

SAT作文范文之unique and different.

2017/08/06 12:45:43 编辑: 浏览次数:375 移动端


  ESSAY PROMPT (10 out of 12 on this essay)

  From the time people are very young, they are urged to get along with others, to try to "fit in." Indeed, people are often rewarded for being agreeable and obedient. But this approach is misguided because it promotes uniformity instead of encouraging people to be unique and different. Differences among people give each of us greater perspective and allow us to make better judgments.

  Assignment: Is it more valuable for people to fit in than to be unique and different? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.

  Often in life, people wish to fit into the crowd rather than stand out. However good it is able to fit in, though, sometimes, it is really is better to stand out. That person can do whatever he or she wants to do and can sometimes be happier for it. If he or she follows the crowd, that person would risk losing his individualism. Therore it is more valuable for a person to be unique rather than to stand out.

  An example of this would rise from Jane Austen’s novel’s, Pride and Prejudice, protagnist, Elizabeth Bennet. Elizabeth lives in a society where one would rather marry for money or social standing instead of love. Elizabeth’s friend, Charlotte Lucas is one such person because she ends up with a pompous buffoon, but because the man offered Charlotte a good home with a good social ranking, Charlotte accepts him. Another example would be Elizabeth’s own mother. From the way that Mrs. Bennet and Mr. Bennet interact with each other throughout the novel, it is clear that they do not love each other since all Mrs. Bennet cares about is marrying her daughters to good men and Mr. Bennet spends much of his time in his study.

  Elizabeth is different from the people around her because she wanted to marry for love, not money or social ranking. When Mr. Collins, Charlotte’s future husband, asks for her hand, Elizabeth ruses because she has no feelings for him and thinks of him as a very silly man. When Mr. Darcy, a wealthy powerful man in English society, asks for her hand the first time, Elizabeth ruses him as well because at that time in the novel, Elizabeth finds him very arrogant and cruel. However as Elizabeth got to know Mr. Darcy better by visiting him at his house and meeting his friends and also after he saved her family from social disgrace, Elizabeth’s views of Mr. Darcy slowly changes until she finally realized that she was in love with him. When Mr. Darcy asks for her hand the second time, Elizabeth accepts because she loves him.

  Because Elizabeth wanted to marry a man for love rather than money in a class-based English society, she was different from everyone else. However, because Elizabeth gained respect from Mr. Darcy, there are evidences that Elizabeth had a very happy marriage with Mr. Darcy, one full of love and respect。






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