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刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:504 移动端
感觉形势还不错。(据门口存包的专家说,前两天f-1也不错) [b]还有存包太黑了,竟然要我5块大洋。Puke!!!!!!!!! [b]下午开始时有5个签证官,后来4号窗口的那位在两点多 [b]出去了,有可能去看WORLD CUP吧。后来有回来了。这五个分别是 [b]big boy, 美男,glassboy,侯大江和秃头。(我 [b]都不熟可能是这些名字吧!) [b]没有女签证官。 [b]我是在4号看完世界杯回来时被拉到他那队的。这样躲过了本来要挨砍的土头 [b]。 [b]Me:Good afternoon, Sir! [b]VO:What are you going to do in USA? [b]Me:I will study for my Ph.D. degree for 5 years at University [b] of Michigan. [b]VO:So what will you study in America? [b]Me:I will study electrical engineering. [b]VO:What is your major now? [b]Me:My major is ****** at Peking University now. [b] (写了Peking University) [b]VO:....ahm,(他在听我说话时会有时在我的 [b] 156 157上画东西)When will/did you graduate? [b]Me:I am still a senior student now. And I will finish my [b] undergraduate study and get my Bachelor's degree this [b] coming July. [b]VO:How many schools have you applied? [b]Me:I have applied for 8 schools Five of them admit me. [b]VO:How many schools give you admission?(我ft,刚说就忘) [b]Me:Five. They are Stanford University, University of [b] Michigan, Purdue University [b]VO:(interupt me)Why don't you go to Stanford? [b]Me:Cause it doesn't provide me with full financial aid. You [b] know, I cannot afford the tution fee. [b]VO:(两人沉默了片刻)Why will you come back to China? [b]Me:(hiahia,终于可以用到我准备的东西了)First of all, holding [b] a Ph.D. degree from a top US university, I can easily find [b] a senior position in a big comany. My career goal is to [b] become ... [b]VO:撕条ing. [b]Me:瞎说了,不知到干嘛了,只等拿条走人。 [b]VO:go to window 10. [b]Me:Thank you very much, Sir! Have a nice day! [b][b]感觉好象他根本没仔细听我说我的回国原因,我的任何材料都没要。 [b]口语流利些还是很重要的。多练练应该搞定。前后不到三分钟。 [b]一定注意早上,中午吃饱了再去,站着好久,很累的。 [b]感谢父母,感谢GF!我的GF也过了! [b]感谢zixia和smth对我申请的帮助。可惜现在 [b]zixia连起来太费劲了,时好时断。 [b]祝愿后边的签友都顺利啦!立即咨询


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