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  Introduction to the SAT II

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  The SAT II Subject Tests are created and administered by the College Board and the Educational Testing Service (ETS), the two organizations responsible for producing the dreaded SAT I (which most people call the SAT). The SAT II Subject Tests are meant to complement the SAT I. Whereas the SAT I tests your critical thinking skills by asking math and verbal questions, the SAT II Subject Tests examine your knowledge of a particular subject, such as Writing, U.S. History, Physics, or Biology. The SAT I takes three hours; the Subject Tests take only one hour.

  In our opinion, the SAT II Subject Tests are better tests than the SAT I because they cover a dinitive, easily studied topic rather than ambiguous critical thinking skills. However, just because the SAT II Subject Tests do a better job of testing your knowledge of a subject doesn’t mean the tests are necessarily easier or demand less studying. A “better” test isn’t necessarily better for you in terms of how easy it will be.

  The Good

  Because SAT II Subject Tests cover specific topics, you can study for them fectively. If you don’t know a topic in mathematics, such as how to find the slope of a line, you can easily look it up and learn it. The SAT II tests are straightforward: if you know your stuff, you’ll do well.

  Often, the classes you’ve taken in school have already prepared you for the SAT IIs. If you’ve taken two years of algebra and a year of geometry, you’ll have studied the topics covered by the SAT II Math IC. All you need is some rreshing and rocusing, which this book provides.

  In preparing for the Math, History, or Chemistry SAT II tests, you really are learning math, history, and chemistry. In other words, you are gaining valuable, interesting knowledge. If you enjoy learning, you might actually find the process of studying for an SAT II test to be worthwhile and gratifying—few can say the same about studying for the SAT I.

  The Bad

  Because SAT II Subject Tests quiz you on specific knowledge, it is much harder to “beat” or “outsmart” an SAT II test than it is to outsmart the SAT I. For the SAT I, you can use all sorts of tricks or strategies to figure out an answer. There are far fewer strategies to help you on the SAT II. To do well on the SAT II, you can’t just rely on your natural smarts and wits. You need to study.

  Colleges and the SAT II Subject Tests

  We’re guessing you didn’t sign up to take the SAT II just for the sheer pleasure of it. You probably want to get into college, and know that the only reason for taking this test is that colleges want or require you to do so.

  Colleges care about SAT II Subject Tests for two reasons. First, the tests demonstrate your interest, knowledge, and skill in specific subjects. Second, because SAT II tests are standardized, they show how your knowledge of Math (or Biology or U.S. History) measures up to that of high school students nationwide. The grades you get in high school can’t be compared in the same way: some high schools are more difficult than others, and students of equal ability might receive different grades, even in classes with relatively similar curriculum.

  When it comes down to it, colleges like the SAT IIs because the tests make the colleges’ job easier. SAT II tests allow colleges to easily compare you to other applicants, and provide you with an excellent opportunity to shine. If you got a 93% on your Algebra final, and a student at another high school across the country got a 91%, colleges don’t know how to compare the two grades. They don’t know whose class was harder or whose teacher was a tougher grader. But if you get a 720 on the SAT II Math IC, and that other kid gets a 650, colleges will recognize the difference in your scores.


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