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不好意思,6月4号北京签的,今天才有工夫坐下来写写签经。 [b]我6月3号到的北京,下午即去踩点,发现真是如小马过河讲的一般。 [b]悲剧的说签证大厅里血流成河,一队人(12个)中只有两个签得过;又是什么越是全奖越签 [b]不过,自费的倒还好过;女生好过,男生不好过。最后一点倒是实话,踩点的时候看见一队 [b]队的女生踩着猫步仪态万千的从甬道里走出来,一头扎进BF的怀里。。。呵呵,描写有点过 [b]分,不过确实是女生签的多。话又说回来,女生来签的也多。女孩子表达能力强,善于FACE- [b]TO-FACE INTERVIEW的本能起了一定作用。签过的说形势还不错,签过的有四成左右。 [b]总之是跟自己想象中的签证很不一样。 同去踩点的几个哥们一见有人出来就扑上去问是谁签 [b]的?从哪到哪?有没全奖?学什么的?有没有退学?问了什么问题?回锅计划是怎么说的? [b]把我想问的都问完了,我只好问人家是男是女?呵呵。。最后和我一样都是一头雾水,大家 [b]一致公认要过的悲剧了,心里暗想这家伙没戏的竟然过了。 [b]第二天五点就醒了,对着镜子准备,笑得比哭还难看。也罢。。中午在贵友吃卖当劳,上 [b]路! [b]一点开始叫号,二时始得进,我是580号。交材料,持浅黄牌,正站得腰酸之际。我队被叫到 [b]GLASSBOY 处,4号窗口。5号是桑扑拉丝,他签一个的时间我队已经干完两个。我队先是连过 [b]三人,句一人,再过二人,句一人,再就是偶了。冲上去,死死的跟他对眼,直到他不感正 [b]视我的眼睛。发话了。。 [b][b]偶--K [b]VO--U [b][b]K: Nice to meet you, Sir. Here is my Card. (Push the yellow card through [b]the window and put all other documents outside) [b][b]U: What do you study in America? [b]K: @#@##@# [b][b]U: more specific! [b]K:@$#%@%@#^^#^%# [b][b]U: Will you come back to China? [b]K: Sure, I would like to join Dr. @#@'s Lab at Shanghai Institute of [b]Neuroscience. [b][b]U: What are you doing now? [b]K: I am now a full time intern in a hospital of #$## University. [b][b]U: What is your salary? [b]K: I have not any salary, it is a pre-graduation internship... [b][b]U: So you are not graduated yet? [b]K: Yes, I am going to get to get my bachelor of Medicine in this coming [b]July. [b][b]U: Are you sure? [b]K: Sure! [b][b]U: Who support your study at $%$? [b]K: The department of (*(&) of Univ. of %****&. I was offered full financial [b]aid by Univ.of &@##. It is over USD18,000 plus payment of tuition,fees [b]and individual health insurance. In fact, I was offered full finanicial [b]aids by 3 other institutions, the Univ. of 1, the Univ. of 2, the Univ. of [b]3...(Interruptted) [b][b]U: Why choose this one? [b]K: A lot of reasons, would you like to hear the most important one? [b][b]U: Yes, yes, the most important one!!! [b]K: Because it offer one year lab rotation to first year graduate students, [b]although I have decided research interest, I think it is still very [b]important to select a suitable thesis advisor. You know, it is very [b]important to select a thesis adviosor during graudate study. [b][b]U: Why do they offer you financial aids? (Drawing and circling here and [b]there on my DS156 form and stare at me suddenlly) [b]K:I was interview face to face by a Professor from Univ.of ### at $%%$. [b]With my grade and my personality, I think I deserve it!!!(开始怀疑偶的能力 [b]了,偶的眼角本能的渐进性的张大,感觉都要裂开了。有些张翼德的感觉了) [b][b]U:(Checking on the computer and hesitate for one moment立即咨询


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