看着那灿烂的笑脸,就知道一准过了,忙上前询问.她是学文的,学校好像一般.她告诉我. It is nothing else, just be confident. 于是我暗暗的鼓了鼓劲儿,这时才发现我身边几乎都是探亲签证的. [b]进了里面,发现形式一片大好, BJST MM 竟然开始放水,几个签F-1的女孩 无一被据. 当时正在(三号)领牌,真希望能去见见巴妹妹(四号窗).交了护照,OFD156,157 , I-20, 领了牌,我的是黄色的, 开始了漫长的等待过程,woe , I was really nervous. So I came out to go to the toilet. take it easy. 回来后, 只听见一个男生像高声背诵讲演词似的在和6号的VO(glassboy?)说话,就像吵架似的.结果glassboy整整问了十分钟, 据了.所以就像网上人们曾提到过的,越自然越好,也许, 看似一两秒的思考和停留会更有好处. 其次,就是尽量让VO在一两秒内开始喜欢你.在巴妹妹那有一girl,不知她讲了什么比较有趣的东西,逗的巴妹妹竟然笑了,wa,又一问题之后,拿着小黄条,她过了. 而且,今天10:00以后签 F-1 好像绝大多数都是妹妹哦.都给人一种学生气十足的感觉.大部分人穿的都是休闲裤+T-shirt. 像等火车一样,慢慢的,两个小时过去了,我愈发麻木了.待VO(一个金发有点handsome boy ,No 9)叫我的时候,不知为什么,有点紧张不起来了. 就像一个同学说的那样:你全当是和一米国老头聊天. [b]M: Good morning , sir.(还没到12:00) [b]V: Good morning. What's your name? [b]M: XXX [b]V: What do you want to do in the USA? [b]M: I want to study for my Ph.D degree in Mathematics at XXX. [b]V: What is your major? [b]M: Mathematics. [b]V: Which kind of math? [b]M: Pure math. [url= and my specaiality is XX? [b]V: What is it for? [b]M: Roughly speaking , XX is to study the invariant properties [b]under continuous tranformation. For example... [b](我举了生活中的例子!) [b]V: That is to say... [b](Wa, 他听懂了) [b]M: Yeah, you are right. [b](然后用那种吃惊敬佩的目光望着他, maybe it was a good chance [b]to flatter him, but I didn't do that .) [b]V: Why are you intrested in XX? [b]M: Maybe it arises from a problem.When I was still s senior, [b]I met up with it. It says that:... [b]V: (nod, nod). Okey, do you have the admission letter? [b]M: (Just passed it to him.当时我问过周围的人,他们告诉我要什么的时候,给什么就okey了.事实上,大家也是这么做的) [b]V: (递给我黄色小条) Go to window 10. [b]M: Thank you. Have a happy weekend. [b]回想起来, maybe I am too lucky. VO看你的第一眼真的就已经差不多决定了你命运.他若想让你过,真的就不会难为你. [b]在此我也要谢谢,fdq,orchis,icewater,glasses,dudu and apple, without your hand [b]s and encouragement, i wouldn't become what I look like now. [b]Thank you. [b]放松放松再放松,相信大家都会1000通过!!!!!. [b][b]If you have any problem I could help you, please don't hesitate [b]to tell me know. [b]