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13-O-2-1.Architect Toyo Ito strives to design spaces that seem “aqueous,” creating environments wherein objects appear to___B____.
A. fly
B. float
C. shrink
D. smolder
E. collide
解题标志词:逗号+creating (动词ing形式,插入成分)
解析:插入成分的题目前后互为同义重复,creating 前面的内容为“建筑师Toyo Ito努力想设计出看起来如水般的空间”(Architect Toyo Ito strives to design spaces that seem “aqueous,”) 最关键的线索词是aqueous。所以B. 漂浮,悬浮为正确答案。A(飞,起飞)C(收缩,缩水)D(文火闷烧,慢燃;郁积)E(碰撞,冲突)
建筑师Toyo Ito努力想设计出看起来如水般的空间,创造出能让物体看起来漂浮的环境。
Float:to rest on top of a liquid, to be carried along by moving water or air,to cause (something) to rest on top of a liquid : to cause (something) to float
Smolder: to burn slowly without flames but usually with smoke,to feel a strong emotion but keep it hidden,to be felt strongly by someone without being directly shown or expressed
13-O-2-2.Although it is often difficult to ____B___ someone as charming as Hank, his colleagues can no longer overlook his _______.
A. dislike……achievements
B. criticize……indiscretions
C. tolerate……offenses
D. admire……obligations
E. excuse……resolutions
解析:反义重复的转折的题目前后互为反义,HANK有魅力,所以很难批评才对。所以两空全选charming的反向意思,即负评价词。A. (成就)B(批评,不明智之举)C(攻击,冒犯)D(义务,债务)E(决心),正确答案是B。
Tolerate: to express disapproval of (someone or something) : to talk about the problems or faults of (someone or something), to look at and make judgments about (something, such as a piece of writing or a work of art)
Indiscretion: lack of good judgment or care in behavior and especially in speech, lack of discretion,an act or remark that shows a lack of good judgment, an indiscreet act or remark
13-O-2-3.The scrapbooks compiled by artist and historian William Dorsey are so __B_____ that they constitute _______ view of Philadelphia`s African American community between 1873 and 1903.
A. inventive……a constricted
B. extensive……a comprehensive
C. authentic……an imaginative
D. compelling……an inconsequential
E. prosaic……a vibrant
解析:因果关系的题目前后互为同义重复,故两空选择近义词, A(发明的,别出心裁的;收缩的,受限制的)B(广泛的,大量的;综合的,广泛的)C(真实的,可信的;虚构的,富有想象力的)D(引起兴趣的,强制的;不重要的)E(乏味的,平凡的;充满生机的,响亮的)所以B为正确答案。
翻译:剪贴簿是由艺术家兼历史学家William Dorsey编写的,内容如此广泛以至于它们构成了对1873-1903年在加州的美国黑人社区的广泛的看法。
13-O-2-4.Patricia is so ____D___ that she is unable to tolerate others deviating in the least from rules and conventions.
A. importunate
B. facile
C. unshakable
D. punctilious
E. complaisant
解析:因果关系的题目前后互为同义重复,选择同义词,选择“她不能忍受别人哪怕一点偏离规则和惯例的行为”(she is unable to tolerate others deviating in the least from rules and conventions)的同义词,A(强求的,纠缠不休的)B(温和的)C(坚定不移的)D(谨言慎行的,一丝不苟的)E(顺从的,彬彬有礼的),所以正确答案选D。
13-O-2-5.Unlike Colin, whose ___D____ for dramatic presentation captivated his audiences, Nick was not _______ speaker.
A. flair……a temperate
B. contempt……a charismatic
C. penchant……an unskilled
D. faculty……an engaging
E. antipathy……an incisive
Engaging:very attractive or pleasing in a way that holds your attention
解题标志词:unlike 和。。。不同(反义重复的转折)
翻译: Colin有做引人瞩目的演讲吸引观众的能力,和Colin不同,Nick却不是一个吸引人的演讲者。
13-O-2-6.Although Elayne helped to ____C___ the dendant by supporting his alibi, she unwittingly _______ herself with her testimony.
A. chastise……disparaged
B. admonish……entangled
C. exonerate……implicated
D. denounce……incriminated
E. acquit……absolved
13-O-2-7.Stewart O`Nan`s novels are aptly described as ___A____: each is noticeably unlike its predecessors in style, tone, and narrative approach.
A. disparate
B. preeminent
C. strident
D. fulsome
E. prescient
解题标志词:: (同义重复的冒号)
翻译:适合评价Stewart O`Nan`s小说的词汇是与众不同:与先前的作家在风格,语气和叙述方式上都显著的不同。
13-O-2-8.The picture book Red Sings from Treetops ____E___ the changing seasons, with whimsical illustrations that _______ the colors, sounds, and tastes associated with different times of the year.
A. perpetuates……praise
B. provokes……detail
C. celebrates……castigate
D. inaugurates……belie
E. evokes……epitomize
解题标志词:that (同义重复的从句)
解析:主语这本书----变换的季节(the changing seasons),that后要选的动词的主语还是这本书, Changing seasons 和 different times of the year 同意重复,所以动词也应为近义词,故E(唤起,以缩影展示)。其它选项A(保持,使不朽;赞美,赞扬)B(激怒,煽动;详述)C(赞美;严惩,修正)D(举行就职典礼,创新;掩饰,使失望)。
13-O-5-1.Information about Abigail and John Adams is so ___C____ because of the wealth of letters the couple exchanged during John`s frequent absences.
A. vague
B. agreeable
C. abundant
D. problematic
E. objective
解题标志词:because of (同义重复的因果关系)
解析:同义重复的因果关系,连接词because of前后互为同义词,跟the wealth of 大量是同义词,A(模糊的,不明确的)B(和蔼可亲的,令人愉快的)C(丰富的,充裕的)D(有疑问的,不确定的)E(客观的),所以正确答案是C。
翻译:关于Abigail 和 John Adams的信息是如此的丰富,是因为这对夫妻在John长期不在的日子里有大量的书信往来。
13-O-5-2.In her movie Chocolat, filmmaker Claire Denis shuns ___E____ and attempts instead to depict events as realistically as possible.
A. probability
B. clarity
C. repetition
D. elation
E. artificiality
解析:此题动词shun是一个反义标志,instead这个标志词只是用另一种方式同意重复前半句话,“避开不真实即描述真实”故选realistic的反义词artificiality。A. (可能性,几率)B(清楚,明晰)C(重复)D(兴高采烈)E(人工,不真实),所以正确答案是E。
翻译:电影制作者Claire Denis在其电影《浓情巧克力》中避开不真实,而是尽可能真实的描述事件。
13-O-5-3.Although many companies ____A___ the idea of using solar power, the start-up costs are often too high to _______ the conversion from other technologies.
A. applaud……justify
B. reject……predict
C. understand……ignore
D. resist……finance
E. advertise……duplicate
解题标志词:although (反义重复转折)
解析:反义重复转折,前后互为反义,后半句开办费用太高而不能怎么做(too high to )整句话是是负向描述,用although转折,前面是正向词,排除B和D,而E的逻辑不通顺,也可以排除。A(称赞,喝彩;证明正当,替辩护)B(拒绝;预言,预料)C(理解;忽视)D(抵抗,忍耐;融资)E(做广告,使突出;复制)
13-O-5-4.Many linguists believe that the human ability to learn language is ____A___, an essential part of our nature.
A. innate
B. intricate
C. theoretical
D. mysterious
E. fragmented
解析:同义重复插入成分类型,前后是同义重复,后面的插入成分作为解释说明,空格处与是我们天性的必要组成部分(an essential part of our nature)形成同义重复, A. (先天的,固有的)B(复杂的)C(理论的,假设的)D(神秘的)E(片段的,碎片的),所以正确答案是A。
13-O-5-5.Thriving hub though it was, medieval Fustat probably presented a ____E___ kind of appearance; excavations there have revealed dwellings similar to unremarkable structures elsewhere in rural Egypt.
A. commodious
B. labyrinthine
C. vertiginous
D. blighted
E. quotidian
解析:同义重复的分号类型,分号前后是同义重复,presented a _______ kind of appearance(呈现出什么样的外观) 与revealed dwellings similar to unremarkable structures(展示了住处都是没特点的建筑) 同义对应,空格选择unremarkable(普通的) 的同义词,A. (宽敞的,方便的)B(迷宫的,复杂的)C(眩晕的,旋转的)D(枯萎的,摧残的)E(平凡的,每天发生的),所以E是正确答案。
13-O-8-1.The interviews published in the magazine were actually more like ____A___, open and friendly exchanges of ideas and feelings.
B. invitations
C. excursions
D. confrontations
E. translations
解析:同义重复的插入成分,前后是同义重复,找到公开的,友好的观点和感觉的交流(open and friendly exchanges of ideas and feelings)的同义词,A. (对话,交流)B(邀请)C(短途旅行,远足)D(对抗)E(翻译,译文),所以正确答案A。
13-O-8-2.The student`s actions struck many as ___B____, but they were actually intended to _______ a point: they demonstrated the absurdity of the new school policy.
A. purposul……make
B. odd……illustrate
C. peculiar……accept
D. proud……adopt
E. justified……examine
解析:解析:第二个空同意重复they intended to----:they demonstrate...所以第二个空应选demonstrate同义词。学生展示了荒唐(absurdity),那前半句学生的行为肯定被认为是荒唐的,所以第一个空选“古怪的,荒诞的”。A. (有目的的,有决心的;制作,使得)B(奇怪的,古怪的;阐明)C(特殊的,独特的;承认,接受)D(自豪的,得意的;采取,收养)E(合乎情理的;检查,调查),B选项中的展示和阐明是同义词,带入odd,是负向词汇表转折,所以C正确。
13-O-8-3.In the valleys of northern Peru, the arid climate naturally _______ leather, textiles, and other organic materials, allowing scholars to create detailed ___D____ of the Moche society that once flourished there.
A. enhances……prohibitions
B. erodes……impressions
C. endows……portraits
D. preserves……reconstructions
E. depletes……adaptations
A. (提高;禁止)B(腐蚀,侵蚀;印象)C(赋予,捐赠;肖像,画像)D(保护;重建)E(消耗,耗尽;适应)
解题标志词:allowing (同义重复的插入成分)
解析:同义重复的插入成分,插入成分前后同义重复,allow to create选正向词,排除A,B和E,that前后同义重复,曾经繁荣(once flourished there)和创造的是较完整的重建是同义重复,所以正确答案D。
13-O-8-4.The wild and splashy floral print skirt was far too ___E____ for Estela`s taste; she prerred dark and understated clothing.
A. timid
B. severe
C. plentiful
D. meager
E. gaudy
A. (胆小的,羞怯的)B(严峻的,严厉的)C(丰富的,许多的)D(贫乏的,瘦的)E(花哨的,华而不实的)
解题标志词:prerred 更喜欢(反义重复的对比)
解析:空格处和深色的和低调的(dark and understated)是反义词,还可以根据选择狂野的和引人瞩目的(wild and splashy)的同义词,A. (胆小的,羞怯的)B(严峻的,严厉的)C(丰富的,许多的)D(贫乏的,瘦的)E(花哨的,华而不实的,所以E是正确答案。虽然题中有同义重复;的标志但是prerred本身带有弱转折的意味。
13-O-8-5.Menacing clouds and a sudden drop in temperature signaled the onset of ____B___ weather.
A. balmy
B. inhospitable
C. lofty
D. distant
解析:同义重复其他类,前后形成同义重复关系,找到menacing和 sudden drop 的同义词,A(温和的,芳香的)B(恶劣的)C(崇高的)D(遥远的,冷漠的)E(焦的,炎热的),所以B选项正确。
13-O-8-6.Suffrage leader Carrie Chapman Catt was known for ____C___:she avoided controversy, welcomed compromise, and _______ her foes.
A. appeasement……vanquished
B. duplicity……confounded
C. conciliation……placated
D. erudition……mollified
E. magnanimity……subjugated
A. (缓和,平息;征服)B(表里不一;使混乱,混淆)C(安抚,调解;抚慰,使和解)D(博学,学识;使缓和)E(慷慨,宽宏大量;征服,使服从)
解析:同义重复中的:类型,前后是同义重复关系,选择同义词,排除A,D和E,她避免争论,接受和解并且怎样她的敌人(she avoided controversy, welcomed compromise, and _______ her foes),选择正向词所以排除B,正确答案C。
翻译:参政领袖Carrie Chapman Catt 以安抚调解而出名:她避免争论,接受和解并且抚慰她的敌人。
13-O-2-1.Architect Toyo Ito strives to design spaces that seem “aqueous,” creating environments wherein objects appear to___B____.
A. fly
B. float
C. shrink
D. smolder
E. collide
解题标志词:逗号+creating (动词ing形式,插入成分)
解析:插入成分的题目前后互为同义重复,creating 前面的内容为“建筑师Toyo Ito努力想设计出看起来如水般的空间”(Architect Toyo Ito strives to design spaces that seem “aqueous,”) 最关键的线索词是aqueous。所以B. 漂浮,悬浮为正确答案。A(飞,起飞)C(收缩,缩水)D(文火闷烧,慢燃;郁积)E(碰撞,冲突)
建筑师Toyo Ito努力想设计出看起来如水般的空间,创造出能让物体看起来漂浮的环境。
Float:to rest on top of a liquid, to be carried along by moving water or air,to cause (something) to rest on top of a liquid : to cause (something) to float
Smolder: to burn slowly without flames but usually with smoke,to feel a strong emotion but keep it hidden,to be felt strongly by someone without being directly shown or expressed
13-O-2-2.Although it is often difficult to ____B___ someone as charming as Hank, his colleagues can no longer overlook his _______.
A. dislike……achievements
B. criticize……indiscretions
C. tolerate……offenses
D. admire……obligations
E. excuse……resolutions
解析:反义重复的转折的题目前后互为反义,HANK有魅力,所以很难批评才对。所以两空全选charming的反向意思,即负评价词。A. (成就)B(批评,不明智之举)C(攻击,冒犯)D(义务,债务)E(决心),正确答案是B。
Tolerate: to express disapproval of (someone or something) : to talk about the problems or faults of (someone or something), to look at and make judgments about (something, such as a piece of writing or a work of art)
Indiscretion: lack of good judgment or care in behavior and especially in speech, lack of discretion,an act or remark that shows a lack of good judgment, an indiscreet act or remark
13-O-2-3.The scrapbooks compiled by artist and historian William Dorsey are so __B_____ that they constitute _______ view of Philadelphia`s African American community between 1873 and 1903.
A. inventive……a constricted
B. extensive……a comprehensive
C. authentic……an imaginative
D. compelling……an inconsequential
E. prosaic……a vibrant
解析:因果关系的题目前后互为同义重复,故两空选择近义词, A(发明的,别出心裁的;收缩的,受限制的)B(广泛的,大量的;综合的,广泛的)C(真实的,可信的;虚构的,富有想象力的)D(引起兴趣的,强制的;不重要的)E(乏味的,平凡的;充满生机的,响亮的)所以B为正确答案。
翻译:剪贴簿是由艺术家兼历史学家William Dorsey编写的,内容如此广泛以至于它们构成了对1873-1903年在加州的美国黑人社区的广泛的看法。
13-O-2-4.Patricia is so ____D___ that she is unable to tolerate others deviating in the least from rules and conventions.
A. importunate
B. facile
C. unshakable
D. punctilious
E. complaisant
解析:因果关系的题目前后互为同义重复,选择同义词,选择“她不能忍受别人哪怕一点偏离规则和惯例的行为”(she is unable to tolerate others deviating in the least from rules and conventions)的同义词,A(强求的,纠缠不休的)B(温和的)C(坚定不移的)D(谨言慎行的,一丝不苟的)E(顺从的,彬彬有礼的),所以正确答案选D。
13-O-2-5.Unlike Colin, whose ___D____ for dramatic presentation captivated his audiences, Nick was not _______ speaker.
A. flair……a temperate
B. contempt……a charismatic
C. penchant……an unskilled
D. faculty……an engaging
E. antipathy……an incisive
Engaging:very attractive or pleasing in a way that holds your attention
解题标志词:unlike 和。。。不同(反义重复的转折)
翻译: Colin有做引人瞩目的演讲吸引观众的能力,和Colin不同,Nick却不是一个吸引人的演讲者。
阅读全文Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲