


刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:351 移动端
392号,12:15到大使馆,13:00开始放人,领了深蓝色牌子,到13:40第一个签证官 [b]出来,是美男,他领走了 前面拿粉色牌子的一队,然后glassboy出来,轮到我们。 [b]大致是签一个过一个 [b]我是清华化工本科,去U of Florida [b]V:VO, M:Me [b]M: Nice to meet you, sir.(递过我的牌子和收据,还有那一堆表,他把收据退了出来 [b]) [b]V: Nice to meet you. What will you do after your graduation? [b]M: I will come back to China and find a research position in XXX company. [b]On [b]e of my father's friends works there as a senior engineer. I think my PhD [b]in [b] US and Tsinghua background will be my advantages of finding this job. [b]V: Why will you come back to China? [b]M: You know, my specialty is Bioengineering. It aims at finding biological [b]w [b]ay to subsitute traditional way to produce chemical products. Now Beijing [b]is [b] limiting traditional chemical process because of environmental problem and [b]resource problems, so I think in Beijing there is more space for me to use [b]w [b]hat I learn. [b]V: What's your father's job? [b]M: He worked as a chemical engineer. He has retired. [b]V: Retired? What's his salary when he worked?(大意如此) [b]M: About XXX yuan per month. [b]V: Does that company have any PhD there? [b]M: Yes. [b]V: And how about their salary? [b]M: About XXX yuan per month. (当然很高啦,呵呵) [b]V: (沉默,低头看我的材料) [b]M: I think salary is not the most important. I will come back to China [b]becau [b]se there is more space to use what I learn, especially in Beijing. Beijing [b]i [b]s my home [url= town. [b]V:How did you know this school? [b]M: One of the visiting professor got his MS in this school. (被打断) [b]V:!#%@$#%@$? [b]M: Pardon? [b]V: @#@$#% specialty? [b]M: I'm interested in bioengineering. [b]V: @#@$#? [b]M: Pardon? [b]V:@#$@#(大意是,做什么课题) [b]M: ***. [b]V:(做什么东西) [b]M: ***.(只要不是生化武器就行,呵呵) [b]V: How many schools did you apply for? [b]M: 12. [b]V: How many give you admission? [b]M: Two. [b]V: How many give you financial aid?(接得很紧,本来我想自己说的) [b]M: Two. And the other one is Auburn University. [b]V:(点点头,不说话,看我的材料) [b]M: Do you want to see my transcripts? [b]V: No. I don't want to see your transcripts.(在表上写东西) [b](等了一会,就撕黄条了,比较兴奋,连他最后一句都没听清楚,大概是什么window 10 [b]的意思吧) [b]M: Thank you. Have a nice day,Sir! [b]感想和其它: [b]感觉还是挺紧张的,等护照的时候发现I-20在我手里,旁边的几个I-20都被收走了,心 [b]里有点发毛,居然忘记了到底是vo拿去看了又还给我了还是根本就没看。又去2号窗口问 [b]了一下,说不可能不看I-20。让我拿护照时仔细核对一下是不是给的f-1签证。因为记 [b]不清了,所以还是有点担心。拿到护照看了,好像没问题。还是去了2号窗口,让里面的 [b]人核对了一下。虚惊一场。 [b]特别感谢: [b]父母:你们一直支持着我,帮我找一切和签证有关的信息。昨天下午你们一直坐立不安 [b]的等消息... [b]自己的家才是最温暖的。我不会让你们失望的。 [b]gf:害得你昨天一天都坐立不安的,听到手机响都反应特别快。虽然你也许觉得我的飞 [b]跃每成功一步,我离你就更远了些,还是为我祈祷,祈祷我成功。我们一定能在一起的 [b]!相信我们! [b]这里有我的父母,gf,那么多朋友,哪怕只是为了你们,我也要回来,那种温暖的感觉 [b],其它任何地方都体会不到的。 [b]感谢: [b]Frosty:一见面就说看我的样子就像一定会过的。谢谢你,当时我还傻傻的,没反应过 [b]来,没有说“谢谢”。:)你给我的鼓励很重要。不要灰心,你下次一定会有好运的! [b] [b]Sampdoria:谢谢你的指导,陪练和祝福 [b]感谢此前签证的本系xdjm,你们给了我信心。 [b]还有所有祝福我的人。 [b]祝即将1000和2000的xdjm好运!go to window 10!立即咨询


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