


2017/03/28 09:03:54 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:200 移动端
PS的结尾也是非常的重要。是画龙点睛还是虎头蛇尾,就看自己的工夫了。 [b]"单薄以明志"这类简单表明自己志向的结尾最为众多,通常都伴随对学校的称赞: [b]例1: [b]I believe that, given the chance, an education from Princeton will provide [b]me with invaluable experiences for my long-term goal of becoming a first- [b]rate researcher in the new millennium. [b] [b]例2: [b]My motivation to succeed is rlected in both my academic standing and my [b]dedication to research. I feel that these attributes, combined with a [b]profound interest in the Biological Sciences, will ensure me success as a [b]graduate student at Duke University. [b] [b]例3: [b]Your mathematical faculty and students own a world-wide recognition. [b]Studying there is undoubtedly the biggest challenge to one's capability. As [b]a student who is willing to dedicate herself to applied mathematical [b]research, I am longing for an opportunity to place myself in such an [b]environment, to dig out all my potential, and to build a bridge leading my [b]thought to the most advanced idea in the world. [b] [b]例4: [b]Overall, I believe that San Jose State can help me achieve my goals by [b]providing the advanced tools and knowledge necessary to focus on [b]environmental problems utilizing an interdisciplinary approach so as to [b]have an overall positive net impact on protecting the environment for [b]generations to come. [b] [b]例5: [b]The work I saw at GSD had that same element of innovation and freshness [b]that I strive for, the one that goes beyond the ordinary path. I want to be [b]an explorer and to face challenges that I can solve with sheer will and [b]creativity. [b] [b]例6 [b]If possible, I would like to focus my future studies and researches on the [b]following areas: metallic materials, microstructure and mechanical [b]properties of materials, phase transformation, processing of materials, and [b]electronic, magnetic or photonic materials. [b] [b]客套话: [b]例7: [b]I hope with my greatest sincereness that my application would be fully [b]considered. [b] [b]例8: [b]With the conviction that I can sufficiently sustain myself through several [b]years of intense and concentrated work and study, I have made the decision [b]to apply for Columbia University and hope your serious consideration. [b] [b]解释自己的弱点 [b]例9: [b]While my GPA may not be as high as some applicants', my academic record [b]shows a consistent positive. I know I have the intelligence, ability, and [b]determ ination to achieve success in dentistry; I only need the [b]opportunity. My research experience combined with my academic background, [b]personal qualities, and leadership abilities makes me well suited to accept [b]the challenges in the field of dentistry. I look forward to an interview [b]and the chance to discuss my qualifications in person. [b] [b]无"结尾" [b]采用分标题写法的,通常可以没有特殊的结尾,自然而终。立即咨询
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