

原创]American University CS/CE

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[原创]American University CS/CE相关专业招生要求,奖学金,网址资料(一) [b]American University URL [b][b]American University CS/CE相关专业招生要求(GPA,G,T,SUB,TSE),奖学金,网址etc.一 [b]览(一) [b]希望大家补充 [b]5.UIUC [b]Last year there were1,400 applications were received for 180 positions, the [b]average grade point average for entering graduate students was 3.6/4.0 and [b]the average general [url= score was 2200 out of 2400. [b]Minimum Requirements [b](GPA) for the last 60 semester-hours (junior and senior years) of [b]undergraduate study must correspond to a "B" or 3.0/4.0 or higher. If an [b]applicant also holds a master degree, the GPA for must also be at least [b]a "B". [b]Most applicants to the MS or PhD program hold a bachelor or master degree [b]in computer science, computer engineering, or a related area with a [b]sufficient computer science component. Applicants to MCS degree must show a [b]minimum background in computer programming, algorithms and data structures, [b]computer organization, and theory of computation. [b]Admission Decisions [b]Graduate student admission and financial aid decisions are administered by [b]the Fellowship, Assistantship, and Admissions (FAA) Committee comprising a [b]number of faculty members and senior graduate students. [b]The FAA committee evaluates each application received by the deadline, [b]based on the applicant academic grades, GRE scores, rerence letters, [b]statement of purpose, and all other relevant information. [b]Applications that are lacking required credentials will not be forwarded to [b]the FAA committee for review until complete. [b]Applicants will be notified of the status regarding the completion of their [b]file via email. No information concerning an applicant? file or admissions [b]decision will be given to telephone or email inquiries. [b]Admission decisions will be announced by November 1 for spring admission [b]and by March 15 for summer and fall admissions. [b]7. University of Texas?Austin 4.4 [b]ECE - Computer engineering 634610 (MSE,PhD) deadline January 2 [b]SEE FINACIAL AID FOR MS AND PHD [b]A grade point average of at least 3.00 in upper-division (junior- and [b]senior-level) coursework and in any graduate work already completed.[url= [b]550 [b]11.University of Wisconsin?Madison 4.1 [b]MS Fall Admission Deadline: 12/31 [b]$45, TOEFL 600,GRE-V600,Q700,TSE GPA3.0/4.0 MAJOR 3.75/4.0,RANK 20% [b]录取率20% of 700, last year [b]TA,RA [b]12. Georgia Institute of Technology 4.0 [b]$50 application fee [b]Each year there are more than 300 applications for about 50 positions in [b]the program [b]MS deadline is March 1 [b]REQUIRED scores (GRE): [b]The General Exam scores should be in the 80 percentile range or higher in [b]all three areas [b]The Computer Science subject exam scores should be in the 75 percentile [b]range or higher. [b]The desirable minimum GPA is 3.0/4.0. [b]The desirable minimum is 600 for the TOEFL, however most candidates should [b]be above this score. [b]Due to budget limitations, it is unlikely that the Master's program will [b]have adequate resources to offer financial aid to more than a few of the [b]top applicants (less than 5%). Aid will be based on qualifications for the [b]program, not need. [b]12 Month total (3 semesters) $ 35682 (好贵) [b]phd的deadline for applying to the Ph.D. program is December 15 [b]14. Brown University (RI) 3.9 [b]The deadline for receipt of applications (including GRE scores and letters [b]of recommendation) for the fall term is January 1. Applicants will be [b]considered after this date, but the late applicant may be at a disadvantage [b]with regard to the awarding of financial support. [b]GRE General (Verbal, Quantitative, Analytical) scores [b]GRE Subject (Computer Science) scores (strongly recommended but not [b]required) [b]Academic Record [b]Rerences [b]TOEFL for applicants whose native language is not English [b]Applicants are urged to express clearly their area or areas of academic and [b]research interest; applicants who do not provide such information are [b]difficult to evaluate for admission. [b]The GPA is not the only criterion. Grades in computer science and related [b]disciplines (e.g., math) count more than grades in other areas.we take into [b]account the fact that at some very competitive schools it is very difficult [b]to achieve a high GPA. [b]A number of University Fellowships, Teaching Assistantships and Research [b]Assistantships are available for Ph.D. candidates. These positions cover [b]the nine-month academic year and include a combination of tuition remission [b]and stipend. Assistantships require a maximum of 20 hours per week teaching [b]or research. In addition, some Research Assistantships cover the summer [b]months [b]last year 7 new students entered our Ph.D. program, selected from a pool of [b]144 applicants, and 16 new students entered the Sc.M. program, selected [b]from a pool of 72 applicants. To increase your chances of admission, you [b]can apply to both the Ph.D. and Sc.M. programs. [b]15.University of California?Los Angeles 3.9 [b]a Chinese student profile [b]BASIC REQUIREMENTS [b]An applicant for admission must hold a bachelor's degree from an accredited [b]college or university and must have the necessary academic preparation to [b]complete graduate level courses in Computer Science and must be able to [b]score competitively on the GRE Subject (Advanced) test in Computer Science [b]or Mathematics. We do not offer a ``conditional'' admission for applicants [b]who need remedial work at the undergraduate level. Such work should be [b]completed bore applying to our program. [b]We expect at least a 3.3 GPA (on a 4.00 scale) in the junior and senior [b]years, and at least 3.5 in any graduate study. These averages are [b]considered the minimum requirements; the actual standard for admission is [b]set by the current pool of applicants, and is generally much higher. [b]GRE scores on both the General (Aptitude) test and the Subject (Advanced) [b]test are required for admission to both the M.S. and Ph.D. programs. If [b]necessary, The (Advanced) test should be taken in Computer Science [b](prerred) or in Mathematics. All students applying for Fall should take [b]the GRE tests no later than December. Applicants for Winter should take the [b]GRE tests no later than October. The test must be taken within the last [b]five (5) years bore the desired date of admission. [b]Students are admitted twice a year to start in the Fall or Winter Quarter. [b]The following deadlines for applications are strictly observed: August 15--- [b]for the following Winter (January) January 15---for the following Fall [b](September). [b]FINANCIAL SUPPORT Only a limited number of fellowships are available for [b]first-year graduate students. These are awarded strictly on merit. [b]Fellowships and Teaching Assistantships are awarded by the Department only [b]once a year for studies beginning in the Fall. All students are eligible to [b]apply for Teaching Assistantships. Research Assistants are selected by [b]individual faculty members who have externally-funded research contracts or [b]grants. [b]17. Rice University (TX) 3.8 [b]Q: What types of financial aid are available for MCS and MS pursuing [b]students? [b]A: No aid is offered for the MCS program, so the applicant must have [b]independent financial support. The MS program offers research [b]assistantships. [b]Q: Can I apply to both the MCS and MS degree programs? [b]A: Yes. However, please be aware that a GRE Subject test in either computer [b]science, math, or engineering is required for all MS/Ph.D applications. [b]Although the subject test is recommended, it is not required for those [b]applying to the MCS program. [b]Typical GRE scores for admitted applicants are in the 90-99th percentile on [b]the quantitative and analytical portions of the GRE for those applying to [b]the Ph.D. program and in the 80-89th percentile for the MCS program. CGPA [b]scores range from 3.5-4.0 based on a 4.0 scale. Minimum TOEFL scores are [b]600 on the paper-based test.There is no minimum score for the GRE subject [b]test [b]Q: Can I submit photocopies of my TOEFL/GRE scores instead of requesting [b]reports? [b]A: Yes. [b]Q: I am a Ph.D applicant, but lack a GRE subject test score. Can I apply as [b]an MS candidate instead? [b]A: The GRE subject test is required for both MS and Ph.D applications. [b]Q: Can the GRE subject test be waived? [b]A: The decision to waive the subject test requirement is at the discretion [b]of the graduate admissions committee. [b]The 2002-2003 tuition for full-time graduate study is $18,500 per year. [b]Required health insurance and other miscellaneous fees are about $450 [b]annually. [b]Q: How much financial support do Ph.D. students usually receive? [b]A: In their first academic year, Ph.D. students in the department normally [b]receive financial support in the form of Rice University fellowships, that [b]carry a stipend of between $2000 and $2222 per month, plus tuition. [b]There are a limited number of "high stipend" awards for exceptional [b]applicants. Applications for the MS/Ph.D program received by the early [b]deadline of December 20 may be considered for a high stipend and a travel [b]award. Applications received by the regular deadline of February 1 may be [b]considered for a regular stipend. [b]18.University of North Carolina?Chapel Hill 3.8 [b]the median credentials for the 45 first-year students who began our program [b]in fall 2002 [b]Quantitative GRE: 94th percentile [b]Verbal GRE: 86th percentile(86th with non-native speakers excluded) [b]Analytical GRE: 94th percentile [b]GPA (undergraduate): 3.8/4.0 [b]Request:: [b]A baccalaureate degree is required, with a grade point average of at least [b]B (3.0/4.0); most entering students have a GPA of more than 3.5. [b]Although GRE Advanced Test scores are not required, applicants are [b]encouraged to take the advanced test in computer science, mathematics, [b]engineering, or physics, as appropriate. [b]We give prerence to applicants who score above 640. The required minimum [b]total score on the paper-based TOEFL exam is 575 with a minimum of 57 in [b]each section [b]Personal Statement [b]Each applicant must submit a short personal statement directly to the [b]department. The statement should include: [b]objectives in pursuing graduate study; [b]identification of fields within computer science in which the applicant has [b]a particular interest; [b]information that is relevant to the applicant's qualifications for graduate [b]study but that has not been included already in the application (e.g. major [b]academic projects, papers presented or published, and non-academic computer [b]experience); [b]an informative title or a bri description of any course listed on the [b]applicant's transcript without a title (or with a vague title such [b]as "Mathematics II"); [b]a list of all courses taken or planned that do not yet appear on a [b]transcript; [b]an e-mail address, if available. [b]Please type the statement, if possible. It should be between a half page [b]and two pages long [b]Financial Support [b]During the academic year, most of our students are supported by [b]assistantships and fellowships. The stipend for research and teaching [b]assistantships for the nine-month academic year 2002-2003 will be $13,880 [b](20 hours a week). Also, at no cost to them, students are covered by a [b]comprehensive major medical insurance program, underwritten by Blue [b]Cross/Blue Shield of North Carolina. Full-time summer employment on a [b]research project is normally available to students who would like to [b]receive support. The rate for summer 2002 will be $700 per week (40 hours) [b]for 10 to 12 weeks. This will produce a combined annual financial package [b]for our graduate assistants of approximately $22,280. … [b]The department provides a $500 educational fund each semester to any [b]student who receives a competitive fellowship not granted by UNC-Chapel [b]Hill. The fund may be used for education-related expenses, including books, [b]journals, travel, computer supplies and accessories, and professional [b]memberships. The department also awards a $1,500 supplement each semester [b]to nonservice fellowship holders who join a research team. [b]To apply for an assistantship, the applicant should check the appropriate [b]item on the admissions application form. Applicants for assistantships are [b]automatically considered for all available fellowships. Students can expect [b]continued support, contingent on satisfactory work performance and academic [b]progress. [b]Students are not assigned to specific research projects or teaching [b]assistant positions immediately upon being admitted to the department. [b]Assignments are made just prior to the start of each semester, after [b]faculty members and students have had an opportunity to meet and to discuss [b]their interests. [b]Students are encouraged to gain professional experience through summer [b]internships with companies in the Research Triangle area or in other parts [b]of the country. [b]19.University of Pennsylvania 3.8 [b]Applicants are not required to take the GRE subject test [b](TOEFL) score of at least 600 [b]The deadline date for applying to the doctoral program (Fall) is December [b]15. The deadline dates for applying to the master's program (Fall)are: U.S. [b]applicants - June 1; Applicants from overseas - May 1. [b]For doctoral candidates, if you note on the application that you wish to be [b]considered for financial aid, you will be evaluated for all available [b]sources of funding. [b]Departmental financial aid is available only for doctoral candidates - [b]there is generally no departmental funding available for master's [b]candidates. There are no RA positions available in the department; only [b]research fellow positions for doctoral candidates. Teaching assistant [b]duties are generally met by PhD candidates participating in a Teaching [b]Practicum. [b]20. Columbia University (NY) 3.7 [b]candidates should provide two letters of recommendation and the results of [b]required standardized exams. The Graduate Record Examination (general) is [b]required for all candidates. Subject GRE test is required for Computer [b]Science. The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is required of [b]all students whose Bachelor's degree was received in a country in which [b]English is not the official and spoken language. [b]Deadlines [b]January 5 if applying to Ph.D. programs and for all applicants requesting [b]financial aid [b]January 15 if reactivating for the Fall term and requesting institutional [b]financial aid [b]February 15 for applicants not requesting financial aid [b]May 15 if reactivating for the Fall [b]October 1 for all applicants to Spring programs [b]October 15 if reactivating for the Spring [b]21.Duke University (NC) 3.7 [b]The Duke University Graduate School is aware that recent improprieties have [b]occurred in China, Taiwan, and Korea that have resulted in the computer [b]based testing (CBT) program for the GRE being suspended in those countries. [b]While we will still accept CBT scores from tests taken prior to October 1, [b]2002, we encourage you to take the paper-based test if at all possible to [b]ensure the legitimacy of your scores. [b]The following values are assigned to letter grades when calculating the [b]UPGA. [b]4.0 = A+, A 2.8 = B- 1.5 = D+ [b]3.8 = A- 2.5 = C+ 1.0 = D [b]3.5 = B+ 2.0 = C 0.8 = D- [b]3.0 = B 1.8 = C- 0.0 = F [b]TOEFL>=550 [b]December 1 - Deadline for postmark and completion of applications eligible [b]to pay the reduced application fee of $65. It is also the recommended [b]deadline, since some departments begin reviewing files and making decisions [b]in early December. Any application postmarked after December 1 must be [b]accompanied by the $75 fee or it will not be processed. The reduced fee [b]applies only to fall applicants [b]Full-time Ph.D. students are provided tuition and stipend support through [b]fellowships, research assistantships, and teaching assistantships. [b]Opportunities for assistantships are occasionally available to Master's [b]students. [b]22.Purdue University?West Lafayette (IN) 3.7 [b]GPA. We expect our entering students to have a grade point average (GPA) [b]equivalent to at least 3.50 (A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1, F = 0) in all [b]their courses as well in computer science and mathematics courses. If the [b]institution does not use an ABC... grading system and does not publish an [b]official algorithm for converting its grades to such a system, then we [b]expect applicants from it to be in the top ten percent of their class. [b]English. International applicants whose native language is not English must [b]demonstrate competence in English. On the Test of English as a Foreign [b]Language (TOEFL), we expect at least 60 on each part of the paper-based [b]test or 25 on each part of the computer-based test. On the Test of Written [b]English (TWE), we expect at least 5.0. [b]All applicants whose native language is not English and who want to be [b]considered for a teaching assistantship should take the Test of Spoken [b]English (TSE) because a score of 50 or better is required for almost all [b]teaching assistantships. Local applicants may be permitted to take Purdue's [b]Oral English Proficiency Test (OEPT) instead. [b]HAVE TOTAL 200 graduate students [b]Financial Support [b]23.University of California?San Diego 3.7 [b]GPA: A minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (this [b]requirement applies to domestic applicants only). [b]GRE scores are valid only if they are no more than five years old. It is [b]also recommended, but not required, that applicants take the Computer [b]Science GRE Subject Test [b]The minimum TOEFL score required for consideration for admission is 550 [b]To addresses outside of the U.S.: September 1, 2002 - December 14, 2002 [b](We do not mail applications to addresses outside the United States after [b]this date, because it has been our experience that this is the latest we [b]can send an application and expect an applicant to successfully submit it [b]bore the deadline in early January.) [b]$60.00 [b]Generally all of our PhD students are offered support for at least the [b]first year, and can expect to have support through their degree if they [b]continue to make adequate progress. Support comes in the form of [b]fellowships, teaching assistantships (TA), or research assistantships (RA). [b]Assistanships are 20-hour/week positions that pay a stipend, tuition and [b]fees, and health insurance. Typically a PhD student will have a fellowship [b]the first year and then be offered a research assistantship in subsequent [b]years by their advisor. [b]Students should also look into applying for extramural fellowships (see our [b]fellowship pages by Bennet Yee), which gives them more flexibility in [b]choosing an advisor, etc. [b]Masters students may also be offered a teaching assistantship upon [b]admission to the program. Research assistantships may also be forthcoming [b]once faculty members become more familiar with a student's work. [b]Many of our Masters students choose to work in local industry (or already [b]do). San Diego is one of the fastest growing high technology areas in the [b]country, and has been named the "Wireless Capital of the World," and [b]the "#1 place to do business in America," by Forbes magazine. [b]25. University of Massachusetts?Amherst 3.6 [b]Q. What are my chances of getting an assistantship (financial aid)? [b]A. It is our policy to provide financial aid (assistantships) to those [b]admitted students requesting it. Stipends come in the form of [b]Research/Teaching Assistantships (12 month or 9 month), For example, [b]stipends for the Academic Year 2001-2002 were $18,200 for 12 month [b]appointments and $13,300 for 9 month appointments. [b]It is also worth mentioning that the cost of living is cheaper in the [b]Pioneer Valley than many other places which makes it easier to live on the [b]level of support we offer. [b]the January 15th deadline [b]emphasis is put on your academic background, letters of recommendation, [b]personal statement, previous achievements, GPA and the GRE scores. We [b]generally receive over 700 applications each year and enroll 30-40 students. [b]Q. Is the GRE subject test required? [b]A. The GRE subject test is strongly encouraged [b]Q. What are the average GRE scores and GPA's of accepted applicants? [b]A. Although standardized tests are by no means the only criteria [b]considered, average GRE scores in all three areas (verbal, quantitative, [b]analytical) within the past 5 years for accepted students have been in the [b]high 600/700's. Average GRE percentiles of students who have been accepted [b]are: [b]Verbal: 84th percentile [b]Quantitative: 93rd percentile [b]Analytical: 93rd percentile [b]GPA's are usually greater than 3.0. [b]26.Yale University (CT) 3.6 [b]27. University of Southern California 3.5 [b]The university requires a minimum undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 [b](on an A equals 4.0 grade scale) and acceptable GRE scores. In the past, an [b]acceptable GRE score has been a minimum combined Quantitative and Verbal [b]GRE score of 1,000. Each department sets its own requirements in addition [b]to these minimum university requirements. Many are more competitive. [b]Admission Requirements [b]Applicants must submit results of the GRE General (aptitude) examination. [b]Applicants to the M.S. must submit three letters of recommendation directly [b]to the department; Ph.D. students must submit four letters. All students [b]must contact the department for additional information and a supplementary [b]departmental application. Address correspondence to Academic Administrator, [b]Earth Sciences. [b]Application Deadlines Spring 2002 deadline-December 1, 2001 Fall 2002 [b]deadline-February 1, 2002 [b]Financial Aid [b]Students wishing to be considered for graduate assistantships or [b]fellowships must apply by February 1, 2002, for the Fall 2002 semester. [b]There is little financial assistance available directly from the Computer [b]Science department to support M.S. studies. Assistantships and fellowships [b]are allocated to students who are working toward Ph.D. degrees. All [b]admitted doctoral candidates are automatically evaluated for eligibility of [b]departmental aid, no application is necessary. All awardees will be [b]contacted by one of our faculty directly [b][b]to be continue... [b]立即咨询
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