


2017/08/06 12:45:11 编辑: 浏览次数:346 移动端






  例1、Crazy Love, by Elias Miguel Munoz, is an novel: it takes the form of a series of letters.

  (A) archetypal (B) epistolary (C) inauspicious (D) inconspicuous (E) illusory

  解:排除Crazy Love, by Elias Miguel Munoz,的干扰直接替换成It,选择与a series of letters 对应的epistolary

  例2、Rosita Peru, who rose to become the highest ranking female in the television industry, was

  recruited: Spanish language program producers courted her persistently.

  (A) indiscriminately (B) enigmatically (C) vicariously (D) rancorously (E) assiduously

  解:排除干扰 人名 无空格的定语从句用A B替换 人名 题目则可以改写成

  A was recruited: B courted her persistently。一目了然:persistently对应assiduously

  例3、Although hostile demonstrations and marred James Meredith’s 1962 enrollment at the University of Mississippi, the commencement ceremony in which he became the university’s first African American graduate was surprisingly .

  (A) discord.. tranquil (B) pomp.. daunting (C) banality.. conventional

  (D) turmoil.. controversial (E) serenity.. opportune

  解:排除干扰成分 人名 地名 年代以及定语从句,可以把句子改写成:Although hostile demonstrations and marred A’s enrollment, the commencement ceremony was surprisingly .

  第一个空与demonstrations 取同义,选discord 第二个空与mar取反义,选tranquil

  例4、The stage director insisted that bore the next performance the set be to eliminate its dinginess.

  (A) requisitioned (B) enlarged (C) rurbished (D) demolished (E) relocated

  解:找出句子的主干 句子可以改写为 The set is to eliminate its dinginess.

  to eliminate its dinginess.很快就可以把C rurbish 选出来

  例5、Ballads often praise popular figures who have performed feats that many perceive as;such as dending the poor or resisting authority.

  (A) modest.. acceptable (B) inescapable. .legitimate (C) insufficient.. overpowering (D) admirable.. unjust (E) unbelievable.. tolerable

  解:找出空格所在的那句话的主干 排除干扰成分句子提炼为:Many perceive them as; such as dending the poor or resisting authority. 第一个空和dending the poor 对应,马上选出D admirable

  例6、Conceptually, it’s hard to reconcile a dense attorney’s to ensure that false testimony is not knowingly put forward with the attorney’s mandate to mount the most dense conceivable foe the client.

  (A) forts cautious (B) duty powerful (C) inability eloquence (D) failure diversify (E) promise informed

  解:只要分清主干 reconcile a dense attorney’s (duty) with the attorney’s mandate 即可知道空格应该填mandate 的反义词:duty 选B





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