


刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:279 移动端
我和hanna排的那两队是最后才被领出来。那时侯,其他窗口的签证官面前 [b]几乎没有什么人了,于是他们决定一起早点解决掉我们。hanna和其他两个 [b]人被叫到会微笑着拒人的那个酷哥那里去了。那时,我还很茫然,不知道 [b]会到哪里去,因为很显然,我们这一队人太多,一定会被打散。 [b] 事实证明我的猜测是对的。旁边的美国大妈正在向我招手,下面是我的 [b]面试经过: [b]I: Good afternoon, madam! [b]vo: Nice to meet you. Where will you go to study? [b]I: Mayo Graduate School. Here are my documents [b] (我的材料是加了标签分类好了的。按大小分了两类。先递进去的是 [b] 入学通知书、奖学金证明、GT成绩、其他学校的入学通知书。这些纸 [b] 张都是一样大小的。所以我用回形针将他们别在一起,旁边都贴上了 [b] 标签,注明是什么材料.) [b]vo: Why did you chose this school? [b]I: For there is a professor named Richard Robb who is an expert in [b] the field of medical image processing and volume visualization. [b] It is just the topic of my project. So I have corresponded with [b] him on his released paper about the project. Under his suggestion, [b] I apply to his school. [b] What's more, Mayo Clinic is famous in the world. Its graduate [b] school must provide the most advanced technologies to its clinic. [b] So it can provide the systematic training with the most creative [b] professors and the first-rate facilities. [b]These are my reasons to chose this school. [b]vo: What's your major and what did you do in your project? [b]I: Biomedical Engineering, it's medical application of engineering [b] principles. [b] I have done medical volume visualization!@##$%%^%^&%^$&* [b]vo: What's your plan after graduation? [b]I: I will seek a position to do some research work in the Institute [b] of Life Science of Chinese Acadamic Sciences in Shanghai or [b] Shanghai Jiaotong University.(听说要具体化,所以我做出特别肯定 [b] 的样子,说名字的时候一点都没有犹豫。) [b]vo: $%^^&$# have a look at your score. [b]I: Official transript? (vo nodding and I handed it to her but forgotten [b] to open it for her) [b] (美国大妈费力地扯那个牛皮信封,我实在不好意思让她那么累,于是 [b] 对她说):May I do this for you? [b]vo: OK. When you doing this let me see your other stuff. [b][b]I: Here you are.(我把我的第二类材料递进去,有答辩通过证明、简历、 [b] 家庭的两组幸福照片、发表论文的复印件、毕业论文中的一些图象结果 [b] 用以证明我的课题和国防无关。因为生物属于敏感话题。然后我就开始 [b] 对付成绩单去了。真的很难撕!!建议大家不要用牛皮纸的信封。我那 [b] 时候总是担心把大妈的耐心搞没了) [b]后来美国大妈就没有什么问什么了,她看材料,我撕信封。成绩单给她以后 [b]她就略微的看了看,就让我到10号窗口去了。 [b]终于了结了一件大事。^-^立即咨询


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