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刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:264 移动端
背景:F-1, TA, 面学费,化学Ph.D,弱校。 [b]材料(最重要): 无资金证明 [b]Cover Sheet(including simple visa application statement) 工作证明,工资证明 [b](可能没用),G,T,Undergradutate Score Report, Dipolam Certificate, [b]Certificate of Degree. That's all. [b][b]信心:(重要) [b]口语: Cause I have confidence in my oral english, so I didn't recite [b]answers to those certain questions. FYI: [b]Me: Hello, Sir, How's it going? [b]VO:(Looking at Screen), Blablabla, and you? [b]Me:( prepared to say "Popular", actually say:嗯!(Why? Cause I am afraid my [b]expression will be too arrogrant.) [b]递材料 [b]。。。 [b]VO: What's kind of chemistry you will study? [b]Me: Material Chemistry, [b]VO: Which Kind? [b]Me:( nervous), Blablabl( Note: Bull[***]) [b]VO:( stare at me), silicon? [b]Me:( thinking: 1) I didn't talk about that aspect; 2) Good chance for [b]flatter) Seems you are quite familiar with that. [b]... [b]VO:Good luck. [b]Me: Good luck. [b]Note: I think we should recite, it will be better. Anyway, don't let VO [b]feel you are reciting, I guess it's not perfect. [b][b]Trick: Don't need write down your oversea sisters or brothers. It will [b]help nothing. VO didn't answer me that stupid question, if he asked, I can [b]say: Based on Chinese tradition and reality, they are not my family member [b]after they formed their own family. [b]Comments:1) Don't spend too much on looking for confidence on website,just [b]look for some friends there(it's really helpful, I really appreciated 斑竹 [b]and everyone here). You must have your own solution and your shining point [b]( you can find it very easily from yourself after you got drunk), so that [b]you will have confidence. [b]2) Treat VO as human being, they are not animals. [b]3) Be not afraid of failure, just prevent it as much as possible. [b]4) Visa is only a process, not the target. [b]5) Dont' let my words mislead you, now you can forget all I said above. [b]Good luck, buddy. [b] [b]shanzhong123 [b][b] ID: 745324 posted 2002-5-6 21:45:45 [b]------------------------------------------------------------------------ [b] I do not believe. 19 out of 20 pass . It is impossible unless they are all [b]old people going to see their children. [b] [b]bobowawa [b][b] [b] Valentine999 [b] [b] ID: 743529 posted 2002-5-6 12:30:18 [b]------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b] 1) 330号9:45到,排 [b]到10:20入场,12:10开签, 正是开闸放水时。本组20人,除一人材料有误 [b],19都过。 [b]易晚不宜早! [b]2)目前F1巨少,所以好向形式不错。 [b]3)大家要以一种“死猪不怕开水泡”的心态去签,必能大获全胜。 [b] [b]立即咨询


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