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  SAT2科学(Science)部分包括:生态生物学/分子生物学(Biology Ecology/ Molecular) 化学(Chemistry) 物理(Physics)


Biology E/M Interested in the natural world? With the Biology Ecological (Biology E) Subject Test, you can demonstrate your understanding of key concepts such as biological communities, populations and energy flow.
The Biology Molecular (Biology M) Subject Test focuses on micro-level biology concepts including biochemistry, cellular structure, and cellular processes such as respiration and photosynthesis. If you&aposre planning on a pre-med or science major, this is a great way to demonstrate your interest and skills.
Chemistry Mad about matter? The Chemistry Subject Test is your chance to show colleges your understanding of the main principles of chemistry and your ability to use these concepts to solve specific problems. If you plan to major in engineering or a science, taking this test is a good way to showcase your skills.
Physics If the physical sciences move you, try the Physics Subject Test. It measures your knowledge of the basic principles of physics and your ability to use these concepts to solve specific problems. If you&aposre interested in pursuing science, technology, engineering, or math in college, taking this exam may help you stand out in the college admission process.



  历史(History):美国历史(U.S. History) 世界历史(World History)

  数学(Math):数学1(Math Level 1) 数学2(Math Level 2)[注:难度上,SAT数学<数学1<数学2。且有些理工科学校要求申请者提供数学1/2的成绩]


  有听力测试(Language with Listening):中文(Chinese with Listening) 法语(French with Listening) 德语(German with Listening) 日语(Japanese with Listening) 韩语(Korean with Listening) 西班牙语(Spanish with Listening)

  仅笔试(Reading Only):法语(French) 德语(German) 现代希伯来语(Modern Hebrew) 意大利语(Italian) 拉丁语(Latin) 西班牙语(Spanish)

  建议考生选择SAT2数学Level 2(如果学艺术等数学要求不高的专业并且自己数学不好,就选择容易一些的数学Level 1)、物理和化学,因为这三科中国学生相对比较熟悉;生物需要记的专业词汇太多,而且很长,难记,所以不建议;学文科的学生如果英语不错,可以尝试历史,据学生反馈,世界历史反而比美国历史相对容易。



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