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标题:Theclimate of the past
大意:科学家用间接的方法探测远古时期的气候,而最有价值的信息来源就是the record stored in the ice that gap between greenland andAntarctic continent. 南极大陆几千米厚的雪,一层覆盖着一层,形成了冰, 最近形成的冰在顶层,而几千年前形成的冰在底层,所以,通过分析different level of ice 可以帮我们获取过去关于气候的信息。举例,南极大陆东部 Russia vostok station 实施了 drilling (钻井),挖了3.5km,可以探测到400,000年前。同样,对空气成分以及火山或海洋表层的颗粒物质分析都可以帮我们理解 the form of ice.云中的水通过温度的影响蒸发和冷凝(condensationand evaporation)形成冰,反过来也影响气候。
词汇题:compacted,associated, sensitive to, constructed
标题:theimportance of mail service to the early United States
大意:1792年,new communication network 出现- postal in theunited states. 这是两个早期的决定促成的,1. Newspaper 2. Congress. Postal 的出现是十分利于商业发展的,而在最初创建的时候并没有考虑到商业因素而是政治因素。政客为了在national stage 打败对手,需要收集和传播信息,收集voters的喜好以及它们支持的政党。后来,这些信息的交流方式被用到商业领域,了解不同地区食物的产量以及不同地区食物的价格,而这些信息流通决定了how people value what to buy or sell. Delivery 的发展促进了road的发展并且服务越来越好。
词汇题:explicit integration suspicion lucrative
标题:weak electricsystem in fish
大意:the blindelephantnose fish can produce electric that used for detecting objects in thesurrounding,this phenomenon are called active electrolocation. 这种鱼终身都会discharge, 不过电场很弱,很难被人操作,但是却能形成electricfield, 任何object进入这个电场都会被distorted.
weakelectric system有一些rules, 比如探索新环境及时他们看不到。科学家不仅 electrolocation感兴趣也对他们的individual communication感兴趣,他们发现individualcommunication的功能有1:求偶交配 2:侵略行为(aggression )
词汇题:distortion temporarily peculiar
C1:Employee of communityrelation office
大意:学生希望即将举办的environmentalconference能够邀请更多的同学来参加,以便宣传环保。但是employee 觉得这次的话题并不是非常interesting,不太合适,而且邀请更多同学的话原来的场地也不够大,容不下太多人。因此他们讨论之后觉得可以再开一次environmental fair, 选更interesting的话题,面向更多的同学,并可以加入学校最近的一些环保措施如新建的building 和waterrecycle system
大意:主要讨论了在殖民者到达美洲之前当地人们如何使用fire, 在哥伦布到达之前当地人就已经大面积,高频率地使用火来改良土壤,使土地更肥沃,并吸引更多动物。但是并不确定他们是使用controlled fire 还是依靠lightening生火。但是north Carolina是一个很适合做这方面研究的地区,因为当地很少雷电,而且土壤的并没有收到很大的disturb.
L2:Chemistry 化学
大意:主要讲了Nano technology纳米技术在医学、在human body 的应用。教授举了一个nano car的例子,nano car 可以像真的车一样在体内移动,从而治疗疾病。但是从理论到真正应用之间还有很多障碍,最大的两个问题就是engine 和 steering 的问题。
关于engine 教授提出了一个用platinum-gold-rod 的办法,通过分解体液中的元素,驱动rod的前进。
关于steering,教授提出可以再体外用magnetic的作用来指引体内的rod,但是更好的办法是让rod 自己控制方向,independently control by itself,但是这个技术问题还有待研究。
C2:Academic advisor
大意:学生去找Academic advisor,因为他发现下学期选的4门课期末的时候全部都是要交论文的,没有一门是考试的,论文加起来要写100多页,顿时觉得自己做不到。Advisor 表示她should have noticed it,并且语气中有自责。学生表示打算drop两门已选的课,其中一门换成language,他想选Latin,因为他有一个friend也正在学Latin 所以他想和friend一起, 另一门他想换成precaculus 因为他喜欢maths, 老师提出要修precaculus必须要①studied maths for 3 years inhigh school ② pass the university test.学生表示没问题。
大意:上节课已经讨论过prey 如何用adaptation 来保护自己不被吃掉,但是同时predator也在进化,比如兔子跑得快了,狐狸也会变得跑得快但是今天要讲的是一种coloration, 一种通过变色,变得很鲜艳来give the predator awarning 的方式。但是coloration 是配合着其他方式一起使用的一种secondary method,比如一种butterfly ,当predator吃它的时候,首先butterfly 会分泌一种bitter fluid ,而且可能有毒,当predator把butterfly放掉之后它就会用coloration让自己变得更鲜艳,以提醒predator 记住此种猎物有毒,以后都不要吃它们。但是这种coloration 产生的原因我们还不是很明确,可能和social nature 有关,但是还没有找到明确的因果关系。
L4:English Literature
教授首先提出反对意见,莎士比亚的family member都不认识字+莎士比亚很早的时候家人就不让他读书了,让他去工作,所以他有这么高的文学成就非常不合理。而且演出他的剧作的早期剧院的账单中,并没有他的名字。而且他家里留下的单据也多是tax ,生活上的琐事单据,并没有剧院的payment或相关材料
教授转而又说我们可以通过正面的证据来论证一下,他死后葬在local church,有半身像,还有 poem 刻在墓碑上,说明当时的人还是很认可他的。
C3:Employee in the studentservices building
大意:学生要补办ID卡,但是没有ID卡她也进不了student services building,学生钱包丢了,其他证件如护照在宿舍,但是没有ID卡也进不了宿舍。employee 问她记不记得ID卡号,她说记得,然后查到电脑里学生的资料,学生终于可以在有工作人员陪同的情况下进去补办ID卡, employee 提醒她可以把饭卡也补办了。
L5 : Biology
大意:以前大家都是focus 在neurons 上,并没有很多对于过glial cell 的研究,以前觉得glial cell 只是support the needs for neurons 但是现在研究表明glial cell 还有很多其他的作用,这是一个有很多潜力的领域,教授鼓励学生毕业后可以往glial cell的方向发展。
L6 :Literature
大意:主要讲了浪漫主义诗人Wordsworth ,对比与之前的neoclassical poetry他的诗歌的特点①用简单易懂的语言②用日常常见的意象,教授非常欣赏Wordsworth。介绍了Wordsworth诗歌的三个时期,虽然他晚期修改了很多作品,但是大家还是认为早期的诗歌最好。
原题:What is theONE thing that makes your country different from other countries?
Sample answer :
Well,I don't think there is any cuisine as delicious as the Chinese cuisine. China boastsone of the world’s greatest cuisines and Chinese food is famous all over theworld. So I think it is the thing that makes China different from othercountries. There are two main different points. The first point is Chinesepeople’s pursuit of culinary excellence. I bet you will be shocked by thesurprising range and variety of ingredients of Chinese cuisine. Compared withother countries, China has countless delicious and fantastic dishes, such as KungPao Chicken, Mapo Tofu, and Beijing Roast Duck. And the second point is Chinesepeople’s attitude towards food. As old Chinese saying goes “Food is the firstnecessity of the people” which shows that food occupies a decisive position inthe Chinese people’s life. Food have become an integral part of Chineseculture, and we Chinese are proud of our food culture. (154 words)
原题:Do you agreeor disagree with the following statement: It is easier to teach students inprimary school than it is to teach students in university?
Sample answer :
Personally, I couldn't agree more withthis statement, college students are easier to teach. To begin with, they havelaid a solid foundation in lots of subjects already, like math, physics, andchemistry. Primary school students don't have the basic knowledge in thesesubjects, thus they are hard to teach. Additionally, college students tend tohave the motivation to learn, they can learn conscientiously and finish theirassignment on time, like group project, presentations, research papers andstuff. On the contrary, primary school kids lack of the desire to learn more andthey are a handful, so they might interrupt the teacher, walk around theclassroom.(106 words)
标题:art centersmay house new classrooms
改变: universityplans to convert one of the two large theaters into classroom.
阅读理由:1. 引入更多的学生 2. Less constructed
听力态度:女学生 不同意
1.Not convenient, theater is far away from classroom, if students just finishedthe first class, they have to travel a long distance to the next class intheater and they must rush on the way.
2.On the money issue, the woman thinks the plan will cost more money because manystudents will come to the theater to practice musical instrument orrehearsal when school bring some newstudents in. Therore, the building would turn back to the theater and schoolneeds to construct new classrooms.
Sample answer :
Theuniversity is planning to convert one of the two large theatres into newclassrooms because they want to attract more students. Also, in this way, theschool can minimize the space waste and reduce building cost. But the woman thinksit’s a terrible idea. She thinks that it’s inconvenient for student, since thetheatre is far away from classrooms. So the students need to travel a longdistance to attend classes in theatre, which may make them rush on the way.Besides, in terms of money, the woman thinks the plan will cost more money,because in order to meet the arrival of new students, many students will cometo the theatre to practice musical instruments or rehearsal. Therore, theclassrooms will be turned back to theatre, and school needs to construct newclassrooms. (135 words)
? 标题:commitmentdevices
? 定义:commitmentdevices is helpful when people have some conflicts between immediate desire andlong-term goals.
? 听力:the professoruses his own experience as an example, several years ago, he was planning toattend 10 kilometers ‘race, bore the race, he was supposed to get somephysical preparation like exercise, he was busy at that time only had free timein the morning bore work, so he started to get up very early to exercise inthe first couple of days while gave up later. Then, he made appointment with one of his friends who had the same goalwith him, the friend called him every day in the morning, in order to keep thepromise and take this responsibility, he insisted and did very well later.
Sample answer :
The professor is talking about a psychological concept called commitment devices,which is helpful when people have some conflicts between immediate desire andlong-term goals. And he gives an example of himself to illustrate thisconcept. He once planned to attend a 10kilometers’ race, so he was supposed to have some physical preparation. Atfirst, he get up very early in the morning to do exercises, but he onlypersisted for a couple of days and then gave up. Later, he made an appointmentwith one of his friends who had the same goal with him. His friend called himevery day in the morning. In order to keep the promise and take thisresponsibility, he insisted and did very well later. (123 words)
? 问题:男生申请了一个当地小杂志社的暑假工实习,但是老板刚告诉他可以来实习,然而不会付工资。
? 解决方法1:去实习,用自己剩下的钱维持实习生活
? 优点1:增加工作经验
? 缺点1:钱很紧,怕emergence发生,钱就不够了。
? 解决方法2:打其它暑假工,比如餐馆服务员,可以赚钱。
? 优点2:可以赚钱
? 缺点2:但是没有相关工作经验可以填在简历上。
Sample answer :
The man applied for a summer internship at a local magazine. But his boss told himthat he could do the work but wouldn’t get any wages. There are two solutions.Firstly, he can go to the magazine for practice, and use the rest of his moneyto keep going. In this way, he can enhance work experience. However, due to thetight budget, he may not have enough money if there’s something urgent. Thesecond solution is that he can look for another summer job, such as working asa restaurant waiter. He could make money but he couldn’t accumulate workexperience through this job. For me, I think the first solution is better.Because I believe the work experience is more important than money, and it willbe helpful to his career development. (135 words)
话题:two types ofalarming signals animals use
小标题1:alarming calls
案例1:Whena bird called robin encounters an approaching danger, it would cry out loudlyto warn the other birds nearby about the danger. Receivers of this call wouldimmediately seek shelter against the predator.
案例2:Whena kind of fish called salmon is hurt under the water, its skin would release achemical substance with a unique smell, which serves as a message to othersalmon. So, they would hide and be out of reach from predators.
Sample answer :
The professor is talking about two types of alarming signals animals use. The firsttype is alarming calls. For example, when a kind of birds called robinencounters an approaching danger it would cry out loudly to warn the otherbirds nearby about the danger. Receivers of this call would immediately seekshelter against the predator. And the second type is called chemical substance.The professor also gives an example to illustrate it. When a kind of fishcalled salmon is hurt under the water, its skin would release a chemicalsubstance with a unique smell, which serves as a message to other salmons. So,they would hide and be out of reach from predators.(115 words )
Topic: Hypothesisabout why Vikings lt greenland in the 15th century(关于维京人离开格陵兰岛原因的几个假说)
阅读1:Becauseof climate change the temperature got lower so the Vikings didn’t have enoughfood. (气候变化导致农作物减产,食物不足)
阅读2:TheVikings were driven out by the local enemies.(维京人被当地人驱赶出格陵兰岛)
阅读3:Thetrade between the Vikings and the European countries was cut off by Norway. (挪威王室不允许维京人和欧洲其他国家通商)
听力1: Vikingsrelied on fish for food and climate change didn’t change the ocean and the fish.(维京人以鱼类为主食,并没有面临饥荒)
听力2: Whenthe Vikings lt, they took away all their valuables and tidied up, if theywere driven out they would have been in a rush.(维京人离开时整齐有序,并没有落荒而逃的迹象)
听力3: Thormal trade was cut off but the illegal and unofficial trade was still on-going.Even the Norwegian King complained about the illegal trade was hard to control (虽然正式的贸易被禁止了,但是非法的和私下的通商依旧繁荣)
Sample answer :
The writer and the speaker have a debate on why Vikings lt greenland in the 15thcentury. The writer puts forward three hypotheses, which are opposed by thollowing lecture.
First,the writer claims that because of climate change, the temperature got lower sothe Vikings did not have enough food. While the speaker views this issue froman opposite angle, according to him/her, Vikings relied on fish for food andclimate change did not change the ocean and the fish.
Secondly,the passage states that local enemies drove out the Vikings. However, thespeaker casts doubt on this opinion by saying that when the Vikings lt, theytook away all their valuables and tidied up, if they were driven out, theywould have been in a rush.
Last,the writer argues that the trade between the Vikings and the European countrieswas cut off by Norway. By contrast, in accordance with the speaker, this claimdoes not hold water. The formal trade was cut off but the illegal andunofficial trade was still on going. Even the Norwegian King complained aboutthe illegal trade was hard to control. (189 words)
原题:If you wereoffered two jobs, one has average paid and you work normal hours (40 hours aweek), the other one has much higher salary but you need to work long hours.Which one would you choose? And state your reasons.
Sample answer :
People tend to have to different expectations out of a job, like personalsatisfaction, higher pay, respect, and social recognition. Some people prerto work long hours to pursue a higher salary while others tend to hold on anaverage paying job with normal work hours. If I have to face these two choices,I tend to choose to take a job with normal pay but more free time based on thollowing reasons.
Admittedly,monetary reward is indeed one of primary motivation to pursue a career, oneneeds money to cover daily expenses like room and board, utility bills, buymedical insurance, without money it is impossible for someone to live a decentlife. However, it is not monetary benit that gives an individual greatpersonal satisfaction. Research that is done by lots of well-establishedprofessor in psychiatry has shown that the freedom to allocate your time andyour intimacy with friends and families guarantee great personal happiness andsatisfactions.
First off, spending too much time and working overtime can add more pressure andstress to one personal life and jeopardize their health. Lots of jobs aresedentary, like secretaries, lawyers, clerks, which pose great threat to theirphysical healthy. They might get dizzy, backache, and lack of energy. Otherprofessions are even more competitive and intense, like stock broker, financialanalyst who have to stare at a computer screen for more than 10 hours a day. Itis not surprising to hear someone who has worked for 14 hours a day and severaldays in a row and eventually suffer from cardiac sudden death. It is clear thatworking overtime pose great threat to employees' healthy, which leads to sloppyworking habits and negative attitude. The most unwanted scenario is the lack ofmorale in a professional environment. On the other hand, working normal hoursmakes the individual employee happier in their personal life and moreproductive in the working place.
Additionally,working overtime means that the individual will have to sacrifice much of theirspare time devoted to boring and repetitive work. There are more meaningfulstuff to do than working day and night, for instance, by choosing workingnormal hours one can develop a new skill or hobby, like learning how to playpiano, play golf with a friend. Besides, working normal hours makes it possiblor individuals to spend some quality with their families and maintaining aharmonious bond with families can be very important. Not only does good to theindividual's mental health, but also it will make one more productive in aprofessional setting.
Inconclusion, it is more advisable to work average hours with normal pay thanotherwise since more flexibility in working schedule means more quality timewith families and friends, great personal satisfaction and productivity inworking place and lower risk of physical and mental problems. (476 words)
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲