


刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:289 移动端
签经先, 4号窗口,small glassboy [b]V, Morning! [b]M, Morning, Sir! [b]V, So, which school will you go? [b]M, University of *** [b]V, What will you study? [b]M, Immunology. And my concertration will be (interrupted by VO) [b]V, What? (maybe noisy outside) [b]M, Immunology.(speak slower and louder) [b]V, Immunology? (writeing sth on the DS-156) [b]M, Yes, and my concertration will be genetic immunotherapy for cancer. [b]V, Ok(nod), What is your acedamic backgroud? [b]M, I will get my BS degree in two weeks. [b]V, From which school? [b]M, Medical Center of Fudan University. [b]V, Have you got any other financial aids? [b]M, Yeah, I got scholarship from other two school, they are *******. [b]V, Ok, take your material. [b]M, Thank you. Have a nice day! [b][b]forgot to take the check of 405¥,came back to the window again, xixi, he [b]forgot too [b][b]预约了6月10日153号,9点。 [b]早上7点15起床,昨天晚上开始睡的很好,半夜里被楼下一对夫妻的吵闹声惊醒,还间杂着 [b]摔东西的声响,真是可恶啊,不知道后来过了多久不吵了,因为我很快又睡着了,一夜无 [b]梦,直睡到大天亮。 [b][b]7点45出门,8点坐上93路,8点45到领馆, 寄好包,刚好去排队。 [b][b]小建议:从复旦到领馆的另一种走法(适合于8点半及以后[url= [b]校车到医学院,路上一般30+/-10min,然后可以沿着东安路一直向北走,穿过肇家浜路 [b](5min),到乌鲁木齐南路,再向北走大约10-15min就到了。好处是校车比较方便,快一 [b]点,但是要走一点路。回来也可以坐校车回来。 [b][b]排队期间小插曲不断,先是路人无视领馆前的警戒线和武警叔叔争执,不久又有推童车的外 [b]国女人欲强行突破警戒线和武警叔叔大吵,最后以外国女人推着大哭的外国baby骂骂咧咧离 [b]开告终,谁知还没完,不一会儿,110警车居然出现,来了解情况,sign,外国人就那么了 [b]不起啊! [b][b]没带手表,大概是9点半前后进的领馆,在A窗口交了材料:Passport, DS-156, I-20, [b]Offer letter, G/T scores.领到229号,进去再次排队等,一边看看各个窗口的情况,一 [b]边 [b]和前面的南大gg聊聊天,不久开始觉得肚子好饿,嘴巴好干,只希望快点轮到我签。1号是 [b]带黄领结的glassboy, 2号是jfmm, 5号是大叔,就属另一个glassboy奇怪,一会在4号一 [b]会 [b]在3号窗口。没有看到hmm和yymm。今天似乎签探亲和商务的人蛮多的,F1没我想象的那么 [b]多,形势依然一片大好。 [b][b]等了大概半个小时,听到叫我的号了,一看在小glassboy(爱换窗口的那个),以我最灿烂 [b]的笑容迎了上去。 [b]感觉在他问我话之前就要给我visa了,除了我交上去的材料外,其他的都没问我要,学校的 [b]成绩单也没看。 [b][b]最后要感谢在我[url= [b]你们在我翘课翘班时给我的帮助),bf,bbs上的各位飞友等等等等。 [b][b]我8月初去university of florida, 有没有同去的呀 [b]email:wbei_2002@hotmail.com [b][b]附:我总结的40问: [b][b]1) What will you study in the United States? [b]2) What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you study? [b]3) What will;you do in USA? [b]4) Are you going to study in USA? [b]5) When/where did you get your BS? [b]6) What/where are you studying now? what are you doing in the fifth year? [b]7) How long will you study in USA? [b]8) Have you any scholarship? [b]9) What do you want to study in USA? [b]10) What do you do with your work for BS/MS/PhD? [b]12) What is your academic background?? [b]13) How do you know this Univ.? [b]14) What is your plan? What will you do after graduation? [b]15) Give me three reasons that you will come back to China? [b]16) Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn't come back? [b]17) Why do you choose this Univ.? [b]18) Why do you like your major? [b]19) Why do you want to study in USA? [b]20) Why do you want to pursue a doctor's degree? [b]21) Why do you receive fiancial aid from this Univ.? [b]22) What is the difficult class do/will you have? [b]23) What will you do if I do not give your visa? [b]24) Why do you change your major? [b]25) What's the difference between your major now and the major in USA? [b][b]26) Do you know which school is the best in your major? What else? [b]27) What will you do with your Ph.D.? [b]28) What is your purpose for the visa? [b]29) How many schools have you applied, and what are they? Any other school [b]admit you? [b]30) Do you plan to seek employment in USA after you have completed your [b]studies? [b]31) What is the thing you like best in USA, or the thing you like best in [b]China? [b]32) What is your hobby? What do you do in your spare time? [b]33) Do you have a bf? Where is he? Are you sure your bf will keep relation [b]with [b]you during your graduate study in USA? [b]34) If you couldn"t find such an opportunity, what will you do? [b]35) Why do you choose USA, not Canada or Germany? [b]36) What is your favorite American movie? [b]37) Have you ever been abroad? [b]38) When are you going to enter USA? [b]39) Can you tailk something about the course XXX? [b]40) Why do you want to be a scientist? [b]立即咨询


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