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  dry cell 干电池

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  electric charge 电荷

  electric circuit 电路

  electric corona 电晕

  electric energy 电能

  electric field intensity 电场强度

  electric field line 电场线

  electric field 电场

  electric flux 电通量

  electric leakage 漏电

  electric neutrality 电中性

  electric potential difference 电位差,电势差

  electric potential energy 电位能

  electric potential 电位,电势

  electric power 电功率

  electric quantity 电量

  electrification by friction 摩擦起电

  electrification 起电

  electrified body 带电体

  electrode 电极

  electrolysis 电解

  electrolyte 电解质

  electromagnet 电磁体

  electromagnetic damping 电磁阻尼

  electromagnetic induction 电磁感应

  electromagnetic radiation 电磁辐射

  electromagnetic wave spectrum 电磁波谱

  electromagnetic wave 电磁波

  electromagnetism induction phenomenon 电磁感应现象

  electrometer 静电计

  electromotive force 电动势

  electron beam 电子束

  electron cloud 电子云

  electron microscope 电子显微镜

  electron volt 电子伏特 electroscope 验电器

  electron 电子

  electrostatic equilibrium 静电平衡

  electrostatic induction 静电感应

  electrostatic screening 静电屏蔽

  elementary charge 基本电荷,元电荷

  induced electric field 感应电场

  induction current 感应电流

  induction electromotive force 感应电动势

  induction motor 感应电动机

  ionization 电离

  law of electric charge conservation 电荷守恒定律

  lines of current 电流线

  lines of force of electric field 电力线

  micro detector 灵敏电流计

  momentum of electromagnetic field 电磁场的动量

  motor 电动机

  multimeter 多用[电]表

  induced electric current 感应电流

  negative charge 负电荷

  parallel connection of condensers 电容器的并联

  permittivity of vacuum 真空介电常数

  permittivity 电容率

  photocurrent 光电流

  photoelectric cell 光电管

  photoelectric fect 光电效应

  photoelectron 光电子


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