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2017/03/28 09:03:54 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:278 移动端
Additional Score Reports [b][b]Additional score reports (ASRs) can be ordered by mail or [b]through the phone service. [b][b]Mail: Download and complete the Additional Score Report [b]Request Form (in PDF format) or use the form found in the [b]center of the Bulletin. Mail it with the fee to the address [b]on the form. [b][b]The fee is US $13 per score recipient. [b][b]Requests are processed within 10 working days after receipt. [b]Faxed requests will be accepted if paying by credit card [b](American Express, Discover, JCB, MasterCard, or VISA). The [b]fax number is 1-609-771-7906. [b][b]Once a request is mailed or faxed, it cannot be canceled or [b]changed. [b]---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]---- [b]Phone Service for Additional Score Reports [b]Fast! Convenient! [b][b]1-888-GRE SCORE (1-888-473-7267) [b]from U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico [b][b]1-609-771-7290 [b]all other locations [b][b]1-888-473-8333 (TTY) [b]Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week [b][b]This service is available only if you tested on or after [b]October 1, 1997, call from a touch-tone phone, and pay by [b]credit card (American Express, Discover, JCB, MasterCard, or VISA). [b]Score reports will be mailed to you and to your designated [b]institutions approximately 5 working days after your call. [b]You must wait until your scores are initially reported bore [b]you can use this service. [b][b]Institutions that receive score reports on tape or disk are [b]sent reports approximately twice a month. [b][b]There is a US $6 service fee per call and a US $13 fee for [b]each score recipient. To request more than 8 score recipients, [b]please call again [b][b]Requests for "Test Taker Copies Only" or changes in your mailing [b]address cannot be processed through this service. [b][b]Once a request is entered, it cannot be canceled or changed. [b][b]BRING TO THE PHONE: [b][b]Registration Number [b](find it on your admission ticket or score report) [b]or [b]Social Security Number [b]? ? [b]or [b]Confirmation Number [b][b]Test Date Date of Birth [b][b]Month Year Month Day [b][b]The four-digit graduate institution code and four-digit [b]department code (see Code Lists). Enter 0000 if you do not [b]need a department code. [b][b]Report code: G = General scores, S = Subject scores, W = [b]Writing scores. Select all that apply. [b][b]IMPORTANT! To be sure that your request is completed, wait [b]or confirmation bore hanging up. Once information is [b]entered changes cannot be made.立即咨询


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