


刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:240 移动端
553号,按规矩进入[url= [b]有些沮丧,我前面签了5个人,情况是NYYYN,形势不错,信心大增,叫到 [b]我的名字于是上: [b]m:我 t:秃头 [b]前面的女生被拒,摊了一桌子材料还没收拾好我就上去了,本想安慰她 [b]几句,可还是没开口。怕听错了名字,于是大声对秃头念我的名字,秃头 [b]点头示意,故事开始: [b]m: it`s me.good after noon,sir.here is my card. [b]t: what do you want to do in usa? [b]m: I want to study for my phd degree in iowa state university [b]t: when will you get your bachelor degree? [b]m: this coming july in tsinghua university. [b]t: (看着我的I-20自言自语:Aerospace Engineering)还没来得及问。 [b]m: in fact,the aerospace engineering and engineering mechanics [b] are in the same department in this university,but my major [b] is engineering mechanics, to be more specific, material [b] mechanics. [b]t: why do you choose usa? [b]m: because in my interested field...(旁边有人找秃头,我被打断, [b] 沉默,等那人离开),should i repeat it again? [b]t: yeah. [b]m: because in my interested field the united states is NO.1 in [b] the world.so i can`t reject such opportunity to continue my [b] study in usa. [b]t: what`s your plan after graduation? [b]m: you know,i`m a veriest auto fan.i want to make my interest [b] as my job.to get a phd degree in engineering mechanics is [b] the first step,then i will be back and seek a techanical [b] position in a big auto company,such as, 中国一汽,上海汽车 [b] 集团and so on.with my phd degree and ...(还想说被秃头打断) [b]t: OK,why not a job in usa? [b]m: (这个问题在我意料之中)i think the automotive industry in [b] usa is very advanced and mature(又被秃头打断) [b]t: why not a job in usa? [b]m: (我以为自己听错了了问题,所以确认一下)do you mean the [b] job in usa is better? [b]t: yeah. [b]m: (原来没听错,其实我马上就要转折了,但显然秃头有些不耐烦, [b] 还没等我转折就打断了我,以为我听错了问题,于是对症下药, [b] 省掉前面的话直入主题) [b][b] the competition in automotive industry in usa is very [b] extensive, i don`t think a foreigner can get any advantages [b] in such competition.(这句话说起来特别上口,秃头随着我说话 [b] 的节奏频频点头)but in china, we have the largest potential [b] auto market in the world.this is a big cake.almost all the [b] famous auto companies want to ...(这几句说得很慢,很清楚, [b] 特别是 the largest potential auto market,生怕他漏掉一个字, [b] 又被秃头打断) [b]t: OK,do you major relate to your job? [b]m: in fact my major,material mechanics,relate to many fields of [b] automotive industry...(又被秃头打断) [b]t: OK,go to windows 10. [b]m: thank you sir,have a nice day. [b]整个签证过程心情异常平静,出乎我的意料。下来时甚至表情有点严肃, [b]经过别的窗口时,甚至耳边有哥们嘀咕“被拒了。”后面一切顺利。立即咨询


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