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  Work as quickly as possible without sacrificing accuracy. Since your score ultimately depends on the number of questions you answer correctly, you will want to answer as many questions as possible within the time limit. On the other hand, since a fraction of a point is subtracted for each wrong answer, you can’t afford to be careless. The practice tests in this book will help you find the right balance between speed and accuracy.

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  Don’t spend too much time on any one item.

  Each question on the test has the same weight. You don’t get any extra credit for a difficult item, so don’t waste time on a question that seems too difficult.

  Skip it! You can come back to it at the end of the test if you have time.

  Educated guessing is always a good idea.

  When your raw score is computed, there is an adjustment for wrong answers, but this adjustment is not intended to be a penalty! The adjustment is designed to make sure that there is no advantage to guessing randomly. Theoretically, if you guessed randomly on every item on a test, your raw score would be zero. (The points subtracted for wrong answers would balance out the lucky guesses.) Therore, random guessing is probably not a good strategy. On the other hand, if you can eliminate even one answer choice on an item, then statistically it is to your advantage to guess. So random guessing is out; educated guessing is in!

  You don’t have to answer every question to do well.

  On an SAT II: Subject Test, you don’t have to get 80 percent or more of the items correct to get an A or a B score. For most of the tests, if your raw score (the number of correct answers minus the adjustment for wrong answers) is equal to 80 percent of the maximum raw score, your scaled score will be in the high 600s or the low 700s. And a raw score equal to 50 percent of the maximum is not an F score, but an average or above-average score. Indeed, on the Math Level IIC test, a raw score of 40 out of a possible 50 is a scaled score of about 780!

  Code your answers in groups.

  You will be given a test booklet containing the problems you are to work on and a separate answer sheet for recording your answers. Recording answers is an extra administrative hassle. Be carul! Make sure you code your responses neatly and completely. Don’t leave any stray marks on your answer sheet. Finally, code your answers in groups. Work a few items without recording your responses. Just circle the correct choice in your test booklet. Then, as you reach the end of a group of problems or are about to turn the page in your test booklet, take out your answer sheet and tend to the clerical task of transferring choices.

  This method of coding in groups is more ficient than entering responses one by one. In addition, it minimizes the danger of your making a mistake in managing your answer sheet. Of course, as time begins to run out, you should code your responses as you finish each item.

  Bring a watch and set it for test time.

  You don’t need a fancy stopwatch to keep track of time on the test. A simple analog watch—one with hands—will be perfect. At the start of the test, just set the minute hand of the watch to “12.” This way you can tell at a glance almost exactly how much time you have lt.

  Familiarize yourself with the directions bore the test.

  No additional time is given during the test to read directions. Therore, it is essential that you know what to expect bore you go in. Practicing the materials in this book will help you in this regard. If you are familiar with the layout of the tests you plan to take bore you take them, a quick glance at the directions will be sufficient.








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