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Application Tips

刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:472 移动端
I got it from the website of The University of Texas at Austin [b]Maybe somebody has posted it. [b][b]Applying to graduate school requires some carul thought and organization. [b]These tips should help make the process a smooth one. [b][b]Seek advice from faculty mentors about suitable programs. [b]Check the Web sites of programs in your discipline. [b]examine the faculty research pages. [b]determine if there is broad diversity in the program and adequate overlap [b]with your research interests. [b]Determine which programs suit your aims/expectations. Select 3 - 8 [b]programs. [b]Check deadlines and requirements. Don't delay. Budget your time to compile [b]the following items: [b]transcripts [b][url= tests [b]letters of recommendation [b]electronic application? (Often replaces a paper application) [b]personal statement/essay [b]Contact faculty for letters of recommendation. This is often viewed as the [b]most important aspect of the application. Don't delay in requesting [b]letters. [b]provide updated resume to the faculty who will write the letters [b]provide rerence forms and address labels [b]fill in the rerence form information blocks [b]letters from science-related faculty (or employers) are the most important, [b]not ones from English professors, soccer coaches, and dorm advisers. [b]commentary about your research performance, whether in an academic lab or [b]in an industrial position, is critical. [b]Personal statement/essay: [b]discuss past research experience and future goals. [b]focus on technical talents and science, not arts, crafts, personal issues, [b]and hobbies. [b]address blemishes on academic records in a direct and factual manner. [b]-try to rine the letter for each program. [b]GRE scores: [b]many graduate recruiters view the GRE scores as the least important [b]predictor of success in graduate school. [b]many programs don't require the advanced subject exams. [b]typically the verbal and quantitative scores are evaluated. [b]Typical Time-line [b][b]April - October (of year preceding entrance to graduate school): consult [b]faculty mentors, visit Web sites of graduate programs, take GRE exams [b]October - December: request letters of recommendation, write personal [b]statement/essay, arrange for transcripts to be sent [b]January/early February: deadlines for most graduate programs [b]February/March: acceptances/rejections are issued from graduate programs [b]February/March: visit programs [b]April 15: decision day! [b][b][b]Is Graduate School the Right Path for You? [b][b]Graduate School may be the right path for you IF: [b]you have an unwavering interest in research [b]you have extensive past experience with research: you know the highs, the [b]lows, the successes, and the frustrations that go along with research [b]you are self-motivated and self-disciplined. Graduate school typically [b]brings a fair amount of freedom and independence. Slackers will perish. [b]you know how to manage your time. You need to set and stick to a schedule, [b]you need to approach tasks ficiently, and you must be aware that research [b]rarely follows a 9-to-5 schedule. [b]you already have or are willing to develop good communication and writing [b]skills. [b]you know what areas of scientific research interest you. Graduate school is [b]not the place to wander; it is the place to wonder. [b]you can explain why an advanced degree is necessary for your career path. [b][b][b]__________________ [b]人生自是有情痴,此恨不关风与月。 [b][b]用情成痴未必真,细水长流方永恒。 [b]立即咨询


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