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【Paragraph 1】The earliest discovered traces of art are beads and carvings, and then paintings, from sites dating back to the Upper Paleolithic period. We might expect that early artistic forts would be crude, but the cave paintings of Spain and southern France show amarked degree of skill. So do the naturalistic paintings on slabs of stone excavated in southern Africa. Some of those slabs appear to have been painted as much as 28,000 years ago, which suggests that painting in Africa is as old as painting in Europe. But painting may be even older than that. The early Australians may have painted on the walls of rock shelters and cliff faces at least 30,000 years ago, and maybe as much as 60,000 years ago.

1. The word “marked” in the passage is closest in meaning to





这是TPO 4 Cave Art in Europe中笔者截取的一道词汇题。





解释完了考点词的特点之后,问题来了,什么样的词可以作为考点词呢?市面上也没有一本词汇书叫托福考点词汇呀。其实考点词很好理解,考点词就是会有同义词的词,以动词和形容词为主,考生可以想一想恐龙、哺乳动物、岩浆、石灰石是考点词吗?能找出同义词吗?Of course not. 所以从现在开始只需要积累考点词,而且是以组为单位,少则两个,多则十个为一组。


1. exploit

2. encounter=meet

3. bulk=large

4. persistent=lasting

5. manifestation=show

6. adjacent=next to

7. stationary=fixed

8. penetrate=pass through

exploit在TPO作为考点词一共出现过5次,exploit=utilize, make use of, use to advantage (TPO 6 Power the Industrial Revolution; TPO 17 Animal Signals in Rain Forest)

bulk=mass (TPO 15 Mass Extinction of Dinosaurs)

persistent=enduring (TPO 15 Biological Clock)

adjacent=nearby (TPO 3 Long-term Stability in Ecosystem; TPO 34 Islamic Art and the Book)

penetrate=pierce (OG Green Icebergs)



1. diffusion=spread

2. chronological=a list of events and dates

3. contention=debate

4. devoid=lack

5. a wealth of=abundant

6. elaborate=complicated

7. subsequent=later

8. coincidence=occur at the same time

9. remarkable=striking




【Paragraph 5】The third type of symbiosis, mutualism, benits both partners in the relationship Legume plants and their nitrogen-fixing bacteria, and the interactions between flowering plants and their pollinators, are examples of mutualistic association. In the first case, the plants provide the bacteria with carbohydrates and other organic compounds, and the bacteria have enzymes that act as catalysts that eventually add nitrogen to the soil, enriching it. In the second case, pollinators (insects, birds) obtain food from the flowering plant, and the plant has its pollen distributed and seeds dispersed much more ficiently than they would be if they were carried by the wind only.

8. According to paragraph 5, the relationship between legumes and bacteria benits the soil by

adding enriching carbohydrates

speeding the decay of organic matter

destroying enzymes that pollute it

contributing nitrogen to it

这是TPO 17 Symbiotic Relationship的一道事实信息题,很多学生看到这篇文章的大标题就已经开始措手不及了,因为symbiotic是生词,完全不知道讲的是什么关系,其实不用怕,考试的时候要有这样的自信,你不认识的词80%的考生也不认识,所以文章一定会对这个词进行下定义,解释说明,或是举例例证。

A symbiotic relationship is an interaction between two or more species in which one species lives in or on another species. 文章段句就是个下定义的句子A is....; 所以symbiotic relationship是共生关系,两个或两个以上的物种的互动,其中一个物种生活在另一个物种的体内,或是靠另一个物种而活。紧接着,我们通过题干的legume and bacteria benit soil定位,发现它在第五段的第二句话,毋庸置疑,这句话确实出现了很多生词,很长,很陌生,但是这些都无需认识。

小编带领大家阅读一下这个句子,我们可以跳过所有生词,仍然能把这道题解出来。The plants provide the bacteria with carbohydrates and other organic compounds, and the bacteria have enzymes that act as catalysts that eventually add nitrogen to the soil, enriching it. 植物给bacteria提供了carbonhydrates和other organic compounds, 并且bacteria有enzymes, 它作为catalysts最终给土壤添加了nitrogen, 使得土壤肥沃。

所以获利就是给土壤添加nitrogen, 让土壤肥沃,答案是D。D选项中的nitrogen居然是原文原词,然后我们再来查查字典,那些我们刚刚在做题时不认识的单词到底是什么意思。bateria是细菌;carbonhydrates碳水化合物;organic matter有机物;enzyme酶,catalyst催化剂;nitrogen氮,所有的这些单词的中文都好熟悉,好像初中高中化学学过。不管它们是什么意思,有一点可以确定,它们无法被同义改写,所以它们就是土豆A,番茄B,它们在文章中是A,那么它们在选项中也一定肯定绝对还是A,所以这些词没必要背下来。

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