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1. 以aunt结尾的单词:
daunt v.使胆怯,使畏缩 (打阿姨)
dauntless adj.勇敢的,无畏的
undaunted adj.不屈不挠的,无畏的
flaunt v.炫耀,张扬 (飞到阿姨面前去炫耀)
gaunt adj.憔悴的,瘦削的 (g看成鬼,阿姨今天象鬼一样,憔悴的)
haunt v.常到,(事情)萦绕心头 (h和阿姨一起到常到的地方去逛街)
haunting adj.不易忘怀的
jaunt v.短程旅游(j接阿姨,因为阿姨短途旅行归来)
jaunty adj.愉快的,满足的
taunt v.嘲笑(联系tease,踢阿姨,当然你不敢了,只能是开个玩笑,甚至嘲笑)
Saunter 漫步 (aunter阿姨们走s形路线,显然是在漫步)
(1)Readers previously__ by the complexity and__ of Joyce’s Ulysses will find Gilbert’s study of the novel a helpful introduction.
(A) charmed, obscurity
(B) rejected, length
(C) inhibited, intelligibility
(D) daunted, allusiveness
(E) enlightened, transparency
(2)Fortunately, she was_ her accomplishments, properly unwilling to _ them bore her friends.
(A) excited by------ parade
(B) immodest about--- discuss
(C) deprecatory about---- flaunt
(D) uncertain of-----concede
(E) unaware of-----conceal
2. 以ash结尾的单词
Abash 使羞愧
Cash 现金
Dash 猛摔
Flash 闪光弹
Gash 伤口
Quash (=quell)镇压
Rash 鲁莽
Lash 鞭笞
Squash 压碎
Mash 捣碎
3. 以light结尾的单词
4. 以rim结尾的单词
Trim 修剪(T象一把剪刀)
Brim边缘 (b看成是边缘)
Grim憔悴的 (g还是看成鬼)
5. 以urnish结尾单词
Burnish 擦亮(burn烧,很光亮)
Furnish 装饰 (furniture)
Tarnish 玷污 (tar 擦,使失去光泽)
Polish 擦亮 (pol刨光)擦亮
6. Complacent 自满的 rapture 狂喜(ecstatic) adept 熟练的
Complaisant 谦逊的 rupture 破裂 adapt 适应
The patient is subject to emotional__: she is utterly ecstatic one minute and thoroughly__ the next.
(A) impoverishment, enervated
(B) upheavals, euphoric
(C) extremes, downcast
(D) deviations, wayward
(E) stability, unresponsive
ecstatic <> downcast 正好对应一对反义词。
7.assent 统一 decent 体面的 indecent(无耻的) canny 谨慎的
ascent 上升 descent 下降(scent上升) cunning 狡猾的
ascetic 禁欲主义 dissent不满的(sent, consent, resentful) uncanny(strange, mysterious)
8.Coarse 粗糙的 cogent 有说服力的 discreet 谨慎的
Hoarse 沙哑的 coagent 合作者 discrete 分离的
(1)chantey 船歌
(2)merchant 商业的
(3)chanting 喊口号,表达自己强烈的情绪
The chanting crowds of angry protestors turned the dedication ceremony of the controversial new building into a ------ rather than a celebration.
(A) colossus
(B) milestone
(C) debacle
(D) consecration
(E) fabrication
Debacle:an event or situation that is a complete failure. 崩溃
(4)enchant= entice, induce 引诱
(5)penchant for= disposition on, tendency to, propensity for 偏好于…
The spotted bowerbird has a__ for amassing the bright shiny objects it needs for decorating its bower: it will enter houses to___ cutlery, coins, thimbles, nails, screws, even car keys.
(A) knack, assess
(B) penchant, pilfer
(C) purpose, dispense
(D) predilection, disturb
(E) remedy, raid
再增加两个谐音词 mercenary(每思拿利) 唯利是图的
Pilfer(剽窃) 剽窃
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲