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刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:364 移动端
1:00整开始叫号,420号,到1:30,叫到550号,门口检查后入签证大厅。 [b]到三号窗口,交上156/157表,护照,收据,领到浅灰色卡,排队。 [b]4号窗口到8号依次是glassboy/不知道/山普拉斯/秃头/大胡子,其中山普拉丝旁边还站着 [b]bjst mm,从头到尾一直看着他签证,不知道这是不是后来所谓的考试。 [b]3:00左右,被领到秃头前,排队的时候我站的是中间,可到后来,我变成了最后一个。 [b]秃头据了很多,除了一个哈佛返签的和一个普林化学的过外,均被据, [b]包括一个去读本科的苏州mm,一个自费去匹兹堡的mm,其他探亲和商务的一概被据或 [b]被check.当我正想着待会儿上去对vo说:“it is my pleasure to be the last one [b]interviewed by you.”的时候,秃头离开座位跑去和旁边的山普拉丝说了什么,那个 [b]匹兹堡的mm还在纳闷,秃头就隔着窗对我说:“XX,到6号去”。我就站到旁边窗口去了, [b]那边没有听见的人还以为我站错窗口了。我也犯晕,好像以前并没有先例,把一队的最 [b]后一个推给别队,而且,山普拉丝那里还有3、4个人在等着。这时,秃头结束了我们这一 [b]队,又开始举起另一色牌,继续签。(我还以为他要赶时间下班呢) [b]我就这样拿着浅灰牌站在深粉牌的中间,尴尬啊! [b]山普拉丝这时候也叫我的名字了,为什么他不签完那对深粉的再叫我呢? [b]不管了,上吧! [b] [b]M:Good afternoon,sir. It is my pleasure to be interview by you(这句话绝对出自 [b]肺腑) [b] 递过牌。 [b]V:You will get you B.S. degree this year? [b]M:ye,at the beginning of this July. [b]V:in Tsinghua? [b]M:ye. [b]V:......没听清,大概是问你们学校这段时间有没有考试? [b]M:no. [b]V:......记不住了,大意是你们真爽啊,我们签证官还要考试哩。接着就哈哈大笑。bjst也 [b]也笑? [b]旁边秃头也过来凑热闹。 [b]M:oh,it is really a hard work. [b]V:I notice that XXX gives you a fellowship? [b]M:ye, [b]V:so much money. [b]M:ye,it is quite a lot. [b]V:What will you do when you get your PhD? [b]M:To become a PhD in microelectronics is always a dream of me. After that [b]I’ll come back to my motherland to seek a research position in Tsinghua [b]or to join some big enterprises such as Huawei, Legend, Tongfang. Wha [b]t I learn in America will help me [b]greatly in realising these [b] plans. (千篇一律的答案) [b]V:Why you want to be a professor in China? Won't you be attracted? [b]M:my major,microelectronics,is almost saturated in America. But in China, [b]it is just a start. The [b]industry of microelectronics demands much fund. Fund shortage is the key [b]reason why China hasn't [b][b]set up as many product lines as America has. You know, China’s economy [b]developss rapidly these recent years. When I get my PhD, I believe that it [b]will offer me more chances in China than in [b]America. (才说了一半,vo就没耐心了,好像后悔不该问我答案这么长的问题,不过我还是 [b]是说完了? [b]V:开始在电脑里敲啊敲,和bjst说啊说,拿笔在表上圈了"issued",撕黄条给我。 Have a [b]nnice trip in [b] america. [b]M:Thank you. Have a nice day. [b] [b]下午200来号人,过了20来个吧。基本都是学生的立即咨询


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