您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> SAT成绩2380分备考经验(英文版).
下面是一位考生和大家分享的他的SAT备考经验,这位考生取得了SAT 2380分的成绩,非常不错。我们一起来看看这位考生通过哪些方面的努力拿到这个分数的吧。相信大家经过对其他人的借鉴也可以对自己的备考有更多的理解和改善。
My SAT score breakdown (1 sitting) is M:780, CR: 800, W:800. What I found were extremely helpful in attaining this score (other than some luck) are:
1. Barron&aposs SAT (not the 2400; I used the VERY large one)
do all the practice questions you think are necessary, then work through its practice tests. Make sure you really take the time to understand how to do each problem first (especially the critical reading questions).
2. Barron&aposs SAT Critical Reading workbook, SAT math workbook, and one of its older versions for the Writing SAT II (when writing was still a separate test). The Writing workbook can only be found online, I believe. Check ebay, amazon, or abebooks.
3. The bluebook (Collegeboard). The math & writing questions are pretty much the same no matter what test brand you use; however, the CR is VERY specific, and I find that, other than the Collegeboard book, only Barron&aposs mimics the real SAT CR questions accurately. Albeit, the Barron&aposs CR questions are often harder than the actual ones--but that is dinitely another advantage to using Barron&aposs. It will over-prepare you.
On another note, if you&aposre having trouble with the vocabulary in context questions, rather than rote memorization, I recommend 1, or both, of 2 things:
1. Work through Level E of the Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary workbooks. 60-70% of the vocab you will encounter on the SAT will be covered in this book. There&aposs roughly 20-or so chapters, with 20 words per chapter. One-chapter a day is very doable.
2. Barron&aposs "Hot-List" for SAT vocab words. I offer an anecdote to this success: On the day of my test, I encountered "Heyday" in one of my vocab-in-context questions. I had never seen the word bore in my life other than the night bore, when I was scanning through the Barron&aposs list of frequently-encountered SAT vocab words. I got it right!
(If you purchase the BIG Barron&aposs SAT workbook, the list is included in the grammar section).
For the Essay Portion of the SAT:
1. Make a list of 3 historical examples, 3 literary examples, and 3 current event examples that you think can fit into the context of any argument. For example, Steve Jobs & his success w/Apple as a start-up company can be used as an anecdote for questions asking about: Perseverance, our dinition of "success," heroism, etc.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲