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2017/03/28 09:04:21 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:610 移动端
As I know there are several kinds of check. [b]1. Check if you submit real documents. [b]2. Check you school. The consul may send fax to your school interantional of [b]fice. [b]3. Check your spouse.(F2, H4) [b]4. Your major or job involves sensitive technology. [b]I will post link and an article about the forth category below. [b]There is one thing I need to remind you: [b]The forth category check is sent to Visa Office, Bureau of Consular Affair, [b]the Department of State. Not INS. Bore you enter the US, you never deal wi [b]th INS. [b]If you want help from US senator, you must have a friend in the US. Anyone [b]is OK. No matter he is citizen or not. The website or email are easy to find [b]online. Just search in Yahoo or google or altavista. Write to the senator. [b]Email may do. If you can persude your boss or school officer to contact loca [b]l senator, that is better. [b]Remember give enough information about you when senator is contacted. Like, [b]what you will do in your job, how it is not sensitive. Better send support l [b]etters from your boss, department and international office. [b]Don't complain. Don't be emotional. It can't help. It may worsen the situati [b]on. Remember be cautious when you try to contact congressman. Don't give fal [b]se information.( one of my friends is on the warning list. Can't enter US an [b]ymore. [b]Please see the link: [b]travel.state.gov/reciprocity/Mantis_TAL.htm [b]Please read this article: [b]*************************************************************** [b]DEPARTMENT OF STATE TECHNOLOGY ALERT LIST (TAL)- April 2001 [b](For Use in Issuing Visas for Scientific Study or Research in the US) [b]Please Note: The following instruction sheet is a copy of a cable sent by [b]the US Department of State to US Embassies and Consulates abroad. It is pro [b]vided to assist international students and scholars in understanding US secu [b]rity concerns. Both international students and J-1 and H-1B scholars may no [b]w be subject to a security check when applying for a visa stamp at a US emba [b]ssy or consulate abroad. Security checks may take 20 work days or more. It [b]is important for international students and scholars in scientific fields t [b]o carully review the following list. If your discipline is on the list, i [b]t is important for your academic advisor and/or supervisor to write a detail [b]ed letter about your studies or research and how it does or does not apply t [b]o this list. If your research or studies DO apply to this list, travel shou [b]ld be scheduled to include a potential one month security check. A letter fr [b]om your department, explaining what you do, can be presented when applying f [b]or a visa and may facilitate the speed at which a visa stamp in the passport [b]can be granted at an American Embassy or Consulate Abroad. Please call 784 [b]-6874 for an appointment at the OISS with a scholar advisor if you have any [b]questions or concerns about travel and application for a visa for internatio [b]nal students and scholars whose discipline is on this list. [b]SUMMARY FOR CONSULAR OFFICERS: [b]This cable transmits the technology alert list (TAL) and provides guidance f [b]or its use in cases that may fall under the purview of in a section 212 (sma [b]ll a) (3) (A), which renders inadmissible aliens who there is reason to beli [b]eve are seeking to enter the U.S. to violate U.S. laws prohibiting the expor [b]t of goods, technology or sensitive information from the U.S. While applica [b]nts from any country (including our traditional allies and trading partners) [b], coming to engage in an activity related to one of the "critical fields" on [b]the list may be ineligible under this section, consular officers should pay [b]particular attention to cases involving nationals of countries on the depar [b]tment's list of state sponsors of terrorism or a region subject to non-proli [b]feration controls identified in the published non-proliferation export contr [b]ol regulations. [b]U.S. laws and regulations prohibit the export of certain technologies from t [b]he in a. section 212 (small a) (3) (A) of the INA renders inadmissible alien [b]s who there is reason to believe seek, to enter the U.S. to violate or evade [b]these laws. That means that with sufficient information. The consular offic [b]er has the power to prevent sensitive technology or material which might inc [b]lude nuclear or biotechnical information from falling into the wrong hands. [b]The technology alert list (TAL) was designed to assist you in this fort. [b]STATE DEPARTMENT RATIONALE: [b]Not since the cold war has the transfer of sensitive technology to hostile i [b]ndividuals or regimes been more in the news. The increasing sophistication o [b]f off-the-shelf technology, dual-use technologies (technologies which have b [b]oth civilian and military applications), lack of sufficient information abou [b]t and controls on foreign students here in the U.S. and recent tensions in t [b]he middle east have combined to renew concern among the law enforcement and [b]intelligence communities that U.S. produced goods and information are vulner [b]able to tht. [b]The TAL was originally designed to help maintain technological superiority o [b]ver the Warsaw pact and was targeted at individuals from the Soviet Union an [b]d other communist countries. In 1966, the TAL was revised to broaden its foc [b]us and rlect more accurately current laws restricting or prohibiting the e [b]xport of goods, technologies, technical data and intangible know-how. These [b]laws are designed to further four important security objectives. [b]--stemming the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and missile deli [b]very systems; [b]--restraining the development of destabilizing conventional military capabil [b]ities in certain regions of the world; [b]--preventing the transfer of arms and sensitive dual use items to terrorist [b]states; and [b]--maintaining U.S. advantages in certain militarily critical technologies [b]HOW TO USE THE ALERT LIST: [b]The revised TAL consists of two parts: a "critical fields list" (CFL) of maj [b]or fields of controlled goods and technologies of tech transfer concern, inc [b]luding those subject to export controls for non-proliferation reasons, and t [b]he department's list of designated state sponsors of terrorism. While restri [b]ctions on the export of controlled goods and technologies apply to nationals [b]of all countries, applicants from countries on the list of state sponsors o [b]f terrorism seeking to engage in a commercial exchange or academic pursuit i [b]nvolving one of the critical fields warrant special scrutiny. At first glanc [b]e, the language in the CFL will seem like gibberish. Officers are not expec [b]ted to be versed in all the fields on the list. You should shoot for familia [b]rization and listen for key words or phrases from the list in applicants' an [b]swers to your interview questions. [b]When applying the TAL consular officers should first: [b]--try and determine whether the applicant proposes to engage in one of the s [b]cientific, technical fields listed in tab A. [b]--if the applicant's planned activities raise questions of possible ineligib [b]ility under INA 212 (small a) (3) (A), submit an SAO in the form of visas do [b]nkey. A designator, like the now dunct "comex", is being developed for tec [b]h transfer cases. Until guidance is forwarded to the field, posts should con [b]tinue to use visas donkey.) Please note: an SAO is mandatory in all cases of [b]applicants bearing passports of or employed by states designated as state s [b]ponsors of terrorism (see tab b for list) who seek to engage in a commercial [b]exchange or academic pursuit involving one of the critical fields. [b]--when an SAO is submitted in a 'TAL" case, conoffs [consular officials] sho [b]uld gather and report as much information as possible about the applicant's [b]background, proposed activities, and travel plans. The fectiveness of the [b]name check (and the turnaround time) are directly affected by the completene [b]ss of the information in the SAO. For example: what branch of physics does t [b]he applicant study? Quantum? Nuclear? what is his current position and where [b]does he work? What is the address and phone number of the company (IES) he [b]intends to visit? Who is his point of contact? Who is funding the travel or [b]education? Will he be returning to work in a country which sponsors terroris [b]m or is under sanctions? How does the applicant plan to use the goods or kno [b]wledge acquired? Will he be "exporting" this new knowledge to a hostile nati [b]on? [b]NOTE TO CONSULAR OFFICERS ON "SPLEX", "CHINEX" AND "VIETEX" CASES [b]If an applicant from Russia or China proposes to engage in study or commerce [b]in a field on the tech alert list, conoffs should continue to process them [b]in accordance with existing guidelines, i.e. post-issuance name check cables [b]for Russians (EAGLE SPLEX) and Chinese (EAGLE CHINEX). If, however, you be [b]lieve there is a possibility that an applicant from Russia or China plans to [b]engage in an illegal transfer of technology and may be excludable under (3) [b](a), submit an SAO, using the donkey designator and include the SPLEX and C [b]HINEX designations in the subject line for these cases. Should a Vietnamese [b]applicant subject to VIETEX name check requirements also give rise to tech t [b]ransfer concerns, officers should submit an SAO and include VIETEX in the su [b]bject line. [b]TAB A: CRITICAL FIELDS LIST [b]A. CONVENTIONAL MUNITIONS: technologies associated with warhead and other l [b]arge caliber projectiles, reactive armor and warhead deat systems, fusing [b]and arming systems. [b]B. NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY. BACKGROUND: This section covers technologies associ [b]ated with the production and use of nuclear material for both peacul and m [b]ilitary applications.) included are technologies for enrichment of fissile m [b]aterial, for reprocessing irradiated nuclear fuel to recover produced pluton [b]ium. production of heavy water for moderator material, plutonium and tritium [b]handling, as well as certain associated technologies related to high-energy [b]physics.) includes research and power reactors, breeder and production reac [b]tors, fissile or special nuclear materials, uranium enrichment including gas [b]eous diffusion, centrifuge, aerodynamic, chemical, electromagnetic isotopic [b]fuel reprocessing, plutonium, mixed oxide nuclear research, inertial confine [b]ment fusion (ICF), magnetic confinement fusion, plasma, nuclear fuel fabric [b]ation including mixed oxide (uranium-plutonium) fuels (MOX), heavy water pro [b]duction, tritium production and use, electromagnetic pulse (EMP); hardening [b]technology. [b]C. MISSILE/MISSILE TECHNOLOGY. BACKGROUND: technologies associated with a [b]ir vehicles and unmanned missile systems. the technology needed to develop a [b]satellite launch vehicle is virtually identical to that needed to build a b [b]allistic missile.) technologies include rocket systems, ballistic missiles, [b]space launch vehicles and sounding rockets and unmanned air vehicle systems, [b]missile launchers, launch support equipment and reentry vehicles. [b]D. AIRCRAFT AND MISSILE PROPULSION AND VEHICULAR SYSTEMS: BACKGROUND: the [b]propulsion technologies included are associated with near-earth super and hy [b]personic flight propulsion systems for aircraft and missiles. many of these [b]technologies are dual use.) technologies include liquid and solid rocket pro [b]pulsion systems; missile propulsion and systems integration; individual rock [b]et stages or staging/separation mechanism aerospace thermal and high-perform [b]ance structures, propulsion systems test facilities. [b]E. NAVIGATION AND GUIDANCE CONTROL. BACKGROUND: these capabilities direct [b]ly determine the delivery accuracy and lethality of both unguided and guided [b]weapons. the long-term costs to design, build and apply these technologies [b]have been a limiting proliferation factor.) technologies include those assoc [b]iated with internal navigation systems, tracking and terminal homing devices [b]; accelerometers, vehicle and flight control systems. [b]F. CHEMICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING. BACKGROUND: of specific concer [b]n is the ability to develop, produce, and disseminate toxic chemicals, biolo [b]gical and toxin agents. the technologies that could be applied to produce ch [b]emical and biological agents are used widely by civilian research laboratori [b]es and industry; these technologies are relatively common in many countries. [b]advanced biotechnology has the potential to support biological weapons rese [b]arch.) look for technologies associated with bacteriology (especially pathog [b]enic) mutagens, mycology, neurotoxins, recombinant technology. [b]G. REMOTE IMAGING AND RECONNAISSANCE. BACKGROUND: remote sensing technol [b]ogies are inherently dual-use: technologies can be used for civilian imagery [b]projects or for military reconnaissance forts. drones and remotely pilote [b]d vehicles enhance reconnaissance abilities.) these are technologies associa [b]ted with remote sensing satellites: imagery systems; high resolution cameras [b]and optics; unmanned air vehicles; remotely-piloted vehicles, drones. [b]H. ADVANCED COMPUTER/MICROELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY. BACKGROUND: advance comp [b]uters and software play a usul (but not necessarily critical) role in the [b]development and deployment of missiles and missile systems, and in the devel [b]opment and production of nuclear weapons. advance computer capabilities are [b]also used in over-the-horizon targeting, airborne early warning targeting, e [b]lectronic countermeasures (ECM) processors.) These technologies are associat [b]ed with supercomputing, hybrid computing, speech processing, recognition sys [b]tems; neural networks, data fusion, quantum wells, resonant tunneling; super [b]conductivity; advance optoelectronics, acoustic wave devices, superconductin [b]g electron devices flash discharge type x-ray systems; frequency synthesizer [b]s, microcomputer compensated crystal oscillators. [b]I. MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY. BACKGROUND: The metallic, ceramic and composite [b]materials are primarily related to structural functions in aircraft, spacec [b]raft, missiles, undersea vehicles, and propulsion devices. Polymers provide [b]seals and sealant for containment of identified fluids and lubricants for v [b]arious vehicles and devices. Selected specialty materials provide critical [b]capabilities that exploit electromagnetic absorption, magnetic, or supercond [b]uctivity characteristics.) These Technologies are associated with advance m [b]etals and alloys; non-composite ceramic materials; ceramic, cermet, organic [b]and carbon materials; polymeric materials; synthetic fluids; hot isostatic d [b]ensifications; intermetallic organometals; liquid and solid lubricant; magne [b]tic metals and superconductive conductors. [b]J. INFORMATION SECURITY: Technologies associated with cryptography and cry [b]ptographic systems to ensure secrecy for communications, video, data and rel [b]ated software. [b]K. LASERS AND DIRECTED ENERGY SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY. BACKGROUND: Lasers have [b]critical military applications, including incorporation in guided ordnance [b]such as laser-guided bombs and ranging devices. Directed energy technologie [b]s are used to generate electromagnetic radiation or particle beams and to pr [b]oject that energy on a specific target. Kinetic energy technologies are tho [b]se used to impart a high velocity to a mass and direct it to a target. Dire [b]cted energy and kinetic energy technologies have potential utility in counte [b]ring missiles and other applications.) Look for technologies associated wit [b]h atomic vapor laser isotope separation (AVLIS), molecular laser isotope sep [b]aration (MLIS), high energy lasers (HEL), low energy lasers (LEL), semicondu [b]ctor lasers, free electron lasers; directed energy (DE), kinetic energy (KE) [b], systems, particle beam, beam rider, electromagnetic guns, optoelectronics, [b]optical tracking; high energy density, high-speed pulse generation, pulsed [b]power, hypersonic/hypervelocity, magnetohydrodynamics. [b]L. SENSORS AND SENSOR TECHNOLOGY. BACKGROUND: Sensors provide real-time [b]information and data; the side with superior sensors has a considerable adva [b]ntage. Marine acoustics is critical in anti-submarine warfare; gravity mete [b]rs are essential for missile launch calibration.) Look for technologies asso [b]ciated with marine acoustics, optical sensors, night-vision devices, gravity [b]meters, high speed photographic equipment, magnetometers. [b]M. MARINE TECHNOLOGY. BACKGROUND: Marine technologies are often associate [b]d with submarines and other deep submersible vessels; propulsion systems des [b]igned for undersea use and navigation and quieting systems are associated wi [b]th reducing delectability and enhancing operations survivability.) Look for [b]technologies connected with submarines and submersibles; undersea robots; m [b]arine propulsion systems; signature recognition; acoustic and non-acoustic d [b]etection; acoustic, wake, radar and magnetic signature reduction, magnetohyd [b]rodynamics; stirring engines. [b]N. ROBOTICS: Technologies associated with artificial intelligence, automat [b]ion, computer-controlled machine tools; pattern recognition technologies. [b]TAB B. State Department's List of State Sponsors of Terrorism: Syria, Libya [b], Iraq, Iran, Cuba, North Korea, Sudan [b][b][b][b]今天打电话到领事馆问美国大学已经帮我在ISEAS注册对我check中的F1签证发放 [b]是否有帮助,那小姐没好气地说:“你的申请正在进行行政处理,你是属于高科技 [b]类被check的,跟ISEAS有什么关系呢?”我再问:”那这样还要等多久才有结果呢?“ [b][b]“不知道!什么时候我们电话通知你就什么时候有消息!”“可是我下周一就开学 [b]了,请您……”“你急什么急?去美国又不是你唯一目标,你就按正常生活耐心等啦! [b]” [b]严重FT了!这行政处理高科技类被check的,说白了不就是敏感专业被check吗?满心 [b]以为只要学校及时帮自己在那个新出台的ISEAS注册,通过认证就可以尽快结束这 [b]恶梦般等待的日子了,她竟然说与ISEAS无关!那你到底想要我们这些可怜的学生 [b]怎么样呢?! [b]那些人真是坐着说话不腰痛,换成是要他们花上整个大学一半的时间精力和 [b]父母的血汗钱就为了出国深造这个梦想的实现,能说得那么潇洒吗?是啊美国不是 [b]我唯一的目标,但是现在这样半死不活地被吊着,就是严重影响了我的正常生活! [b]都中秋佳节了,还要把我们弄得那么难过。。。。。。 [b]不忍再看到爸爸妈妈写满担心的眼神,不想再逃避同学朋友们关切的询问, [b]不想再这样毫无结果地等下去了,在家过完这个中秋,就重新收拾求职简历和行装, [b]出发去找工了,三无人员的滋味真不好受的说,呵呵。sign,兜了一圈,没想到就是要 [b]去找回当初那么轻易就放弃掉的东西,天意弄人。 [b]-- [b]虽然偶现在是三无人员(无VISA,无JOB,无BF) [b]拜托,那不构成被check的理由吧? [b]总有一天,我要成为四有新人的! [b]立即咨询


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