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2017/03/28 09:04:56 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:190 移动端
基本情况:今年硕士毕业去MSU读博士, MAJOR:MASS COMMUNICATION.全奖 [b] [b]今天下午在白发爷爷处过。 [b]很高兴的是同去MSU的朱永芳也过了。 [b]我是我们那队的倒数第二个,我们那队过了5个。 [b]白发爷爷很看中成绩。 [b]包括你的[url= [b]所以,只要成绩好的飞友,在他手下一定能够过。 [b]他首先是根据你的I-20在DS156表上写上你的专业和学校,以及奖学金情况, [b]然后,写你的GT成绩, [b]然后,问你要本科,硕士成绩单, [b]再在DS156表上写上比如“ALL A”什么的。 [b]然后,他看我学校给我的写有四年全奖的信,并在DS156上注明是4年的奖学金。 [b]我还想把SURPPORTING LETTER 给他.但是,他已经不要了. [b] [b]整个过程他除了问我要成绩单,没有问我一个问题. [b]但是,我不停的在说, [b]下面是对话(应该是我的话,因为,他一直没有说话) [b] [b]M: Good afternoon, sir,nice to meet you.This is my academic resume and this [b]is [b] my ducument lists, I hope it will be helpful. [b]I am happy I can be interviewed by you,for you and my father are all have [b]beau [b]tiful white hair.(他听了没有反应,白拍马屁了) [b]V:看我的I20表,没有说话 [b]V:give me your T and G. [b]V:give me your trascript. [b]M: As you can see, I am always the top1 in my class, And these are the [b]certif [b]ications I won during my study.(我带了一堆奖状,自己也觉得很傻,抱着一堆。TINA [b]也觉得傻。:)) [b]V:(仍然在看成绩。)YOU ARE AN EXCELLENT STUDENT. [b]M:thank you. it is the honour my school give me.they appreciate my [b]achievement [b]s. And I will back to the school when I finish my degree. I love it.(我唯一 [b]一次 [b]谈到我的回国计划,他好像没有怎么听,仍然在看成绩) [b]M: what i want to share with you most is the letter from MSU,it garentee my [b]to [b]tally four years financial surpport.I think it is the high honor the school [b]gi [b]ve me. [b]V:ok.(看我的信) [b]M:And I still want to share with you the surpporting letter from my dean. [b]V;no I don't want it. [b]然后,我拿到了那张纸条! [b] [b]感受: [b]第一:TINA,叶冒,郭宇辉,郑明智,宋丹,你们一定能够过。 [b]第二:所有2000只要没有硬伤的朋友一定能够过。 [b]第三:不要挑时间,我一千的时候,因为想晚点签,结果磨磨蹭蹭,碰到了BJSTMM。按时 [b] [url= >间去就好了。你碰到什么样的[url= [b]第四:以下是你能够决定的事情: [b](1)准备好所有的材料 [b]我的清单如下,希望对大家有所帮助: [b]To: Visa Officer [b]From: [b]2002-6-20 [b] [b]Thank you for your kind consideration. Here is a checklist of my documents. [b] [b]1.*Documents coming from MSU [b]l*The Official Admission Letter from the Office of Admission and [b]Scholarships [b]of Michigan State Univ. [b]l*The Admission and Financial Support Letter from the College of [b]Communication [b] Arts and Sciences, which show my 4 years financial support. [b]l*The Introduction Material of MMPhD Program of Michigan State University [b]l*The Expense Estimate For International Graduate Assistants of Michigan [b]State [b] University. [b]l*The Emails from The Professor of Michigan State University [b]2.*Documents coming from Renmin University of China [b]l*Supporting letter from the Dean [b]l*Undergraduate Transcript from Renmin University of China [b]l*Graduate Transcript from Renmin University of China [b]l*Bachelor Diploma Certification [b]l*Bachelor Degree Certification [b]3.*Documents about my study plan and background [b]l*MMPhD Study Plan [b]l*My Master Degree Dissertation [b]l*The academic journals that published my academic papers [b]l*Resume [b]4.*The Official TOEFL & GRE Score Reports [b]5.*Documents about my parents: [b]l*Copy of my parents’ ID Cards [b]l*Family Photos [b]l*My mother’s name card [b]6.*Other documents: [b]l*My ID card and Student Card [b][b]l*Financial Statement [b]l*Admission letter from Boston University. [b] [b]Thank you very much! [b] [b](2)不停的练习口语。和一些签证的朋友多联系。在25问的基础上,注意最近出现的新的 [b]问题。我1000的时候,只看25问。连BJSTMM问回来薪水多少,我都不知道应该回答,脱口 [b]而出3000。:( [b](3)按照签证实录联系,熟悉每个签证官套路。 [b](4)准备好你的心态!这个我也不知道应该怎么解释,只是说,你上去后不要只是想着快 [b]点给我小纸条,而是想着,说服他,就是要搞定他。你要占据主动。从开始的第一句话你 [b]就要占据主动。第一句话是你最好的机会!不要只是问好。 [b] [b]好了,现在能够想到的只有这么多。就这样。立即咨询


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