and monetary value, but I am aware that these reward does not come easy, cuz whenever you are making important decisions there are both opportunities and risks. Frankly, I like the excitement of doing business, and I am not the kind of person who just wants to live a risk-free life, I would say I like the thrill when you make a fortune or suffer a great loss. Apart from that, by operating a restaurant, I can provide people with nice food, and hopully I can make people happy, and they feel like as if they were dining in their own home.

  6. What kind of suggestions do you have to someone who is going to visit your city.

  Since I am from a coastal city in China. I would say the best time to visit is during the summer, especially June, when it is not too hot. You can bath in the sun while appreciating the beautiful scenery alone the seashore, like the blossom and palm trees and stuff. One should dinitely try out the sea food like salmon, tuna and even some lobsters. Apart from that, the last thing you should miss out when visiting this nice and beautiful city is sea and water activities like snorkeling, wakeboarding and even jet skiing. You might get a little sun burnt but still worth it.

  7. Which period do you think is the toughest during one's life? childhood, adolescent, or adulthood?

  I would say the toughest period during one's life is adulthood. Not like the childhood, we are pursuing our degrees in universities or already doing a job to make a living. In school, we are constantly under lots of pressure, the assignments like problem sets, presentations, research papers are killing us. After graduation, we have to fulfill all kinds of responsibilities as a professional. On the other hand, being a child or an adolescent is much easier, they just have fun and do not have to worry about anything.

  8. Describe a suggestion you have for environment protection in your school.

  I would say the university should invest some money to provide garbage bins that allows the students and faculty members to categorize their trash. As known to all, some the trash are recyclable like soda cans, paper and glass. One of the major reasons that there is rampant littering in my campus is that there are not enough trash cans in the campus. By providing more trash cans, and with proper education, hopully we can make the community members more environment conscious and make our campus a better place.

  9. Do you think college students should be allowed to keep pets in their dorm?

  I would no pets should be allowed in campus dorms, cuz dorm is supposed to be a quiet place, where students can get some rest from whole day's study, and pets are generally very messy and noisy, and some people are allergic to them. Anyway, going to college costs a lot and one should prioritize their role as a student and maintain a high GPA, everything else comes after that, I would suggest students should leave the animals home, and I think it is kind of fair to pets, cuz college are busy, one does not have enough time to be with the pets.

  10. If you were doing some volunteer work in a hospital, which one of the following three would like to do? 1 chatting with patients 2 reading to patients 3 take care of their families

  Personally, I would like to read to a patient if I got a chance to do some volunteer work in a hospital. First of all, I think lots of patient are quite reserved and not willing to talk to others, like those who suffered emotionally and got traumatized within find it hard to talk to other, however, they do not reject you when you read books to them. On top of that, there are lots of good books that can be really helpful to them, like spiritual books and self improvement books that will help them to grow spiritually, also, the one who reads the book will be benited from it.

  11. Some schools require students to take part in community service activities after school. Which of the following do you think is the best activity for students? 1. Planting flowers in the community 2.doing clean-ups in the garden 3. recycling waste.

  If I got a chance to do some community service, I would like to choose to clean the garden. Well, in my city, people do not really pay attention to environment protection. There are rampant littering, and spitting everywhere. The garden is supposed to be place where citizens can have fun and get some relaxation. Unfortunately, it is not very neat and clean. I would like to make it a better place for community members to enjoy themselves, and by consciously participating this kind of activity, hopully, I can influence my friends and strangers around me so that they will be aware that environment protection is really urgent.

  12. Which of the following do you think is the most important for maintaining good health? Doing exercises, eating healthy food, or going to bed early?

  I would say doing exercises is most important for maintaining good health. Especially aerobics like swimming, jogging, and even do some running on a treadmill, it helps your cardiovascular system. When you sweat a lot, it helps your system to get rid of the poisonous stuff within your body. Secondly, by doing exercise, you can burn lots of fat in your body, and you do not have to say no to delicious food and snacks, like ice cream, hamburgers and stuff like that.

  13. What kind of clothes do you like to wear?

  I would like to wear casual clothes like hoodies, jeans and other kinds of causal and sports outfit, but at a reasonable price. As a student I do not have lots of money to spend on buying fancy brand name clothes, and frankly, lots of brands name outfits are not that appealing to me. Another reason that I like to wear causal and sport outfits that are at a reasonable price is that, I do lot of sports after school, wearing these stuff feel comfortable when I am doing sports and I do not look awkward to wear that even in the classroom.


  1. Some would like a job that does not require any travelling; others prer to get job with frequent travel. Which one do you prer and why?

  Personally, I would to choose a job that can give a chance to travel around. I am the kind of person who likes new and exciting things and exploration. Just staying in one place, I will get extremely bored. I might not have a high ficiency at work and might not be very productive. On top of that, travelling around makes me a well-rounded person. When doing business in different places, I got a chance to talk to locals and get to know their culture, customs and way of living. By interacting with them I can broaden my horizon and have new perspective on things.

  2. Would you like to make friends with the same interests or the one with different interests.

  Personally, I would like to make friends with different interests. Admittedly, as the saying goes, birds of the same feather flock together, I do think it is more interesting to make friends with totally different hobbies. By making friends and interacting with someone who has different hobbies can help us to broaden our horizon and enrich our knowledge in different fields. For example, I came to know a guy who like to planes and cars, by hanging out with him, I gained lots of information about the models of various fancy cars, and you will not lose anything to know more at least.

  3. Some people like to collect old things such as newspapers. Others throw things away after they have used them. Which do you prer and why?

  I am the kind of person who likes to keep old things especially like newspapers, book I read in the past and . even the football I used to kick around. These things help me to document important milestones and memories. Particularly about the newspapers, newspapers record lots of major event in sports, politics and even the entertainment. I am a big basketball fan, and I follow the NBA very closely, I clip out the stories covering NBA finals every year and I collect them. I keep these precious documents not only for myself but also for the next generation to come. For these reasons and more, I find it very interesting to hold on to things from the past.

  4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that it is not a good way to spend time watching sports on TV.

  Personally, I strongly disagree with that, actually watching sports on TV is a great way to spend time, but I am not saying that we should do that every day. It provides us a very good chance to spend some quality time with families members and friends, they are a big part of our lives, I do not think there are many occasions when we can have some fun together, and watching sports with them is dinitely one of them and we'd better not skip that. On top of that, watching sports on TV itself is pretty relaxing, to support our home team with family members and friends gives a great sense of belongings, and I enjoy that kind of feeling very much.

  5. Nowadays many people find their social network on the Internet. Do you think it is a positive trend?

  Well, yes dinitely, personally I am a big internet fan, and I think on-line social networks is a very good to socialize with friends and family members, and even get connected with professionals. My first reason is that it is instant and easy to use, social network like facebook, MSN, and professional social network-Linkedin. With wifi access and a tablet or smart phone, I can connect with people in no time. Additionally, bore the invention of on-line social network, we have to call someone through the phone or visit them in person and it is very costly in terms of both money and time, cuz we have to physically be somewhere in order to talk to them face to face, with on-line social network, it also helps us to expand our social networking.

  6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It's impolite to make calls or sent text messages on a dinner table. Explain in details.

  Well, frankly speaking, it really depends on the situation when it comes to the question of is it okay to make calls or sent text messages on a dinner table. Such behaviors can be excused if is an emergency, like you are having dinner with a group of friends and some called you saying that your family number got really sick, of course it is no problem to make the call. However, if you are just bored about your time with friends, I do not think making calls and sending text messages are polite, and it is not courteous at all, actually, socializing with friends on the dinner table and talking about the past can be great fun.

  7. Some would like a job that requires frequent communication with others, others prer to get job that does not require any communication. Which one do you prer?

  Personally, I am an extremely extrovert and easygoing person and will be really bored if I get a job without any communication with others. I really cannot imagine a position that is repetitive and boring; I do not think I can be productive and ficient at all. Apart from that, there are numerous benits when interacting with other, like you can have new perspective on things, and human beings are at least social being. The last but the not the least, lots of job require communication and cooperation with other department in order to make a profit and help others.

  8. If you were interested in a book, would you buy it or borrow it from the library.

  If I were interested in a book , I would dinitely buy it in a bookstore. As a bookworm, I would like to keep the books that I am interested, and it is kind of my hobby to hoard books, especially the limited edition books. On top of that, I might want to read it for a few times, it is very handy if I own it, every time I want to read it, I can just pull it out from my bookshelf. Borrowing the book from the library is not very convenient for me, I hate to have to remember the due day and return it in time.

  9. Some people like to do exam review in the morning, while others would like to do that in the evening. Which one do you prer and why?

  I would say I like to review exams in the evening. One of the reasons is that, I find it more quiet in the evening and I can concentrate on my reviewing, however if I did some review during the day, I would easily get distracted, actually, it is kind of noisy during the day, finding a peacul spot to study is pretty difficult. Also, I feel like I am more energetic during night time, and I am kind of sluggish during the day, so doing some review during the night can be really productive for me.

  10. Some students prer to study in the library. Others prer to study at home or in dorms. Which way do you prer and why?

  I would say I'd like to study in the library. The most obvious reason is that it is very quiet in the library, and I can fully focus on your work and nothing can distract me. There are just too much distraction to study at home, I can lay on my bed and play computer games when I feel bored, it is just not that productive compared to studying in the library. Plus, studying in the library, I feel like people around me are also studying, and that is a motivation for me to concentrate on my own work. For these reasons, I would say I like to study in the library.

  11. Some people think that employees should be required to wear formal suits by their bosses. Other people think that employees should be required to wear casual clothes by their bosses. What is your opinion and why?

  I think professionals should wear formal suits instead of casual outfits. Firstly, wearing suits and ties can showcase their professionalism. I have never seen professionals like lawyers, salesmen, or businessmen dress in casual outfits when they are working in a professional environment. Secondly, requirement on dressing code is a kind of a discipline that all the employees should observe in workplaces, when they are dressed up, they will feel a sense of responsibility and thus spare no fort to accomplish bigger goals, based on these reasons, I think employees should dinitely be required to wear suits in a working environment.

  12. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? University students need to study harder in school in order to get a job upon graduation.

  Personally, I disagree that university students should study harder in order to get a job upon graduation. The real reason that a fresh graduate cannot get a job is that they lack soft skills, like communication skills, leadership and even organization skills. Corporations place great importance on these skills, and they are decisive to get a job in the future. Studying hard and getting a high GPA has nothing to do with getting a job in the future. Instead, they should socialize with different people and enlarge their social network, after they get enough valuable connections, they will have no problem finding a job.


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