

SATII化学专题分析 Net Ionic Equations.

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  SAT考试是美国高中生进入美国大学的标准入学考试,包括SAT1和SAT2。SAT2是专项测验,有数学、物理、化学、生物、外语等,大部分为选择题,是可以选科的。今天我们来学习SATII化学专题分析 Net Ionic Equations,希望对大家的复习有所帮助。

  Net ionic equations are equations that show only the soluble, strong electrolytes reacting (these are represented as ions) and omit the spectator ions, which go through the reaction unchanged. When you encounter net ionic equations on the SAT II Chemistry test, you’ll need to remember the following solubility rules, so memorize them! Also keep in mind that net ionic equations, which are the bare bones of the chemical reaction, usually take place in aqueous environments. Here are those solubility rules:

  Most alkali metal compounds and compounds are soluble.

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