

4道SAT2数学练习题(Level 1).

2017/08/06 08:04:25 编辑: 浏览次数:261 移动端

  下面为大家整理的是4道SAT2数学练习题的相关内容,都是Level 1部分的。SAT2数学题的难度不是很大,尤其是Level 1部分,但是也需要大家在备考的时候,多加练习,才能更好的掌握。下面我们来看看详细内容吧。


  1: If f(x) = x and g(x) = √x, x≥ 0, what are the solutions of f(x) = g(x)?

  2: What is the length of the arc AB in the figure below, if O is the center of the circle and triangle OAB is equilateral?

  (a) ¶

  (b) 2 · ¶

  (c) 3 · ¶

  (d) 4 · ¶

  (e) ¶/2

  The radius of the circle is 9.

Answer: OAB equilateral so angleAOB is equal to 60o. The ratio between the AOB angle and 360o is equal to the ratio between the length of the arc AB and the circumference of the circle. 60o/360o = arcAB / (2 ¶ · 9) arcAB = 3 · ¶

  3: What is the probability that someone that throws 2 dice gets a 5 and a 6? Each dice has sides numbered from 1 to 6.

  (a) 1/2

  (b) 1/6

  (c) 1/12

  (d) 1/18

  (e) 1/36

  Answer: The probability to have a (5,6) combination is equal to the probability that dice1 is 5 and dice2 is 6, plus the probability that dice2 is 5 and dice1 is 6. P = 1/6· 1/6 + 1/6· 1/6 = 1/36 + 1/36 = 1/18. (c) is the correct answer.

  4: A cyclist bikes from town A to town B and back to town A in 3 hours. He bikes from A to B at a speed of 15 miles/hour, while his return speed is 10 miles/hour. What is the distance between the 2 towns?

  (a) 18 miles

  (b) 15 miles

  (c) 12 miles

  (d) 10 miles

  (e) 11 miles







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