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1. 教育类题目
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: schools should use computers as a tool of education for children aged 4 to 7.
思路: 不同意
分论点1:Involvement of computers in class may lessen the opportunity of mutual communication between students and teachers.
分论点2: Kids might be distracted by the irrelevant elements shown on computers.
My primary concern is that computers’ involvement in class of children aged four to seven may undermine their communication ability. For these young kids, apart from mastering the essential knowledge in class, their interpersonal communication ability deserves more emphasis. Thus, the teacher’s instruction and enlightenment seem to be more significant compared with the computer’s impersonal influence. For instance, in a language class, by describing some key points, the teacher can encourage kids to observe his facial expression and try to pronounce a word. And more importantly, whenever there is some confusing points, students can ask their teachers for explanation. Also, the class activity organized by teachers can not be replaced by a computer. Through interaction in class activity, kids’ personality will be gradually cultivated and their communication ability will get improved.
Moreover, kids might be distracted by some irrelevant elements shown on computers. More specifically, children at a young age tend to be attracted by the shinning pictures and vivid videos on the computer. It is true that young kids can not concentrate on class for a long time so that it is necessary for teachers to add some interesting elements with the assistance of computer. However, it might lead to some potential dangers and cause more negative fects. For example, a math teacher intends to teach students a complex math problem by showing a sparkling picture on the computer screen where several small animals jump up and down. Instead of understanding the math question, kids have already on the path of being distracted by those lovely animals. Thus, the original purpose which is out of kindness, unfortuanately, is totally destroyed.
2. 人际关系类题目
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: people are more interested in improving the neighborhood than in the past.
(注意!这个题目容易写跑题,neighborhood means area where people live)
分论点1:The improvement of life quality makes modern people concern more about their living condition.
To begin with, the improvement of living standard makes modern people concern more about their surroundings. People living in the past world had to earn a living by completing arduous work day and night, so there was hardly any time for them to care much about their surroundings. My grandma always tells me about the hardship of their generation, and when she was at my age, they were struggling for being adequately fed rather than caring about their houses as well as the surrounding environment. While in the present times, as the social wealth increases, both the government and residents strive to improve the basic facilities in residential areas at the aim of looking for an overall developement in people’s living standards. That explains why nowadays people focus more on the basic facilities of the community like schooling condition, sports facility as well as general landscape in the vacinity.
The environment contamination raises people’s concern about their living environment.
分论点2高分范文: Except for demanding for a well-equipped residential community, modern people also raise concern about their natural living environment. In today’s world, the environment has been sacrificed for the booming industry and prosperous economic development. We have witnessed the severe problems like air pollution, the continuous loss of greenland and frequent taking place of extreme temperature. Under such circumstances, people are apparently aware of those issues and making forts to improve the ecological aspects of their neighborhood. While this is a rare scenario seen in the past. Take my own experience for example, after seeing a documentary shot by BBC on preserving some of the earth’s current magnificent landscapes, I was deeply impressed and joined in Roots and Shoots Club of our community and committed myself to jobs of taking care of the palm trees planted everywhere in our block.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲