


2017/08/06 10:14:52 编辑: 浏览次数:253 移动端

  下面为大家整理的是关于SAT改进句子题目的练习,共四例。SAT改进句子题目要求考生在语法知识和逻辑思维能力两个方面都有所掌握,所以需要大量的练习。下面大家就和澳际小编一起来看看这些题目的详细内容吧。 更多SAT备考资料请点击

  1.Their part of the reconstruction process that followed the Second World War, the nations of Western Europe took steps toward achieving greater political and economic integration.

  (A) Their

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  (B) The

  (C) It was

  (D) As

  (E) On

  2.The well-preserved, 121-million-year-old fossilized bird embryo on display at the museum has several features that suggest that its young could move about and feed themselves very soon after they hatched.

  想要在美国大学申请中突出自己的优势吗,想要知道美国名校的师哥师姐们都是如何申请的吗?让申请牛人为你解密美国留学申请的秘密吧----- 《谁说申请高手没有秘密》

  留学申请的最后一步就是签证了,现在签证高峰期已然来临,为了能够在签证过程中有更加充足的准备,这是一本神奇的工具书----- 《玩转留学签证》让你的留学签证申请更轻松,更容易!

  (A) its

  (B) her

  (C) their(

  D) the species’

  (E) for this species

  3.A Raisin in the Sun won for its author Lorraine Hansberry the distinction of being the first African American to receive the New York Drama Critics’ Circle Award.

  Answer Choices

  (A) of being the first African American to receive

  (B) to be the first African American receiving

  (C) of the first African American to receive

  (D) that she had been the first African American to receive

  (E) that she was to be the first African American having received

  4.When light from a distant source, such as the sun, it strikes a collection of water drops, such as rain, spray, or fog, a rainbow may appear.

  (A) such as the sun, it strikes

  (B) like the sun&aposs, striking

  (C) such as the sun, and striking

  (D) such as the sun, strikes

  (E) like the sun&aposs, strikes


  1.The correct answer is D

  Choice (D) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by using the preposition “As” to indicate what the “steps toward … integration” were a part of.

  2.The correct answer is D

  Choice (D) is correct. It avoids the pronoun rerence error of the original by using the “species’” to indicate the kind of birds (birds of the same species) whose “young could move about … after they hatched.”

  3.The correct answer is A

  Choice (A) is correct. It avoids the errors of the other options by using the idiomatic “distinction of being” to express what the play “won for its author Lorraine Hansberry.”

  4.The correct answer is D

  Choice (D) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by removing the unnecessary pronoun “it.”



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