


刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:134 移动端



   Secretary of State: Thomas Jferson

  Secretary of Treasury: Alexander Hamilton

   --increase national debt; pay debts at face value; take state debts (assumption) (make Southern states angry, so capital’s in Virginia); excise taxes and tariffs; Bank of United States

  Judiciary Act of 1789: creating Supreme Court that Constitution dined

  Bill of Rights: first ten Amendments, about the rights people can have

  French Revolution: later French in war with Britain and Spain

  Neutrality Proclamation: proclamation by Washington to remain neutral in the war

  Jays’ Treaty: with Britain; okay relationship, but cannot stop Britain’s Indian support

  Pinckney’s Treaty: Spain’s offer from fear of Anglo-American ally

  Whiskey Rebellion: rebel against excise tax on whisky

  Battle of Fallen Timbers: Miami confederacy battle with US and British rused to help Indians

   Treaty of Greenville: Indians cede Ohio with US payments

  Washington’s Farewell Address: everyone two terms; reaffirmed the principle of neutrality


  John Adams (1797-1800)

  --not popular (forthright & honesty)

  XYZ Affair: French diplomat ask for huge bribery; angered Americans

   Convention of 1800: restoring relationship; end war alliance since Revolution war

  Alien and Sedition Acts: send back “troublesome” foreigners; silence the anti-gov words

   Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions: Jferson & Madison’s; “states can ruse unconstitutional laws”


  Thomas Jferson (1800-1808)

  --Revolution of 1800 (Anti-federalists); many labor men get vote

  --reversing Alien & Sedition Acts & Hamilton’s exercise tax & expansion in national debt

  Judiciary Act of 1801: Adams adding “midnight judges” to Supreme Court

  John Marshall (the longest-living Federalist in gov) court:

  Marbury v. Madison: establish the principle of “judicial review”; Supreme Court has the final authority to determine constitutionality

  McCulloch v. Maryland: US Bank constitutional and state cannot tax it

  Cohens v. Virginia: Supreme Court can review state courts’ decision about gov power;

  Gibbons v. Ogden: only Congress regulates interstate commerce;

  Fletcher v. Peck & Dartmouth College v. Woodward: property rights & business independence

  Louisiana Purchase: Napoleon wants focus on Europe

   Louis and Clark Expedition: find water route, friendship with Indians, making maps

  War with Tripoli (1801-1805): against pirates in North Africa

  Burr Treason trial

   --the one impeded by Hamilton in 1800 election and killed Hamilton in a duel; also a Democratic Republican

  Orders in Council & Impressment: British’s law that closes French Seaports & forcing sailors to enlist

    Chesapeake Affair: British navy fire on this American ship; caused Embargo

  Embargo Act (1807): no foreign trade at all; hurt Americans more than British

  West Africa Squadron: British navy attacked slavery trade ships after it abolished slavery in 1807


  James Madison (1808-1816)

  Non-Intercourse Act: repealed Embargo Act, remaining only British and French

   Macon’s Bill No. 2: either Britain or France trade restored if it repeals its attack on American ships

  --Napoleon (falsely) followed, but US must go

  War Hawks: those who want a war with Indians and British, including Henry Clay, John Calhoun

  Battle of Tippecanoe: last try of Iroquois Confederacy, by Tecumseh’s attempt to unite tribes; made Harrison war hero


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