


2017/03/28 09:05:15 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:63 移动端
我预约的是早上9:30,到乌鲁木齐路已经9:20了,排队察看护照,然后就进入安检门。 [b]进入签证大厅后现在A或B窗口排队交材料,收材料的妹妹给一个号码,然后拿着号码就可以 [b]坐到签证窗前等待随机抽取号码,我正好被glassboy抽到。很幸运。 [b]me:Good Morning, Sir! [b]VO:****(我没有听清楚。)How are you? (没有想到是vo也会问候我) [b]me:Fine! Thank you! And you? [b]vo:*****(又没有听清楚)So you are going to study in the university of *** [b]for Ph.D.? [b]me:Yes. [b]vo:Have you ever been to the US? [b]me:No. [b]vo:*** is a big field, could you tell me you specific field?(“***”是我I-20 [b]表上 Ph.D. in ***) [b]me:My specific field is ... [b]vo:what is your current status, student or being working? [b]me:student, graduate student.(我的DS-156上就是这么写的)I will stop the study [b]here because my current research advisor recommended me to study there.(当时 [b]紧张的把事先想好的词都忘了,不好意思)[b]vo:what degree is your current study forwarding? [b]me:Master.(可能这是比较合理的地方。记得签证哲学上举的中途退学被拒签的例子是退博士 [b]读博士。) [b]vo:what will you do when you come back? [b]me:I will come back to China...(被打断) [b]vo:balabala(当时他就是这么发的音,还一边手舞,没有足蹈,我被他逗乐了,哈哈大笑起 [b]来。)I want to know what you will really do!!!(所以我劝大家套话就不要讲了,人 [b]家都听腻了) [b]me:China is a big market of drugs but the number of research centers is [b]small.so the pharmacy experts are in great need. [b]vo:Go to window C to get your Visa. [b]me:Thank you and have a nice day! [b]今天学生签证的还是不多。 [b]关于表格中有explosive,nuclear,biological,chemical experience,我是填yes,然后解 [b]释: I have majored in chemistry for 4 years at &&&university. [b]中文填否或者没有的地方都可以在英文出用斜线划掉,交表的墙上是这样的范例。立即咨询
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